/*! \page rfc4_geolocate RFC 4: Geolocation Arrays Author: Frank Warmerdam
Contact: warmerdam@pobox.com
Status: Development
\section rfc4_summary Summary It is proposed that GDAL support an additional mechanism for geolocation of imagery based on large arrays of points associating pixels and lines with geolocation coordinates. These arrays would be represented as raster bands themselves. It is common in AVHRR, Envisat, HDF and netCDF data products to distribute geolocation for raw or projected data in this manner, and current approaches to representing this as very large numbers of GCPs, or greatly subsampling the geolocation information to provide more reasonable numbres of GCPs are inadequate for many applications. \section rfc4_metadata Geolocation Domain Metadata Datasets with geolocation information will include the following dataset level metadata items in the "GEOLOCATION" domain to identify the geolocation arrays, and the details of the coordinate system and relationship back to the original pixels and lines. In the common case where two of the bands of a dataset are actually latitude and longitude, and so the geolocation arrays are the same size as the base image, the metadata might look like:
For AVHRR datasets, there are only 11 points, but for every line. So the result for a LAC dataset might look like:
X_DATASET: L1BGCPS:n12gac10bit.l1b
Y_DATASET: L1BGCPS:n12gac10bit.l1b
This assumes the L1B driver is modified to support the special access to GCPs as bands using the L1BGCPS: prefix. \section rfc4_drivers Updating Drivers
  1. HDF4: Client needs mandate immediate incorporation of geolocation array support in the HDF4 driver (specifially for swath products). (complete)
  2. HDF5: Some HDF5 products include geolocation information that should be handled as arrays. No timetable for update.
  3. AVHRR: Has 11 known location per-scanline. These are currently substantially downsampled and returned as GCPs, but this format would be an excellent canidate for treating as geolocation arrays. Planned in near future.
  4. Envisat: Envisat raw products use geolocation information currently subsampled as GCPs, good candidate for upgrade. No timetable for update.
  5. netCDF: NetCDF files can have differently varying maps in x and y directions which could be represented as geolocation arrays when they are irregular. No timetable for update.
  6. OPeNDAP: Can have differently varying maps in x and y directions which could be represented as geolocation arrays when they are irregular. No timetable for update.
\section rfc4_gdalwarp Changes to Warp API and gdalwarp Introduce a new geolocation array based transformation method, following the existing GDALTransformer mechanism. A geolocation array transformer will be created with the following function call. The "char **" array is the list of metadata from the GEOLOCATION metadata domain. void *GDALCreateGeoLocTransformer( GDALDatasetH hBaseDS, char **papszGeolocationInfo, int bReversed ); This transformer is currently partially implemented, but in a manner that potentially uses a great deal of memory (twice the memory needed for the geolocation arrays), and with still dubious correctness, but once approved this will be fixup up to at least be correct, though likely not efficient for the time being. The GDALGenImgProjTransformer will be upgraded to instantiate the GeoLoc transformer (instead of an affine, gcp, or rpc transformer) if only geolocation information is available (done). However, the current GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer() function does not provide a mechanism to select which transformation mechanism is used. So, for instance, if an affine transform is available it will be used in preference to geolocation data. If bGCPUseOK is TRUE, gcps will be used in preference to geolocation data. The gdalwarp program currently always sets bGCPUseOK to TRUE so there is no means for gdalwarp users select use of geolocation data in preference to gcps. Some modification to gdalwarp may be needed in the future in this regard. \section gdal_tr Preserving Geolocation Through Translation How do we preserve access to geolocation information when translating a dataset? Do applications like gdal_translate need special handling? Placement of the geolocation data in a special metadata domain means it won't be transferred in default translations. */