

#include <DbXml.hpp>

void XmlContainer::addIndex( const std::string &uri, const std::string &name, const std::string &index, XmlUpdateContext &context)

XmlContainer::addIndex( XmlTransaction &txn, const std::string &uri, const std::string &name, const std::string &index, XmlUpdateContext &context)

XmlContainer::addIndex( const std::string &uri, const std::string &name, XmlIndexSpecification::Type type, XmlValue::Type syntax, XmlUpdateContext &context)

XmlContainer::addIndex( XmlTransaction &txn, const std::string &uri, const std::string &name, XmlIndexSpecification::Type type, XmlValue::Type syntax, XmlUpdateContext &context)

Description: XmlContainer::addIndex

Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node. These method are for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification::addIndex for more information.

Description: XmlContainer::addIndex(XmlTransaction &txn, const std::string &uri, const std::string &name, const std::string &index, XmlUpdateContext &context)

Identifies one or more indexing strategies to set for the identified node. The strategies are identified as a space-separated listing of strings.


If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager::createTransaction.
The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. The strings must contain the following information in the following order:
unique-{path type}-{node type}-{key type}-{syntax}


unique indicates that the indexed value is unique in the container. If this keyword does not appear on the index string, then the indexed value is not required to be unique in the container.

{path type} is either node or edge.

{node type} is one of element, attribute, or metadata. If metadata is specified, then {path type} must be node.

{key type} is one of presence, equality, or substring.

{syntax} identifies the type of information being indexed. It must be one of the following values:

  • none
  • base64Binary
  • boolean
  • date
  • dateTime
  • dayTimeDuration
  • decimal
  • double
  • duration
  • float
  • gDay
  • gMonth
  • gMonthDay
  • gYear
  • gYearMonth
  • hexBinary
  • string
  • time
  • yearMonthDuration
  • untypedAtomic

Note that if {key type} is presence, then {syntax} must be none or simply not specified.

For example, examples index strings are:

The update context to use for the index insertion.


The XmlContainer::addIndex method may fail and throw XmlException, encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors:

An error occurred in an underlying Berkeley DB database. The XmlException::getDbErrno method will return the error code for the error.
Unknown index specification

Description: XmlContainer::addIndex(XmlTransaction &txn, const std::string &uri, const std::string &name, XmlIndexSpecification::Type type, XmlValue::Type syntax, XmlUpdateContext &context)

Identifies an indexing strategy to set for the identified node. The strategy is set using enumeration values for the index and the syntax.


If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager::createTransaction.
The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
A series of XmlIndexSpecification::Type values bitwise OR'd together to form the index strategy.

To indicate whether the indexed value must be unique container-wide, use one of the following, or leave the value out entirely:

  • XmlIndexSpecification::UNIQUE_OFF
  • XmlIndexSpecification::UNIQUE_ON

To identify the path type, use one of the following:

  • XmlIndexSpecification::PATH_NODE
  • XmlIndexSpecification::PATH_EDGE

To identify the node type, use one of the following:

  • XmlIndexSpecification::NODE_ELEMENT
  • XmlIndexSpecification::NODE_ATTRIBUTE
  • XmlIndexSpecification::NODE_METADATA

Note that if XmlIndexSpecification::NODE_METADATA is used, then XmlIndexSpecification::PATH_NODE must also be used as well.

To identify the key type, use one of the following:

  • XmlIndexSpecification::KEY_PRESENCE
  • XmlIndexSpecification::KEY_EQUALITY
  • XmlIndexSpecification::KEY_SUBSTRING

For example:

XmlIndexSpecification::PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification::NODE_ELEMENT | XmlIndexSpecification::KEY_SUBSTRING

Identifies the type of information being indexed. The value must be one of the XmlValue enumerated types:

  • XmlValue::NONE
  • XmlValue::ANY_URI
  • XmlValue::BASE_64_BINARY
  • XmlValue::BOOLEAN
  • XmlValue::DATE
  • XmlValue::DATE_TIME
  • XmlValue::DECIMAL
  • XmlValue::DOUBLE
  • XmlValue::DURATION
  • XmlValue::FLOAT
  • XmlValue::G_DAY
  • XmlValue::G_MONTH
  • XmlValue::G_MONTH_DAY
  • XmlValue::G_YEAR
  • XmlValue::G_YEAR_MONTH
  • XmlValue::HEX_BINARY
  • XmlValue::NOTATION
  • XmlValue::QNAME
  • XmlValue::STRING
  • XmlValue::TIME
  • XmlValue::BINARY

Note that if XmlIndexSpecification::KEY_PRESENCE is specified for type, then this parameter must be XmlValue::NONE.

The update context to use for the index insertion.


The XmlContainer::addIndex method may fail and throw XmlException, encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors:

An error occurred in an underlying Berkeley DB database. The XmlException::getDbErrno method will return the error code for the error.
Unknown index specification


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