Berkeley DB XML Reference Guide:
Upgrading Berkeley DB XML Applications


Upgrading Berkeley DB XML Applications to 2.2

The database format has changed in Berkeley DB XML release 2.2 and existing containers created in a 2.0- or 2.1-based application must be upgraded. 2.1-based applications do not need to be recompiled in order to work with Berkeley DB XML release 2.2.

Upgrading 2.0- or 2.1-based Containers

It is possible to upgrade containers created with either 2.0 or 2.1. It is not possible to upgrade containers created with a 1.x release of BDB XML. Containers can be upgraded in one of two ways. Using the dbxml shell facility, or using the XmlManager::upgradeContainer method. The shell program method is simpler.

Once the installation is built, these steps can be used to perform the upgrade:

  1. Important: Make a backup copy of your container.

  2. Assuming the dbxml program is in your PATH, type dbxml.

  3. dbxml> upgradeContainer <pathToContainer>

  4. dbxml> quit

The upgrade may take a few minutes, depending on the size of your container. You can check to see if the upgrade was successful by opening the container with the openContainer sub-command in dbxml.

Change in dbxml shell default container type

In 2.2 the default container type created by the dbxml shell program is XmlContainer::NodeContainer, with nodes indexed. Previously, the default was XmlContainer::WholedocContainer. There is no effect on existing containers. The only possible effect is on a script that depends on the default container type created, in which case the script should be changed to use an explicit type of "d." E.g.

dbxml> createContainer <pathToContainer> d


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