Berkeley DB XML Reference Guide:
Building Berkeley DB XML for UNIX/POSIX systems



  1. I can't build or run Berkeley DB XML on HP-UX using the native compiler, aCC.

    Some specific flags are required in order to compile and link smoothly on HP-UX. In addition, the default make on HP-UX is not GNU make, so it's necessary to install GNU make. Using this command will work on HP-UX:

    sh -m <path_to_gnu_make> -x aCC -c cc
      --with-xerces-conf="-l -lstd_v2 -l -lCsup_v2 -l -lm"

    It is safest if you set your CXXFLAGS environment variable to include "-AA" before building. This ensures that the flag is properly passed to the Xerces-C environment. E.g. (shell):

    $ CXXFLAGS="-AA"
    $ export CXXFLAGS
    $ sh ... (see above)

    The error you may see if the -AA flag is not properly set during compilation is the following:

    /usr/lib/ Unresolved symbol: typeid__XT9exception_ (data)  from /home/db/dbxml-2.2.7/install/lib/

    The -lCsup_v2 in the command may not be necessary. It is probably required if you are using a scripting API that dynamically loads the BDB XML libraries, such as Tcl.


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