

#include <DbXml.hpp>

void XmlModify::addAppendStep(const XmlQueryExpression &selectionExpr, XmlObject type, const std::string &name, const std::string &content, int location = -1)

void XmlModify::addAppendStep(const XmlQueryExpression &selectionExpr, XmlObject type, const std::string &name, XmlResults &content, int location = -1)

Description: XmlModify::addAppendStep

Appends the provided data to the selected node's child nodes. If the operation's target is an attribute node or the document root node, an exception is thrown at modification execution time.

If the content to be added is an attribute, the content is added to the targeted node's attribute list. If the content to add is an element node, text, comment, or processing instruction, it is added immediately after the targeted node's last child node, unless the location parameter is specified.

Documents resulting from this modification must be well-formed XML or an exception is thrown at modification execution time, if the documents affected are written back to their respective containers.


Provides the XQuery expression used to target the location in the document where the modification is to be performed. Use XmlManager::prepare to create the XmlQueryExpression. The query that you provide must target zero or more nodes, or an exception is thrown. If zero nodes are selected, no modifications are performed when XmlModify::execute is called.
Identifies the type of information to be inserted. The value provided here determines whether the name or content parameter is required. Valid values are:
The information to be inserted is an element node. The name parameter is optional. If set, it represents the element's name, and is used as a parent element to the content. If name is empty, the content must be set, and is used as the new content. In this case, the content must be well-formed XML.
The information to be inserted is an attribute node. The name parameter is required, and it represents the attribute's name. If the content parameter is specified, then it contains the attribute's value.
The information to be inserted is a text node. The content parameter is required. The name parameter is ignored.
The information to be inserted is a PI node. The name and content parameters are required. The name is the processing instruction's name, and the content contains the processing instruction's arguments.
The information to be inserted is a comment node. The content parameter is required, and it contains the comment to be inserted. The name parameter is ignored.
The name of the node, attribute, or processing instruction to insert. This parameter is ignored if type is XmlModify::Text or XmlModify::Comment.
The content to insert. See the type parameter description for an explanation of what this parameter is meant to contain for each of the content types.
Identifies the position in the child node list where the provided content is to be inserted. For example, if location is 3, and the target element has at least 3 child nodes, the new content will become the 3rd child of the target node. If this parameter is a negative number, or if this parameter contains a value that is larger than the number of child nodes, then the new node will be the last child node.


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