.. $Id: README.txt,v 1.1 2004/07/25 23:45:47 sgillies Exp $ SWIG generated GEOS module ========================== :Author: Sean Gillies :Contact: sgillies@frii.com Manifest -------- The main interface file is geos.i. Makefiles and specific instructions for target languages will be found in directories named for the target language. Currently Python is the only language supported. Contributions are welcome, but the author (Sean) has no plans to write Makefiles for other languages. Generating Module Source ------------------------ Change directory to the target language directory, and note that the following build instructions may be superceded by instructions in any language specific README.txt or INSTALL.txt file. To generate the module wrapper source, run swig substituting your target language for TARGET_LANG :: $ swig -c++ -TARGET_LANG -o geos_wrap.cxx ../geos.i You should use a very recent SWIG release, 1.3.20+. The result will be a pair of files: one geos module file for the target language (geos.py in the Python case), and a geos_wrap.cxx file, the source for the _geos shared library. Installation ------------ See the SWIG documentation http://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/SWIGPlus.html#n5 for guidance on building the _geos shared library for any language. Python users should read python/INSTALL.txt and use the python/setup.py distutils script. Usage ----- The module generated by SWIG will have an API very much like the C++ API, but with a flattened namespace.