/*- * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 * Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. * * $Id: second.javas,v 10.5 2006/08/24 16:32:26 bostic Exp $ */ package db; import com.sleepycat.db.*; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; class SecondaryExample { private static final String progname = "SecondaryExample"; private static final String DATABASE_HOME = "TESTDIR"; public static void main(String[] args) { try { SecondaryExample app = new SecondaryExample(); app.run(); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println(progname + ": " + e); e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(1); } } void run() throws DbException, FileNotFoundException { DbEnv dbenv = new DbEnv(0); /* Open the environment. */ dbenv.open(DATABASE_HOME, Db.DB_CREATE | Db.DB_INIT_LOCK | Db.DB_INIT_LOG | Db.DB_INIT_MPOOL | Db.DB_INIT_TXN, 0); try { run_app(dbenv); } finally { dbenv.close(0); } } private void run_app(DbEnv dbenv) throws DbException, FileNotFoundException { Db dbp, sdbp; Dbt key, pkey, skey, data; StudentRecord srec; /* Open/create primary */ dbp = new Db(dbenv, 0); dbp.open(null, "students.db", null, Db.DB_BTREE, Db.DB_CREATE, 0600); /* * Open/create secondary. Note that it supports duplicate data * items, since last names might not be unique. */ sdbp = new Db(dbenv, 0); sdbp.set_flags(Db.DB_DUP | Db.DB_DUPSORT); sdbp.open(null, "lastname.db", null, Db.DB_BTREE, Db.DB_CREATE, 0600); try { /* Associate the secondary with the primary. */ dbp.associate(sdbp, new GetName(), 0); /* Add a new record */ key = new Dbt(); key.set_data("WC42".getBytes()); key.set_size(4); srec = new StudentRecord(); srec.student_id = "WC42"; srec.last_name = "Churchill "; srec.first_name = "Winston "; data = new Dbt(); srec.encode(data); System.out.println("Adding a record with primary key " + new String(key.get_data()) + " and secondary key " + srec.last_name); dbp.put(null, key, data, 0); /* Now do a lookup */ skey = new Dbt(); pkey = new Dbt(); data = new Dbt(); skey.set_data("Churchill ".getBytes()); skey.set_size(15); System.out.println("Searching with secondary key " + new String(skey.get_data())); sdbp.pget(null, skey, pkey, data, 0); System.out.println("Found a record with primary key " + new String(pkey.get_data())); } finally { dbp.close(0); sdbp.close(0); } } /* * getname -- extracts a secondary key (the last name) from a primary * key/data pair */ class GetName implements DbSecondaryKeyCreate { public int secondary_key_create(Db secondary, Dbt pkey, Dbt pdata, Dbt skey) { StudentRecord srec = new StudentRecord(); srec.decode(pdata); // Make a fixed-length array of last_name byte[] last_name_data = srec.last_name.getBytes(); byte[] last_name_raw = new byte[15]; System.arraycopy(last_name_data, 0, last_name_raw, 0, last_name_data.length); skey.set_data(last_name_raw); skey.set_size(last_name_raw.length); return (0); } } class StudentRecord { String student_id; // assumed to be 4 bytes long String last_name; // assumed to be 15 bytes long String first_name; // assumed to be 15 bytes long void decode(Dbt dbt) { byte[] data = dbt.get_data(); student_id = new String(data, 0, 4); last_name = new String(data, 4, 15); first_name = new String(data, 19, 15); } void encode(Dbt dbt) { byte[] data = new byte[34]; System.arraycopy(student_id.getBytes(), 0, data, 0, 4); byte[] last_name_raw = last_name.getBytes(); System.arraycopy(last_name_raw, 0, data, 4, last_name_raw.length); byte[] first_name_raw = first_name.getBytes(); System.arraycopy(first_name_raw, 0, data, 19, first_name_raw.length); dbt.set_data(data); dbt.set_size(data.length); } } }