name, $b->name ); return $temp; } function name_cmp_d( $a, $b ) { $temp = strnatcasecmp( $b->name, $a->name ); return $temp; } function SortTable( &$table, $sortColumn, $sortDirection ) { if ( $sortColumn == NULL || $sortDirection == NULL ) return; // uasort and uksort are used here because tables are associative arrays and these two sort functions will maintain // the key for each item in the list. if ( $sortDirection === ASCENDING_SORT_DIRECTION ) if ( $sortColumn === NAME_SORT_COLUMN ) uasort( $table, 'name_cmp_a'); else uksort ( $table, 'key_cmp_a' ); else if ( $sortColumn === NAME_SORT_COLUMN ) uasort( $table, 'name_cmp_d' ); else uksort ( $table, 'key_cmp_d' ); } function GetClientIp() { $clientIp = ''; if (array_key_exists('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', $_SERVER) && strcasecmp($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'], 'unknown') != 0) { $clientIp = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else if (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER) && strcasecmp($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], 'unknown') != 0) { $clientIp = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else if (array_key_exists('REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER)) { $clientIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $clientIp; } function GetClientAgent() { return "Map Admin"; } ////// Users ////// // User Table record type class UserTableRecord { var $name; var $description; var $groups; function __construct( $name, $description ) { $this->name = $name; $this->description = $description; $this->groups = array(); } } // User data is unicode data - use the appropriate parser function userRecParser( $text ) { global $currKey; $currKey = ""; // Process current element $name = getUnicodeValue( 'Name', $text ); if ( empty( $name ) ) return NULL; $fullName = getUnicodeValue( 'FullName', $text ); $description = getUnicodeValue( 'Description', $text ); $currKey = $name; return new UserTableRecord( $fullName, $description ); } // Function which gets user data function GetUserDataFromDB( $targetGroup, $targetRole, &$targetTable ) { global $site; global $userSortColumn; global $userSortDirection; // Call server to get comprehensive list of users. $targetTable = array(); $users = $site->EnumerateUsers( $targetGroup, $targetRole, false ); $buffer = ""; $chunk = ""; do { $chunkSize = $users->Read( $chunk, 4096 ); $buffer = $buffer.$chunk; } while ( $chunkSize != 0 ); // Parse XML in $buffer parseUnicodeData( $buffer, $targetTable, 'User', 'userRecParser' ); SortTable( $targetTable, $userSortColumn, $userSortDirection ); } $userSortDirection = DEFAULT_SORT_DIRECTION; function SetUserSortDirection( $sortDirection ) { global $userSortDirection; $userSortDirection = $sortDirection; } $userSortColumm = NAME_SORT_COLUMN; function SetUserSortColumn( $sortColumn ) { global $userSortColumn; $userSortColumn = $sortColumn; } $userData = NULL; function GetUserData() { global $userData; if ( $userData == NULL ) GetUserDataFromDB( "", "", $userData ); return $userData; } function GetUsers() { $users = GetUserData(); return array_keys( $users ); } function DeleteUser( $userID ) { global $site; global $userData; // Validate $users = GetUserData(); if ( empty( $userID ) || !array_key_exists( $userID, $users ) ) return false; // Delete the user. $userToDelete = new MgStringCollection(); $userToDelete->Add( $userID ); $site->DeleteUsers( $userToDelete ); // Update local userData array // Note that this is done rather than calling EnumerateUsers, again, because EnumerateUsers may take some time // to execute. $oldUserData = array(); CopyArray( $userData, $oldUserData ); $userData = array(); foreach ( $oldUserData as $key => $val ) { if ( $key != $userID ) $userData[ $key ] = $val; } return true; } function LoadUserTable( &$targetTable, $firstIndex, $lastIndex, $includeGroups ) { $targetTable = array(); $users = GetUserData(); $iUser = -1; foreach ( $users as $key => $val ) { $iUser++; if ( $iUser < $firstIndex ) continue; if ( $iUser > $lastIndex ) break; $targetTable[ $key ] = $val; if ( $includeGroups ) $val->groups = GetGroupMemberships( $key ); } } function GetDataForUser( $userKey, $includeGroups ) { $users = GetUserData(); if ( !array_key_exists( $userKey, $users ) ) return NULL; $userVal = $users[ $userKey ]; if ( $includeGroups ) $userVal->groups = GetGroupMemberships( $userKey ); return $userVal; } function GetGroupMemberships( $userKey ) { GetGroupDataFromDB( $userKey, "", $groupMemberships ); $temp = array_keys ( $groupMemberships ); // usort is used here because this is not an associative array and we need the keys to be reassigned; i.e. we want // $temp[0] to be the first item in the sorted list. usort( $temp, "strnatcasecmp" ); return $temp; } ////// Groups ////// // Group Table record type class GroupTableRecord { var $description; var $users; // Print contents function __construct( $description ) { $this->description = $description; $this->users = array(); } } // Group data is unicode data - use the appropriate parser function groupRecParser( $text ) { global $currKey; $currKey = ""; // Process current element $name = getUnicodeValue( 'Name', $text ); if ( empty( $name ) ) return NULL; $description = getUnicodeValue( 'Description', $text ); $currKey = $name; return new GroupTableRecord( $description ); } $groupSortColumn = ID_SORT_COLUMN; $groupSortDirection = DEFAULT_SORT_DIRECTION; function SetGroupSortDirection( $sortDirection ) { global $groupSortDirection; $groupSortDirection = $sortDirection; } function GetGroupDataFromDB( $targetUser, $targetRole, &$targetTable ) { global $site; global $groupSortColumn; global $groupSortDirection; // Call server to get comprehensive list of users. $groups = $site->EnumerateGroups( $targetUser, $targetRole ); $buffer = ""; $chunk = ""; do { $chunkSize = $groups->Read( $chunk, 4096 ); $buffer = $buffer.$chunk; } while ( $chunkSize != 0 ); // Parse XML in $buffer parseUnicodeData( $buffer, $targetTable, 'Group', 'groupRecParser' ); SortTable( $targetTable, $groupSortColumn, $groupSortDirection ); } $groupData = NULL; function GetGroupData() { global $groupData; if ( $groupData == NULL ) GetGroupDataFromDB( "", "", $groupData ); return $groupData; } function GetGroups() { $groups = GetGroupData(); return array_keys( $groups ); } function DeleteGroup( $groupName ) { global $site; global $groupData; // Validate $groups = GetGroupData(); if ( empty( $groupName ) || !array_key_exists( $groupName, $groups ) ) return false; // Delete the group $groupToDelete = new MgStringCollection(); $groupToDelete->Add( $groupName ); $site->DeleteGroups( $groupToDelete ); // Update local groupData array // Note that this is done rather than calling EnumerateGroups, again, because EnumerateGroups may take some time // to execute. $oldGroupData = array(); CopyArray( $groupData, $oldGroupData ); $groupData = array(); foreach ( $oldGroupData as $key => $val ) { if ( $key != $groupName ) $groupData[ $key ] = $val; } return true; } function LoadGroupTable( &$targetTable, $firstIndex, $lastIndex, $includeUsers ) { $targetTable = array(); $groups = GetGroupData(); $iGroup = -1; foreach ( $groups as $key => $val ) { $iGroup++; if ( $iGroup < $firstIndex ) continue; if ( $iGroup > $lastIndex ) break; $targetTable[ $key ] = $val; if ( $includeUsers ) $val->users = GetUserMembers( $key ); } } function