# # make_flags.bor,v 4.8 2003/11/28 15:10:01 jwillemsen Exp # # Makefile flags for recursive invocations of make # !ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_FLAG = -DDEBUG !endif !ifdef STATIC STATIC_FLAG = -DSTATIC !endif !ifdef PASCAL PASCAL_FLAG = -DPASCAL !if $(BCBVER) != 4 !ifndef FORCE_PASCAL !message !message ------------------------------------------------------------- !message The PASCAL build configuration is *not* required for use with !message Borland C++Builder 5 or 6. !message !message Since both VCL and non-VCL applications share a common run- !message time library (i.e. cc3250mt.dll), you can simply link your !message VCL code with a non-PASCAL build of the ACE+TAO libraries. !message !message If you still really want to build a PASCAL configuration, add !message -DFORCE_PASCAL to your make command. !message ------------------------------------------------------------- !message !error Aborting build !else PASCAL_FLAG = -DPASCAL -DFORCE_PASCAL !endif !endif !endif !ifdef CODEGUARD CODEGUARD_FLAG = -DCODEGUARD !endif !ifdef INSTALL_DIR INSTALL_DIR_FLAG = -DINSTALL_DIR=$(INSTALL_DIR) !endif !ifdef UNICODE UNICODE_FLAG = -DUNICODE !endif !ifdef NO_FULL_PATH NO_FULL_PATH_FLAG = -DNO_FULL_PATH !endif MAKE_FLAGS = $(DEBUG_FLAG) $(STATIC_FLAG) $(PASCAL_FLAG) $(UNICODE_FLAG) \ $(CODEGUARD_FLAG) $(INSTALL_DIR_FLAG) $(NO_FULL_PATH_FLAG)