# This is a listing of the web directories and the builds contained in # them. # The types used are: # - WIN32 - This is the naming style used by Darrell's scripts # where there are 3 files per build and Build_MMDD_HHMM.txt # or Build_MMDD.txt # - UNIX - This is the naming style used by Carlos's scripts, where # they are named Build_MonDD_YYYY.txt or .log # - TIMEONLY - This is new naming scheme which is in the format # YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM.txt [Win32_DLL_Debug] TYPE = TIMEONLY LIST = http://tao.doc.wustl.edu/bugzilla/DLL_Debug/ WEB = http://tao.doc.wustl.edu/bugzilla/cgi/show_log_dir.pl?dll_debug [SunOS_EGCS] TYPE = TIMEONLY LIST = http://ace.cs.wustl.edu/~bugzilla/auto_compile_logs/danzon_SUNOS_EGCS/ WEB = http://ace.cs.wustl.edu/~bugzilla/cgi-bin/show_log_dir.cgi?danzon_SUNOS_EGCS