' **************************************************************** ' This is free software licensed under the NUnit license. You ' may obtain a copy of the license as well as information regarding ' copyright ownership at http://nunit.org/?p=license&r=2.4. ' **************************************************************** Option Explicit On Imports System Imports NUnit.Framework Namespace NUnit.Samples Public Class SimpleVBTest Private fValue1 As Integer Private fValue2 As Integer Public Sub New() MyBase.New() End Sub Public Sub Init() fValue1 = 2 fValue2 = 3 End Sub Public Sub Add() Dim result As Double result = fValue1 + fValue2 Assert.AreEqual(6, result) End Sub Public Sub DivideByZero() Dim zero As Integer Dim result As Integer zero = 0 result = 8 / zero End Sub Public Sub TestEquals() Assert.AreEqual(12, 12) Assert.AreEqual(CLng(12), CLng(12)) Assert.AreEqual(12, 13, "Size") Assert.AreEqual(12, 11.99, 0, "Capacity") End Sub Public Sub ExpectAnException() Throw New InvalidCastException() End Sub Public Sub IgnoredTest() ' does not matter what we type the test is not run Throw New ArgumentException() End Sub End Class End Namespace