--TEST-- Bug #48754 (mysql_close() crash php when no handle specified) --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- Explicit connection on close Expect same thread id for $link and default conn: bool(true) resource(%d) of type (mysql link) resource(%d) of type (Unknown) Warning: mysql_close(): no MySQL-Link resource supplied in %s on line %d Closing default link Expect same thread id for $link and default conn but not the previous: bool(true) resource(%d) of type (mysql link) resource(%d) of type (mysql link) resource(%d) of type (Unknown) Explicit resource and pconnect resource(%d) of type (mysql link persistent) resource(%d) of type (Unknown) Warning: mysql_close(): no MySQL-Link resource supplied in %s on line %d Default link and pconnect resource(%d) of type (mysql link persistent) resource(%d) of type (mysql link persistent) resource(%d) of type (Unknown)