This directory contains unit tests for the Java APIs that are common the BDB and BDB JE products: the bind, collections, persist (DPL) and util packages. These tests are run using Apache Ant and JUnit. External software requirements: Java 1.5 or later. The Sun JDK is normally used, but any compatible JVM should work. Apache Ant 7.0 or later. JUnit 3.8.1 or 3.8.2 (later versions do not currently work) The bin directories of both Java and Ant must be in your executable path. The junit.jar file must be available to Ant. The simplest way to do this is to copy the junit.jar file into your Ant's lib directory. There are two configuration settings for specifying the DB release to be tested: The release binaries must be in your system library path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Unix). The Java property db.jar is specified to override the default location, which is the build_unix/db.jar file in this release directory. The following ant commands should be executed from this directory: # To perform a clean build of the tests ant clean build # To build (if needed) and run the tests ant test # To test the examples ant examples For example, here are commands to build and test in a local db directory. cd ~/db/test/scr024 ant clean build ant test Several output directories are creating when building and testing. These can be deleted with: ant clean