GetDataForGroup( $groupKey, $includeUsers ) { $groups = GetGroupData(); if ( !array_key_exists( $groupKey, $groups ) ) return NULL; $groupVal = $groups[ $groupKey ]; if ( $includeUsers ) $groupVal->users = GetUserMembers( $groupKey ); return $groupVal; } function GetUserMembers( $groupKey ) { GetUserDataFromDB( $groupKey, "", $userMemberships ); $temp = array_keys ( $userMemberships ); // usort is used here because this is not an associative array and we need the keys to be reassigned; i.e. we want // $temp[0] to be the first item in the sorted list. usort( $temp, "strnatcasecmp" ); return $temp; } ////// Roles ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fixed roles for V1.0 define( 'ADMIN_ROLE', MgRole::Administrator ); define( 'AUTHOR_ROLE', MgRole::Author ); define( 'VIEWER_ROLE', MgRole::Viewer ); // Function which builds a user table. function GetRoles( $targetUser, $targetGroup, &$targetList ) { global $site; // Call server to get comprehensive list of roles. $roles = $site->EnumerateRoles( $targetUser, $targetGroup ); // Build list $targetList = array(); $numRoles = $roles->GetCount(); for ( $i = 0; $i < $numRoles; $i++ ) { $targetList[] = $roles->GetItem( $i ); } } ////// UsersOrGroupsByRole ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetUsersOrGroupsByRole( $bUser, $targetRole, &$targetList ) { $targetTable = array(); if ( $bUser ) GetUserDataFromDB( "", $targetRole, $targetTable ); else GetGroupDataFromDB( "", $targetRole, $targetTable ); $targetList = array_keys( $targetTable ); } ////// RolesTables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UserRoles Table record type class UserRolesTableRecord { var $name; var $adminOn; var $adminFromGroups; var $authorOn; var $authorFromGroups; } // Function which builds a userRoles table. function LoadUserRolesTable( &$targetTable, $firstIndex, $lastIndex ) { GetUsersOrGroupsByRole( true, ADMIN_ROLE, $usersWithAdminRole ); GetUsersOrGroupsByRole( false, ADMIN_ROLE, $groupsWithAdminRole ); GetUsersOrGroupsByRole( true, AUTHOR_ROLE, $usersWithAuthorRole ); GetUsersOrGroupsByRole( false, AUTHOR_ROLE, $groupsWithAuthorRole ); $targetTable = array(); LoadUserTable( $userTable, $firstIndex, $lastIndex, true ); foreach ( $userTable as $userKey => $userVal ) { // Create record for role data $userRolesRec = new UserRolesTableRecord(); $targetTable[ $userKey ] = $userRolesRec; $userRolesRec->name = $userVal->name; if ( in_array( $userKey, $usersWithAdminRole ) ) $userRolesRec->adminOn = true; else $userRolesRec->adminOn = false; $userRolesRec->adminFromGroups = array(); $i = 0; foreach ( $userVal->groups as $groupKey ) { if ( in_array( $groupKey, $groupsWithAdminRole ) ) { $userRolesRec->adminFromGroups[$i] = $groupKey; $i++; } } if ( in_array( $userKey, $usersWithAuthorRole ) ) $userRolesRec->authorOn = true; else $userRolesRec->authorOn = false; $userRolesRec->authorFromGroups = array(); $i = 0; foreach ( $userVal->groups as $groupKey ) { if ( in_array( $groupKey, $groupsWithAuthorRole ) ) { $userRolesRec->authorFromGroups[$i] = $groupKey; $i++; } } } } // GroupRoles Table record type class GroupRolesTableRecord { var $adminOn; var $authorOn; } // Function which builds a userRoles table. function LoadGroupRolesTable( &$targetTable, $firstIndex, $lastIndex ) { GetUsersOrGroupsByRole( false, ADMIN_ROLE, $groupsWithAdminRole ); GetUsersOrGroupsByRole( false, AUTHOR_ROLE, $groupsWithAuthorRole ); $targetTable = array(); LoadGroupTable( $groupTable, $firstIndex, $lastIndex, false ); foreach ( $groupTable as $groupKey => $groupVal ) { // Create record for role data $groupRolesRec = new GroupRolesTableRecord(); $targetTable[ $groupKey ] = $groupRolesRec; // For each role, record the group's role permission if ( in_array( $groupKey, $groupsWithAdminRole ) ) $groupRolesRec->adminOn = true; else $groupRolesRec->adminOn = false; if ( in_array( $groupKey, $groupsWithAuthorRole ) ) $groupRolesRec->authorOn = true; else $groupRolesRec->authorOn = false; } } ////// Servers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Services define( 'CLIENT_SERVICE', "ClientService"); define( 'DRAWING_SERVICE', "DrawingService"); define( 'FEATURE_SERVICE', "FeatureService"); define( 'MAPPING_SERVICE', "MappingService"); define( 'RENDERING_SERVICE', "RenderingService"); define( 'TILE_SERVICE', "TileService"); define( 'RESOURCE_SERVICE', "ResourceService"); define( 'SITE_SERVICE', "SiteService"); $allPossibleSiteServerServices = array(); $allPossibleSiteServerServices[0] = CLIENT_SERVICE; $allPossibleSiteServerServices[1] = DRAWING_SERVICE; $allPossibleSiteServerServices[2] = FEATURE_SERVICE; $allPossibleSiteServerServices[3] = MAPPING_SERVICE; $allPossibleSiteServerServices[4] = RENDERING_SERVICE; $allPossibleSiteServerServices[5] = RESOURCE_SERVICE; $allPossibleSiteServerServices[6] = SITE_SERVICE; $allPossibleSiteServerServices[7] = TILE_SERVICE; $allPossibleSupportServerServices = array(); $allPossibleSupportServerServices[0] = MAPPING_SERVICE; $allPossibleSupportServerServices[1] = RENDERING_SERVICE; $allPossibleSupportServerServices[2] = TILE_SERVICE; // Server Table record type class ServerTableRecord { var $name; var $description; var $poweredUp; var $version; var $online; var $services; function __construct( $name, $description ) { $this->name = $name; $this->description = $description; $this->poweredUp = false; $this->version = ""; $this->online = false; $this->services = array(); $this->services[ DRAWING_SERVICE ] = false; $this->services[ FEATURE_SERVICE ] = false; $this->services[ MAPPING_SERVICE ] = false; $this->services[ RENDERING_SERVICE ] = false; $this->services[ TILE_SERVICE ] = false; } } // The server list is unicode data - use appropriate parser function serverRecParser( $text ) { global $currKey; $currKey = ""; // Process current element $ipAddress = getUnicodeValue( 'IpAddress', $text ); if ( empty( $ipAddress ) ) return NULL; $name = getUnicodeValue( 'Name', $text ); $description = getUnicodeValue( 'Description', $text ); $currKey = $ipAddress; return new ServerTableRecord( $name, $description ); } function GetServerDataFromDB( &$targetTable ) { global $site; global $userInfo; $targetTable = array(); // Put Site Server in $targetTable. $serverRec = new ServerTableRecord( "Site Server", "" ); $serverKey = $site->GetCurrentSiteAddress(); $targetTable[ $serverKey ] = $serverRec; $dbData = $site->EnumerateServers(); $buffer = ""; $chunk = ""; do { $chunkSize = $dbData->Read( $chunk, 4096 ); $buffer = $buffer.