XQillaAllocator< _Tp > Member List

This is the complete list of members for XQillaAllocator< _Tp >, including all inherited members.

_memMgrXQillaAllocator< _Tp > [protected]
_singletonXQillaAllocator< _Tp > [protected]
allocate(size_t _n, const void *=0)XQillaAllocator< _Tp > [inline]
const_pointer typedefXQillaAllocator< _Tp >
const_reference typedefXQillaAllocator< _Tp >
construct(pointer _p, const_reference _v)XQillaAllocator< _Tp > [inline]
deallocate(void *_p, size_t _n)XQillaAllocator< _Tp > [inline]
destroy(pointer _p)XQillaAllocator< _Tp > [inline]
difference_type typedefXQillaAllocator< _Tp >
max_size() const XQillaAllocator< _Tp > [inline]
max_size(size_type) const XQillaAllocator< _Tp > [inline]
pointer typedefXQillaAllocator< _Tp >
reference typedefXQillaAllocator< _Tp >
size_type typedefXQillaAllocator< _Tp >
value_type typedefXQillaAllocator< _Tp >
XQillaAllocator()XQillaAllocator< _Tp > [inline]
XQillaAllocator(xercesc::MemoryManager *memMgr)XQillaAllocator< _Tp > [inline]
XQillaAllocator(const XQillaAllocator< _Tp > &o)XQillaAllocator< _Tp > [inline]

Generated on Fri Jan 19 15:30:57 2007 for XQilla Simple API by  doxygen 1.4.6