--TEST-- Test fgetc() function : usage variations - read when file pointer at EOF --FILE-- --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing fgetc() : usage variations *** -- Testing fgetc() with file whose file pointer is pointing to EOF -- -- File opened in mode : r -- int(0) bool(false) int(1024) bool(false) bool(true) int(1024) -- File opened in mode : rb -- int(0) bool(false) int(1024) bool(false) bool(true) int(1024) -- File opened in mode : rt -- int(0) bool(false) int(1024) bool(false) bool(true) int(1024) -- File opened in mode : r+ -- int(0) bool(false) int(1024) bool(false) bool(true) int(1024) -- File opened in mode : r+b -- int(0) bool(false) int(1024) bool(false) bool(true) int(1024) -- File opened in mode : r+t -- int(0) bool(false) int(1024) bool(false) bool(true) int(1024) Done