$chunk; } while ( $chunkSize != 0 ); // Parse XML in $buffer parseUnicodeData( $buffer, $supportServers, 'Server', 'serverRecParser' ); // Add support servers to target table. foreach( $supportServers as $key => $val ) $targetTable[ $key ] = $val; // Get values for Online and Services fields foreach ( $targetTable as $key => $val ) { try { $serverAdmin = new MgServerAdmin(); $serverAdmin->Open( $key, $userInfo ); $val->services = GetOptionalServerServices( $serverAdmin ); $val->online = GetOnline( $serverAdmin ); $val->version = GetVersion( $serverAdmin ); $val->poweredUp = true; } catch ( MgException $e ) { $val->poweredUp = false; } if ( $serverAdmin != NULL ) $serverAdmin->Close(); } } $serverData = NULL; function GetServerData() { global $serverData; if ( $serverData == NULL ) GetServerDataFromDB( $serverData ); return $serverData; } function ReloadServerData() { global $serverData; GetServerDataFromDB( $serverData ); } function GetServers() { $servers = GetServerData(); return array_keys( $servers ); } function GetServerName( $serverAddress ) { $name = ""; $servers = GetServerData(); if ( array_key_exists( $serverAddress, $servers ) ) $name = $servers[ $serverAddress ]->name; return $name; } function GetServerCount() { $servers = GetServerData(); return sizeof( $servers ); } function DeleteServer( $serverAddress ) { global $site; global $serverData; // Validate $servers = GetServerData(); if ( empty( $serverAddress ) || !array_key_exists( $serverAddress, $servers ) ) return false; // Delete the server. $serverRec = GetDataForServer( $serverAddress ); if ( $serverRec == NULL ) return false; $serverName = $serverRec->name; $site->RemoveServer( $serverName ); // Update local serverData array // Note that this is done rather than calling EnumerateServers, again, because EnumerateServers may take some time // to execute. $oldServerData = array(); CopyArray( $serverData, $oldServerData ); $serverData = array(); foreach ( $oldServerData as $key => $val ) { if ( $key != $serverAddress ) $serverData[ $key ] = $val; } return true; } function LoadServerTable( &$targetTable, $firstIndex, $lastIndex ) { $targetTable = array(); $servers = GetServerData(); $iServer = -1; foreach ( $servers as $key => $val ) { $iServer++; if ( $iServer < $firstIndex ) continue; if ( $iServer > $lastIndex ) break; $targetTable[ $key ] = $val; } } function GetDataForServer( $serverKey ) { $servers = GetServerData(); if ( !array_key_exists( $serverKey, $servers ) ) return NULL; else return $servers[ $serverKey ]; } function GetOptionalServerServices( $serverAdmin ) { $services = array(); $services[ DRAWING_SERVICE ] = false; $services[ FEATURE_SERVICE ] = false; $services[ MAPPING_SERVICE ] = false; $services[ RENDERING_SERVICE ] = false; $services[ TILE_SERVICE ] = false; $props = $serverAdmin->GetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::HostPropertiesSection ); $prop = $props->GetItem( MgConfigProperties::HostPropertyDrawingService ); if ( $prop->GetValue() == "1" ) $services[ DRAWING_SERVICE ] = true; $prop = $props->GetItem( MgConfigProperties::HostPropertyFeatureService ); if ( $prop->GetValue() == "1" ) $services[ FEATURE_SERVICE ] = true; $prop = $props->GetItem( MgConfigProperties::HostPropertyMappingService ); if ( $prop->GetValue() == "1" ) $services[ MAPPING_SERVICE ] = true; $prop = $props->GetItem( MgConfigProperties::HostPropertyRenderingService ); if ( $prop->GetValue() == "1" ) $services[ RENDERING_SERVICE ] = true; $prop = $props->GetItem( MgConfigProperties::HostPropertyTileService ); if ( $prop->GetValue() == "1" ) $services[ TILE_SERVICE ] = true; return $services; } function SetOptionalServerServices( $serverAdmin, $services ) { $props = new MgPropertyCollection(); if ( $services[ DRAWING_SERVICE ] ) $propVal = "1"; else $propVal = "0"; $prop = new MgStringProperty( MgConfigProperties::HostPropertyDrawingService, $propVal ); $props->Add( $prop ); if ( $services[ FEATURE_SERVICE ] ) $propVal = "1"; else $propVal = "0"; $prop = new MgStringProperty( MgConfigProperties::HostPropertyFeatureService, $propVal ); $props->Add( $prop ); if ( $services[ MAPPING_SERVICE ] ) $propVal = "1"; else $propVal = "0"; $prop = new MgStringProperty( MgConfigProperties::HostPropertyMappingService, $propVal ); $props->Add( $prop ); if ( $services[ RENDERING_SERVICE ] ) $propVal = "1"; else $propVal = "0"; $prop = new MgStringProperty( MgConfigProperties::HostPropertyRenderingService, $propVal ); $props->Add( $prop ); if ( $services[ TILE_SERVICE ] ) $propVal = "1"; else $propVal = "0"; $prop = new MgStringProperty( MgConfigProperties::HostPropertyTileService, $propVal ); $props->Add( $prop ); // Disable Service manipulation from Site Admin // $serverAdmin->SetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::HostPropertiesSection, $props ); } function GetOnline( $serverAdmin ) { return $serverAdmin->IsOnline(); } function SetOnline( $serverAdmin, $online ) { if ( $online ) $serverAdmin->BringOnline(); else $serverAdmin->TakeOffline(); } function GetVersion( $serverAdmin ) { $infoProps = $serverAdmin->GetInformationProperties(); $versionProp = $infoProps->GetItem( MgServerInformationProperties::ServerVersion ); return $versionProp->GetValue(); } function GetUnmanagedDataMappings( $serverAdmin ) { $mappings = array(); $props = $serverAdmin->GetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::UnmanagedDataMappingsSection ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $props->GetCount(); $i++) { $prop = $props->GetItem($i); $mappings[$prop->GetName()] = $prop->GetValue(); } return $mappings; } // if $mappingName already exists, then that mapping is updated // if $mappingName does NOT exist, it is added function SetUnmanagedDataMapping( $serverAdmin, $mappingName, $location ) { $props = new MgPropertyCollection(); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $mappingName, $location ); $props->Add( $prop ); $serverAdmin->SetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::UnmanagedDataMappingsSection, $props ); } function DeleteUnmanagedDataMapping( $serverAdmin, $mappingName ) { $success = false; $props = new MgPropertyCollection(); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $mappingName, "" ); // value doesn't matter $props->Add( $prop ); $serverAdmin->RemoveConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::UnmanagedDataMappingsSection, $props ); $success = true; return $success; } function LoadMappingTable( &$targetTable, $table, $firstIndex, $lastIndex ) { $targetTable = array(); $iMapping = -1; foreach ( $table as $key => $val ) { $iMapping++; if ( $iMapping < $firstIndex ) continue; if ( $iMapping > $lastIndex ) break; $targetTable[ $key ] = $val; } } ////// Properties ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class GeneralPropsRecord { public string $displayName; public string $displayNamePropStr; public string $locale; public string $localePropStr; public string $defaultMessageLocale; public string $defaultMessageLocalePropStr; public string $localizationResourcesPath; public string $localizationResourcesPathPropStr; public string $tcpIpMtu; public string $tcpIpMtuPropStr; public string $tempPath; public string $tempPathPropStr; public string $fdoPath; public string $fdoPathPropStr; public string $email; public string $emailPropStr; public int $connectionTimeOut; public string $connectionTimeOutPropStr; public int $connectionTimerInt; public string $connectionTimerIntPropStr; function __construct() { $this->displayName = ""; $this->displayNamePropStr = MgConfigProperties::GeneralPropertyDisplayName; $this->locale = ""; $this->localePropStr = MgConfigProperties::GeneralPropertyLocale; $this->defaultMessageLocale = ""; $this->defaultMessageLocalePropStr = MgConfigProperties::GeneralPropertyDefaultMessageLocale; $this->localizationResourcesPath = ""; $this->localizationResourcesPathPropStr = MgConfigProperties::GeneralPropertyResourcesPath; $this->tcpIpMtu = ""; $this->tcpIpMtuPropStr = MgConfigProperties::GeneralPropertyTcpIpMtu; $this->tempPath = ""; $this->tempPathPropStr = MgConfigProperties::GeneralPropertyTempPath; $this->fdoPath = ""; $this->fdoPathPropStr = MgConfigProperties::GeneralPropertyFdoPath; $this->email = ""; $this->emailPropStr = MgConfigProperties::AdministrativeConnectionPropertyEmail; $this->connectionTimeOut = 