README,v 1.1 2001/04/02 18:33:46 crodrigu Exp ACE QoS API (AQoSA) =================== This directory contains the implementation for the ACE QoS API (AQoSA). BUILD REQUIREMENTS ================== WIN2K : AQoSA makes use of the GQOS API under Windows 2000. The minimum requirements are: 1. June98 Platform SDK or later. 2. Link with ws2_32.lib More information about GQOS is available from the MSDN website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIX : AQoSA makes use of the RSVP API (RAPI) under UNIX. RAPI can be obtained from: rsvpd.rel4.2a4-1 may require patches in order to compile under current versions of Linux. Contact Craig Rodrigues to obtain these patches. The following lines should be added to your platform_macros.GNU file before building AQoSA: PLATFORM_RAPI_CPPFLAGS += -I[path to RAPI header files] PLATFORM_RAPI_LIBS += -lrsvp PLATFORM_RAPI_LDFLAGS += -L[path to RAPI library files] 1. Compile AQoSA with make rapi=1 More information about RAPI can be found at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST ==== The test for AQoSA is located in $ACE_ROOT/examples/QOS