0; $this->connectionTimeOutPropStr = MgConfigProperties::GeneralPropertyConnectionTimeout; $this->connectionTimerInt = 0; $this->connectionTimerIntPropStr = MgConfigProperties::GeneralPropertyConnectionTimerInterval; } function GetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = $serverAdmin->GetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::GeneralPropertiesSection ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->displayNamePropStr ); $this->displayName = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->localePropStr ); $this->locale = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->defaultMessageLocalePropStr ); $this->defaultMessageLocale = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->localizationResourcesPathPropStr ); $this->localizationResourcesPath = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->localizationResourcesPath ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->tcpIpMtuPropStr ); $this->tcpIpMtu = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->tempPathPropStr ); $this->tempPath = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->tempPath ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->fdoPathPropStr ); $this->fdoPath = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->fdoPath ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->connectionTimeOutPropStr ); $this->connectionTimeOut = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->connectionTimerIntPropStr ); $this->connectionTimerInt = $prop->GetValue(); $props = $serverAdmin->GetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::AdministrativeConnectionPropertiesSection ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->emailPropStr ); $this->email = $prop->GetValue(); } function ValidateProps() { global $errInvalidServerDefaultLocale; global $errInvalidServerLocalizationResourcesPath; global $errInvalidServerTcpIpMtu; global $errInvalidServerTempPath; global $errInvalidServerFdoPath; global $errInvalidConnectionTimeOut; global $errInvalidConnectionTimerInt; global $errInvalidServiceRegistrationTimerInt; if ( empty( $this->defaultMessageLocale ) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidServerDefaultLocale ); if ( empty( $this->localizationResourcesPath ) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidServerLocalizationResourcesPath ); if ( $this->tcpIpMtu < 0 ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidServerTcpIpMtu ); if ( empty( $this->tempPath ) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidServerTempPath ); if ( empty( $this->fdoPath ) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidServerFdoPath ); if ( $this->connectionTimeOut <= 0 ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidConnectionTimeOut ); if ( $this->connectionTimerInt < 0 ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidConnectionTimerInt ); } function SetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = new MgPropertyCollection(); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->displayNamePropStr , $this->displayName ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->localePropStr , $this->locale ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->defaultMessageLocalePropStr , $this->defaultMessageLocale ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->localizationResourcesPathPropStr, $this->localizationResourcesPath ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->tcpIpMtuPropStr, $this->tcpIpMtu ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->tempPathPropStr, $this->tempPath ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->fdoPathPropStr, $this->fdoPath ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->connectionTimeOutPropStr, $this->connectionTimeOut ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->connectionTimerIntPropStr, $this->connectionTimerInt ); $props->Add( $prop ); $serverAdmin->SetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::GeneralPropertiesSection, $props ); $props->Clear(); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->emailPropStr, $this->email ); $props->Add( $prop ); $serverAdmin->SetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::AdministrativeConnectionPropertiesSection, $props ); } } class ConnectionPropsRecord { var $connStr; var $propSectionStr; var $maxConns; var $maxConnsPropStr; var $port; var $portPropStr; var $queueSize; var $queueSizePropStr; var $threadPoolSize; var $threadPoolSizePropStr; function __construct( $connStr, $propSectionStr, $maxConnsPropStr, $portPropStr, $queueSizePropStr, $threadPoolSizePropStr ) { $this->connStr = $connStr; $this->propSectionStr = $propSectionStr; $this->maxConns = 0; $this->maxConnsPropStr = $maxConnsPropStr; $this->port = 0; $this->portPropStr = $portPropStr; $this->queueSize = 0; $this->queueSizePropStr = $queueSizePropStr; $this->threadPoolSize = 0; $this->threadPoolSizePropStr = $threadPoolSizePropStr; } function GetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = $serverAdmin->GetConfigurationProperties( $this->propSectionStr ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->maxConnsPropStr ); $this->maxConns = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->portPropStr ); $this->port = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->queueSizePropStr ); $this->queueSize = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->threadPoolSizePropStr ); $this->threadPoolSize = $prop->GetValue(); } function ValidateProps() { global $errInvalidServerMaxConns; global $errInvalidServerConnQueueSize; global $errInvalidServerConnThreadPoolSize; if ( $this->maxConns < 1 ) throw new Exception( sprintf( $errInvalidServerMaxConns, $this->connStr ) ); if ( $this->queueSize < 1 ) throw new Exception( sprintf( $errInvalidServerConnQueueSize, $this->connStr ) ); if ( $this->threadPoolSize < 1 ) throw new Exception( sprintf( $errInvalidServerConnThreadPoolSize, $this->connStr ) ); } function SetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = new MgPropertyCollection(); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->maxConnsPropStr, $this->maxConns ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->portPropStr, $this->port ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->queueSizePropStr, $this->queueSize ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->threadPoolSizePropStr, $this->threadPoolSize ); $props->Add( $prop ); $serverAdmin->SetConfigurationProperties( $this->propSectionStr, $props ); } } class FeatureServicePropsRecord { var $enabled; var $dataConnTimeOut; var $dataConnTimeOutPropStr; var $dataConnTimerInt; var $dataConnTimerIntPropStr; var $dataConnPoolSize; var $dataConnPoolSizePropStr; var $dataConnPoolSizeCustom; var $dataConnPoolSizeCustomPropStr; var $dataCacheSize; var $dataCacheSizePropStr; function __construct() { $this->enabled = true; $this->enabledID = "featureServiceEnabled"; $this->dataConnPoolSize = 1; $this->dataConnPoolSizePropStr = MgConfigProperties::FeatureServicePropertyDataConnectionPoolSize; $this->dataConnPoolSizeID = "featureDataConnPoolSize"; $this->dataConnPoolSizeCustom = ""; $this->dataConnPoolSizeCustomPropStr = MgConfigProperties::FeatureServicePropertyDataConnectionPoolSizeCustom; $this->dataConnPoolSizeCustomID = "featureDataConnPoolSizeCustom"; $this->dataConnTimeOut = 0; $this->dataConnTimeOutPropStr = MgConfigProperties::FeatureServicePropertyDataConnectionTimeout; $this->dataConnTimeOutID = "featureDataConnTimeOut"; $this->dataConnTimerInt = 0; $this->dataConnTimerIntPropStr = MgConfigProperties::FeatureServicePropertyDataConnectionTimerInterval; $this->dataConnTimerIntID = "featureDataConnTimerInt"; $this->dataCacheSize = 0; $this->dataCacheSizePropStr = MgConfigProperties::FeatureServicePropertyDataCacheSize; $this->dataCacheSizeID = "featureDataConnCacheSize"; } function GetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = $serverAdmin->GetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::FeatureServicePropertiesSection ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->dataConnPoolSizePropStr ); $this->dataConnPoolSize = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->dataConnPoolSizeCustomPropStr ); $this->dataConnPoolSizeCustom = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->dataConnTimeOutPropStr ); $this->dataConnTimeOut = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->dataConnTimerIntPropStr ); $this->dataConnTimerInt = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->dataCacheSizePropStr ); $this->dataCacheSize = $prop->GetValue(); } function ValidateProps() { global $errInvalidFeatureDataConnPoolSize; global $errInvalidFeatureDataConnPoolSizeCustom; global $errInvalidFeatureDataConnTimeOut; global $errInvalidFeatureDataConnTimerInt; global $errInvalidFeatureDataCacheSize; if ( $this->dataConnPoolSize <= 0 ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidFeatureDataConnPoolSize ); if ( $this->dataConnTimeOut <= 0 ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidFeatureDataConnTimeOut ); if ( $this->dataConnTimerInt < 0 ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidFeatureDataConnTimerInt ); if ( $this->dataCacheSize < 1 ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidFeatureDataCacheSize ); } function SetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = new MgPropertyCollection(); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->dataConnPoolSizePropStr, $this->dataConnPoolSize ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->dataConnPoolSizeCustomPropStr, $this->dataConnPoolSizeCustom ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->dataConnTimeOutPropStr, $this->dataConnTimeOut ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->dataConnTimerIntPropStr, $this->dataConnTimerInt ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->dataCacheSizePropStr, $this->dataCacheSize ); $props->Add( $prop ); $serverAdmin->SetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::FeatureServicePropertiesSection, $props ); } } class ResourceServicePropsRecord { var $enabled; var $dataFileTrashFolder; var $dataFileTrashFolderPropStr; var $libraryDataFileFolder; var $libraryDataFileFolderPropStr; var $libraryRepositoryFolder; var $libraryRepositoryFolderPropStr; var $sessionDataFileFolder; var $sessionDataFileFolderPropStr; var $sessionRepositoryFolder; var $sessionRepositoryFolderPropStr; var $siteRepositoryFolder; var $siteRepositoryFolderPropStr; var $resourceSchemaFolder; var $resourceSchemaFolderPropStr; var $repositoryCheckpointsTimerInterval; var $repositoryCheckpointsTimerIntervalPropStr; var $packagesPath; var $packagesPathPropStr; function __construct() { $this->enabled = true; $this->dataFileTrashFolder = ""; $this->dataFileTrashFolderPropStr = MgConfigProperties::ResourceServicePropertyResourceDataFileTrashFolderName; $this->libraryDataFileFolder = ""; $this->libraryDataFileFolderPropStr = MgConfigProperties::ResourceServicePropertyLibraryResourceDataFilePath; $this->libraryRepositoryFolder = ""; $this->libraryRepositoryFolderPropStr = MgConfigProperties::ResourceServicePropertyLibraryRepositoryPath; $this->sessionDataFileFolder = ""; $this->sessionDataFileFolderPropStr = MgConfigProperties::ResourceServicePropertySessionResourceDataFilePath; $this->sessionRepositoryFolder = ""; $this->sessionRepositoryFolderPropStr = MgConfigProperties::ResourceServicePropertySessionRepositoryPath; $this->siteRepositoryFolder = ""; $this->siteRepositoryFolderPropStr = MgConfigProperties::ResourceServicePropertySiteRepositoryPath; $this->resourceSchemaFolder = ""; $this->resourceSchemaFolderPropStr = MgConfigProperties::ResourceServicePropertyResourceSchemaFilePath; $this->repositoryCheckpointsTimerInterval = 0; $this->repositoryCheckpointsTimerIntervalPropStr = MgConfigProperties::ResourceServicePropertyRepositoryCheckpointsTimerInterval; $this->packagesPath = ""; $this->packagesPathPropStr = MgConfigProperties::ResourceServicePropertyPackagesPath; } function GetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = $serverAdmin->GetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::ResourceServicePropertiesSection ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->dataFileTrashFolderPropStr ); $this->dataFileTrashFolder = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->dataFileTrashFolder ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->libraryDataFileFolderPropStr ); $this->libraryDataFileFolder = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->libraryDataFileFolder ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->libraryRepositoryFolderPropStr ); $this->libraryRepositoryFolder = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->libraryRepositoryFolder ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->sessionDataFileFolderPropStr ); $this->sessionDataFileFolder = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->sessionDataFileFolder ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->sessionRepositoryFolderPropStr ); $this->sessionRepositoryFolder = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->sessionRepositoryFolder ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->siteRepositoryFolderPropStr ); $this->siteRepositoryFolder = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->siteRepositoryFolder ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->resourceSchemaFolderPropStr ); $this->resourceSchemaFolder = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->resourceSchemaFolder ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->repositoryCheckpointsTimerIntervalPropStr ); $this->repositoryCheckpointsTimerInterval = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->packagesPathPropStr ); $this->packagesPath = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->packagesPath ); $props = $serverAdmin->GetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::GeneralPropertiesSection ); } function ValidateProps() { global $errInvalidResourceDataFileTrashFolder; global $errInvalidResourceLibraryDataFileFolder; global $errInvalidResourceLibraryRepositoryFolder; global $errInvalidResourceSessionDataFileFolder; global $errInvalidResourceSessionRepositoryFolder; global $errInvalidResourceSiteRepositoryFolder; global $errInvalidResourceResourceSchemaFolder; global $errInvalidRepositoryCheckpointsTimerInterval; global $errInvalidPackagesPath; if ( empty( $this->dataFileTrashFolder ) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidResourceDataFileTrashFolder ); if ( empty ($this->libraryDataFileFolder) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidResourceLibraryDataFileFolder ); if ( empty ($this->libraryRepositoryFolder) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidResourceLibraryRepositoryFolder ); if ( empty( $this->sessionDataFileFolder ) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidResourceSessionDataFileFolder ); if ( empty( $this->sessionRepositoryFolder ) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidResourceSessionRepositoryFolder ); if ( empty( $this->siteRepositoryFolder ) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidResourceSiteRepositoryFolder ); if ( empty( $this->resourceSchemaFolder ) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidResourceResourceSchemaFolder ); if ( $this->repositoryCheckpointsTimerInterval < 0 ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidRepositoryCheckpointsTimerInterval ); if ( empty( $this->packagesPath ) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidPackagesPath ); } function SetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = new MgPropertyCollection(); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->dataFileTrashFolderPropStr, $this->dataFileTrashFolder ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->libraryDataFileFolderPropStr, $this->libraryDataFileFolder ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->libraryRepositoryFolderPropStr, $this->libraryRepositoryFolder ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->sessionDataFileFolderPropStr, $this->sessionDataFileFolder ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->sessionRepositoryFolderPropStr, $this->sessionRepositoryFolder ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->siteRepositoryFolderPropStr, $this->siteRepositoryFolder ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->resourceSchemaFolderPropStr, $this->resourceSchemaFolder ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->repositoryCheckpointsTimerIntervalPropStr, $this->repositoryCheckpointsTimerInterval ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->packagesPathPropStr, $this->packagesPath ); $props->Add( $prop ); $serverAdmin->SetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::ResourceServicePropertiesSection, $props ); } } class TileServicePropsRecord { var $enabled; var $tileCachePath; var $tileCachePathPropStr; function __construct() { $this->enabled = true; $this->tileCachePath = ""; $this->tileCachePathPropStr = MgConfigProperties::TileServicePropertyTileCachePath; } function GetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = $serverAdmin->GetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::TileServicePropertiesSection ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->tileCachePathPropStr ); $this->tileCachePath = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->tileCachePath ); } function ValidateProps() { global $errInvalidTileCachePath; if ( empty( $this->tileCachePath ) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidTileCachePath ); } function SetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = new MgPropertyCollection(); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->tileCachePathPropStr, $this->tileCachePath ); $props->Add( $prop ); $serverAdmin->SetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::TileServicePropertiesSection, $props ); } } class SiteServicePropsRecord { var $enabled; var $sessionTimeout; var $sessionTimeoutPropStr; var $sessionTimerInt; var $sessionTimerIntPropStr; function __construct() { $this->enabled = true; $this->sessionTimeout = 0; $this->sessionTimeoutPropStr = MgConfigProperties::SiteServicePropertySessionTimeout; $this->sessionTimerInt = 0; $this->sessionTimerIntPropStr = MgConfigProperties::SiteServicePropertySessionTimerInterval; } function GetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = $serverAdmin->GetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::SiteServicePropertiesSection ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->sessionTimeoutPropStr ); $this->sessionTimeout = $prop->GetValue(); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->sessionTimerIntPropStr ); $this->sessionTimerInt = $prop->GetValue(); } function ValidateProps() { global $errInvalidSessionTimeOut; global $errInvalidSessionTimerInt; if ( $this->sessionTimeout <= 0 ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidSessionTimeOut ); if ( $this->sessionTimerInt <= 0 ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidSessionTimerInt ); } function SetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = new MgPropertyCollection(); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->sessionTimeoutPropStr, $this->sessionTimeout ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->sessionTimerIntPropStr, $this->sessionTimerInt ); $props->Add( $prop ); $serverAdmin->SetConfigurationProperties( MgConfigProperties::SiteServicePropertiesSection, $props ); } } ////// Logs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logs define( 'ACTIVE_LOGS', "ActiveLogs" ); define( 'ACCESS_LOG', MgLogFileType::Access ); define( 'ADMIN_LOG', MgLogFileType::Admin ); define( 'AUTHENTICATION_LOG', MgLogFileType::Authentication ); define( 'ERROR_LOG', MgLogFileType::Error ); define( 'SESSION_LOG', MgLogFileType::Session ); define( 'TRACE_LOG', MgLogFileType::Trace ); define( 'COMMA_DELIMITER', "Comma" ); define( 'TAB_DELIMITER', "Tab" ); define( 'SPACE_DELIMITER', "Space" ); define( 'NO_DELIMITER', "None" ); $logDelimiters = array(); $logDelimiters[ COMMA_DELIMITER ] = ','; $logDelimiters[ TAB_DELIMITER ] = "\\t"; $logDelimiters[ SPACE_DELIMITER ] = " "; $logDelimiters[ NO_DELIMITER ] = ""; define( 'ARCHIVE_NONE', "None" ); define( 'ARCHIVE_DAILY', "Day" ); define( 'ARCHIVE_MONTHLY', "Month" ); define( 'ARCHIVE_YEARLY', "Year" ); $archiveFrequencies[ ARCHIVE_NONE ] = ""; $archiveFrequencies[ ARCHIVE_DAILY ] = "%d"; $archiveFrequencies[ ARCHIVE_MONTHLY ] = "%m"; $archiveFrequencies[ ARCHIVE_YEARLY ] = "%y"; $allLogs = array(); $allLogs[0] = ACCESS_LOG; $allLogs[1] = ADMIN_LOG; $allLogs[2] = AUTHENTICATION_LOG; $allLogs[3] = ERROR_LOG; $allLogs[4] = SESSION_LOG; $allLogs[5] = TRACE_LOG; define( 'AVERAGEOPTIME_PARM', "AVERAGEOPTIME" ); define( 'CLIENT_PARM', "CLIENT" ); define( 'CLIENTIP_PARM', "CLIENTIP" ); define( 'DURATION_PARM', "DURATION" ); define( 'ENDTIME_PARM', "ENDTIME" ); define( 'ERROR_PARM', "ERROR" ); define( 'INFO_PARM', "INFO" ); define( 'OPID_PARM', "OPID" ); define( 'OPSFAILED_PARM', "OPSFAILED" ); define( 'OPSPROCESSED_PARM', "OPSPROCESSED" ); define( 'OPSRECEIVED_PARM', "OPSRECEIVED" ); define( 'STACKTRACE_PARM', "STACKTRACE" ); define( 'STARTTIME_PARM', "STARTTIME" ); define( 'USER_PARM', "USER" ); $allLogParms = array(); $allLogParms[0] = AVERAGEOPTIME_PARM; $allLogParms[1] = CLIENT_PARM; $allLogParms[2] = CLIENTIP_PARM; $allLogParms[3] = DURATION_PARM; $allLogParms[4] = ENDTIME_PARM; $allLogParms[5] = ERROR_PARM; $allLogParms[6] = INFO_PARM; $allLogParms[7] = OPID_PARM; $allLogParms[8] = OPSFAILED_PARM; $allLogParms[9] = OPSPROCESSED_PARM; $allLogParms[10] = OPSRECEIVED_PARM; $allLogParms[11] = STACKTRACE_PARM; $allLogParms[12] = STARTTIME_PARM; $allLogParms[13] = USER_PARM; $allAccessLogParms = array(); $allAccessLogParms[0] = CLIENT_PARM; $allAccessLogParms[1] = CLIENTIP_PARM; $allAccessLogParms[2] = OPID_PARM; $allAccessLogParms[3] = USER_PARM; $allAdminLogParms = array(); $allAdminLogParms[0] = CLIENT_PARM; $allAdminLogParms[1] = CLIENTIP_PARM; $allAdminLogParms[2] = OPID_PARM; $allAdminLogParms[3] = USER_PARM; $allAuthenticationLogParms = array(); $allAuthenticationLogParms[0] = CLIENT_PARM; $allAuthenticationLogParms[1] = CLIENTIP_PARM; $allAuthenticationLogParms[2] = USER_PARM; $allErrorLogParms = array(); $allErrorLogParms[0] = CLIENT_PARM; $allErrorLogParms[1] = CLIENTIP_PARM; $allErrorLogParms[2] = ERROR_PARM; $allErrorLogParms[3] = STACKTRACE_PARM; $allErrorLogParms[4] = USER_PARM; $allSessionLogParms = array(); $allSessionLogParms[0] = CLIENT_PARM; $allSessionLogParms[1] = CLIENTIP_PARM; $allSessionLogParms[2] = USER_PARM; $allSessionLogParms[3] = STARTTIME_PARM; $allSessionLogParms[4] = ENDTIME_PARM; $allSessionLogParms[5] = OPSFAILED_PARM; $allSessionLogParms[6] = OPSRECEIVED_PARM; $allSessionLogParms[7] = AVERAGEOPTIME_PARM; $allTraceLogParms = array(); $allTraceLogParms[0] = INFO_PARM; class LogPropsRecord { var $enabled; var $filename; var $allPossibleParms; var $parmsSelected; var $parmsNotSelected; var $propSectionStr; var $enabledPropStr; var $filenamePropStr; var $parmsPropStr; function __construct( $propSectionStr, $enabledPropStr, $filenamePropStr, $parmsPropStr, $allPossibleParms ) { $this->propSectionStr = $propSectionStr; $this->enabledPropStr = $enabledPropStr; $this->filenamePropStr = $filenamePropStr; $this->parmsPropStr = $parmsPropStr; $this->enabled = false; $this->filename = ""; $this->parmsSelected = array(); $this->parmsNotSelected = array(); CopyArray( $allPossibleParms, $this->allPossibleParms ); } function GetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = $serverAdmin->GetConfigurationProperties( $this->propSectionStr ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->enabledPropStr ); if ( $prop->GetValue() == "1" ) $this->enabled = true; else $this->enabled = false; $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->filenamePropStr ); $this->filename = $prop->GetValue(); CleanUpPath( $this->filename ); $prop = $props->GetItem( $this->parmsPropStr ); $parmsStr = $prop->GetValue(); $this->parmsSelected = array(); $i = 0; $parm = strtok( $parmsStr, "," ); while ( $parm !== false ) { $parm = trim( $parm ); $this->parmsSelected[$i] = $parm; $i++; $parm = strtok(","); } $this->parmsNotSelected = array_diff( $this->allPossibleParms, $this->parmsSelected ); } function ValidateProps() { global $errInvalidLogFilename; if ( $this->enabled && empty( $this->filename ) ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidLogFilename ); } function SetProps( $serverAdmin ) { $props = new MgPropertyCollection(); if ( $this->enabled ) $propVal = "1"; else $propVal = "0"; $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->enabledPropStr, $propVal ); $props->Add( $prop ); $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->filenamePropStr, $this->filename ); $props->Add( $prop ); $separator = ""; $parmStr = ""; foreach ( $this->parmsSelected as $parm ) { $parmStr = $parmStr.$separator.$parm; $separator = ", "; } $prop = new MgStringProperty( $this->parmsPropStr, $parmStr ); $props->Add( $prop ); $serverAdmin->SetConfigurationProperties( $this->propSectionStr, $props ); } } define( 'ACTIVE_LOG_STATUS', "Active" ); define( 'ARCHIVE_LOG_STATUS', "Archive" ); class LogFileRecord { var $type; var $status; function __construct( $type, $status ) { $this->type = $type; $this->status = $status; } } $allLogFiles = NULL; function GetAllLogFiles( $serverAdmin ) { global $allLogFiles; if ( $allLogFiles == NULL ) { $allLogFiles = array(); $mgLogFilesPropertyCollection = $serverAdmin->EnumerateLogs(); $numLogFiles = $mgLogFilesPropertyCollection->GetCount(); for ( $i = 0; $i < $numLogFiles; $i+=3 ) { $logFileName = ""; $logFileType = ""; $logFileStatus = ""; for ( $j = 0; $j < 3; $j++ ) { $logFilePropName = $mgLogFilesPropertyCollection->GetItem( $i+$j )->GetName(); $logFilePropVal = $mgLogFilesPropertyCollection->GetItem( $i+$j )->GetValue(); if ( $logFilePropName == "LogNameProperty" ) $logFileName = $logFilePropVal; else if ( $logFilePropName == "LogTypeProperty" ) { if ( $logFilePropVal == 'Access Log' ) $logFileType = ACCESS_LOG; else if ( $logFilePropVal == 'Admin Log' ) $logFileType = ADMIN_LOG; else if ( $logFilePropVal == 'Authentication Log' ) $logFileType = AUTHENTICATION_LOG; else if ( $logFilePropVal == 'Error Log' ) $logFileType = ERROR_LOG; else if ( $logFilePropVal == 'Session Log' ) $logFileType = SESSION_LOG; else if ( $logFilePropVal == 'Trace Log' ) $logFileType = TRACE_LOG; } else if ( $logFilePropName == "LogStatusProperty" ) $logFileStatus = $logFilePropVal; if ( !empty( $logFileName ) && !empty( $logFileType ) && !empty( $logFileStatus ) ) $allLogFiles[ $logFileName ] = new LogFileRecord( $logFileType, $logFileStatus ); } } } return $allLogFiles; } function GetLogFiles( $serverAdmin, $targetLogType ) { $allLogs = GetAllLogFiles( $serverAdmin ); $logFiles = array(); if ( $targetLogType == ACTIVE_LOGS ) { foreach ( $allLogs as $logFileName => $logFileRec ) { if ( $logFileRec->status == ACTIVE_LOG_STATUS ) $logFiles[] = $logFileName; } } else { foreach ( $allLogs as $logFileName => $logFileRec ) { if ( $logFileRec->status == ARCHIVE_LOG_STATUS && $logFileRec->type == $targetLogType ) $logFiles[] = $logFileName; } } return $logFiles; } function GetActiveLogFilename( $serverAdmin, $targetLogType ) { $allLogs = GetAllLogFiles( $serverAdmin ); $filename = ""; foreach ( $allLogs as $logFileName => $logFileRec ) { if ( $logFileRec->status == ACTIVE_LOG_STATUS && $logFileRec->type == $targetLogType ) { $filename = $logFileName; break; } } return $filename; } function LoadLogFileTable( &$targetTable, $firstIndex, $lastIndex, $serverAdmin, $targetLogType ) { $allLogs = GetAllLogFiles( $serverAdmin ); $logFiles = GetLogFiles( $serverAdmin, $targetLogType ); // Load the table $targetTable = array(); for ( $i = $firstIndex; $i <= $lastIndex; $i++ ) { $logFileName = $logFiles[ $i ]; $targetTable[ $logFileName ] = $allLogs[ $logFileName ]; } } ////// Packages ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Package Table record type class PackageTableRecord { public string $status; public int $size; function __construct( $serverAdmin, $packageName ) { global $errCannotGetPackageStatus; $this->status = ""; $this->size = 0; try { $statusInfo = $serverAdmin->GetPackageStatus( $packageName ); $this->status = ( $statusInfo != NULL ) ? $statusInfo->GetStatusMessage() : ""; $this->size = ( $statusInfo != NULL ) ? $statusInfo->GetPackageSize() : 0; } catch ( MgException $e ) { $this->status = sprintf( $errCannotGetPackageStatus, $e->GetExceptionMessage() ); } } } function GetPackagesFromDB( &$targetList ) { global $site; global $userInfo; $serverAdmin = new MgServerAdmin(); $serverAdmin->Open( $userInfo ); // Call server to get comprehensive list of packages. $packages = $serverAdmin->EnumeratePackages(); $serverAdmin->Close(); // Load table $targetList = array(); $numPackages = $packages != NULL ? $packages->GetCount() : 0 ; for ( $i = 0; $i < $numPackages; $i++ ) { $targetList[] = $packages->GetItem( $i ); } } $packageList = NULL; function GetPackageList() { global $packageList; if ( $packageList == NULL ) GetPackagesFromDB( $packageList ); return $packageList; } function GetPackageCount() { $packages = GetPackageList(); return sizeof( $packages ); } function DeletePackage( $packageName ) { global $site; global $userInfo; global $packageList; // Validate $packages = GetPackageList(); if ( empty( $packageName ) || !in_array( $packageName, $packages ) ) return false; // Delete the package $serverAdmin = new MgServerAdmin(); $serverAdmin->Open( $userInfo ); $serverAdmin->DeletePackage( $packageName ); $serverAdmin->Close(); // Update local packageList array. // Note that this is done rather than calling EnumeratePackages, again, because EnumeratePackages may take some time // to execute. $oldPackageList = array(); CopyArray( $packageList, $oldPackageList ); $packageList = array(); foreach ( $oldPackageList as $val ) { if ( $val != $packageName ) $packageList[] = $val; } return true; } function LoadPackageTable( &$targetTable, $firstIndex, $lastIndex ) { global $site; global $userInfo; $targetTable = array(); $packages = GetPackageList(); $serverAdmin = new MgServerAdmin(); $serverAdmin->Open( $userInfo ); $iPackage = -1; foreach ( $packages as $val ) { $iPackage++; if ( $iPackage < $firstIndex ) continue; if ( $iPackage > $lastIndex ) break; $targetTable[ $val ] = new PackageTableRecord( $serverAdmin, $val ); } $serverAdmin->Close(); } ////// WMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// define( 'WMS_NAME_ITEM', "Service.Name"); define( 'WMS_TITLE_ITEM', "Service.Title"); define( 'WMS_FEES_ITEM', "Service.Fees"); define( 'WMS_ABSTRACT_ITEM', "Service.Abstract"); define( 'WMS_ACCESS_CONSTRAINTS_ITEM', "Service.AccessConstraints"); define( 'WMS_KEYWORDS_ITEM', "Service.Keywords"); define( 'WMS_SERVER_NAME_ITEM', "SERVER_NAME"); define( 'WMS_SCRIPT_NAME_ITEM', "SCRIPT_NAME"); define( 'WMS_CONTACT_NAME_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Name"); define( 'WMS_CONTACT_ORGANIZATION_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Organization"); define( 'WMS_CONTACT_POSITION_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Position"); define( 'WMS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_TYPE_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Address.Type"); define( 'WMS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_STREET_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Address.Street"); define( 'WMS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_CITY_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Address.City"); define( 'WMS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_STATE_PROV_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Address.StateProv"); define( 'WMS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_POST_CODE_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Address.PostCode"); define( 'WMS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Address.Country"); define( 'WMS_CONTACT_PHONE_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Phone"); define( 'WMS_CONTACT_FAX_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Fax"); define( 'WMS_CONTACT_EMAIL_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Email"); $wmsServiceMetadataItems = array( WMS_NAME_ITEM, WMS_TITLE_ITEM, WMS_FEES_ITEM, WMS_ABSTRACT_ITEM, WMS_ACCESS_CONSTRAINTS_ITEM, WMS_KEYWORDS_ITEM, WMS_SERVER_NAME_ITEM, WMS_SCRIPT_NAME_ITEM, WMS_CONTACT_NAME_ITEM, WMS_CONTACT_ORGANIZATION_ITEM, WMS_CONTACT_POSITION_ITEM, WMS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_TYPE_ITEM, WMS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_STREET_ITEM, WMS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_CITY_ITEM, WMS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_STATE_PROV_ITEM, WMS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_POST_CODE_ITEM, WMS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_ITEM, WMS_CONTACT_PHONE_ITEM, WMS_CONTACT_FAX_ITEM, WMS_CONTACT_EMAIL_ITEM ); class WMSPropsRecord { var $serviceMetadata; var $keywords; function __construct() { global $wmsServiceMetadataItems; $this->serviceMetadata = array(); $this->keywords = array(); foreach ( $wmsServiceMetadataItems as $item ) $this->serviceMetadata[ $item ] = ""; } function GetProps() { global $site; global $userInfo; global $errInvalidWMSFile; // Get WMS reader $serverAdmin = new MgServerAdmin(); $serverAdmin->Open( $userInfo ); $wmsReader = $serverAdmin->GetDocument( 'Wms:OgcWmsService.config' ); $serverAdmin->Close(); // Get WMS metadata $wmsData = ""; $chunk = ""; do { $chunkSize = $wmsReader->Read( $chunk, 4096 ); $wmsData = $wmsData.$chunk; } while ( $chunkSize != 0 ); foreach ( $this->serviceMetadata as $serviceItem => $serviceVal ) { $this->serviceMetadata[ $serviceItem ] = ""; $itemPos = strpos( $wmsData, $serviceItem ); if ( $itemPos === false ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidWMSFile ); $valStartPos = strpos( $wmsData, '>', $itemPos ); $valEndPos = strpos( $wmsData, '', $itemPos ); if ( $valStartPos === false || $valEndPos === false || $valStartPos >= $valEndPos ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidWMSFile ); $this->serviceMetadata[ $serviceItem ] = substr( $wmsData, $valStartPos + 1, $valEndPos - $valStartPos - 1 ); } $this->keywords = array(); if ( !empty( $this->serviceMetadata[ WMS_KEYWORDS_ITEM ] ) ) { $keywordsStr = $this->serviceMetadata[ WMS_KEYWORDS_ITEM ]; $keywordStart = strpos( $keywordsStr, '' ); $keywordEnd = strpos( $keywordsStr, '' ); while ( $keywordStart !== false && $keywordEnd !== false && ($keywordStart + 6) < $keywordEnd ) { $keywordStart += 6; // Length of '' $this->keywords[] = substr( $keywordsStr, $keywordStart, $keywordEnd - $keywordStart ); $keywordEnd += 7; // Length of '' $keywordStart = strpos( $keywordsStr, '', $keywordEnd ); $keywordEnd = strpos( $keywordsStr, '', $keywordEnd ); } } } function ValidateProps() { $xmlReservedChars = '"\'&<>\\'; foreach ( $this->serviceMetadata as $item => $val ) if ( strcspn( $val, $xmlReservedChars ) != strlen( $val ) ) throw new Exception ( "Value ".$val." contains invalid character(s) (\"'&<>\\)." ); } function SetProps() { global $site; global $userInfo; global $errInvalidWMSFile; // Get WMS reader $serverAdmin = new MgServerAdmin(); $serverAdmin->Open( $userInfo ); $wmsReader = $serverAdmin->GetDocument( 'Wms:OgcWmsService.config' ); // Set WMS metadata $wmsData = ""; $chunk = ""; do { $chunkSize = $wmsReader->Read( $chunk, 4096 ); $wmsData = $wmsData.$chunk; } while ( $chunkSize != 0 ); $keywordsStr = ""; foreach( $this->keywords as $keyword ) $keywordsStr = $keywordsStr.''.$keyword.''; $this->serviceMetadata[ WMS_KEYWORDS_ITEM ] = $keywordsStr; foreach ( $this->serviceMetadata as $serviceItem => $serviceVal ) { $itemPos = strpos( $wmsData, $serviceItem ); if ( $itemPos === false ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidWMSFile ); $valStartPos = strpos( $wmsData, '>', $itemPos ); $valEndPos = strpos( $wmsData, '', $itemPos ); if ( $valStartPos === false || $valEndPos === false || $valStartPos >= $valEndPos ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidWMSFile ); $wmsData = substr_replace( $wmsData, $serviceVal, $valStartPos + 1, $valEndPos - $valStartPos - 1 ); } // Save wms config $wmsByteSource = new MgByteSource( $wmsData, strlen( $wmsData ) ); $wmsByteSource->SetMimeType( $wmsReader->GetMimeType() ); $serverAdmin->SetDocument( 'Wms:OgcWmsService.config', $wmsByteSource->GetReader() ); $serverAdmin->Close(); } } ////// WFS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// define( 'WFS_NAME_ITEM', "Service.Name"); define( 'WFS_TITLE_ITEM', "Service.Title"); define( 'WFS_FEES_ITEM', "Service.Fees"); define( 'WFS_ABSTRACT_ITEM', "Service.Abstract"); define( 'WFS_ACCESS_CONSTRAINTS_ITEM', "Service.AccessConstraints"); define( 'WFS_KEYWORDS_ITEM', "Service.Keywords"); define( 'WFS_SERVER_NAME_ITEM', "SERVER_NAME"); define( 'WFS_SCRIPT_NAME_ITEM', "SCRIPT_NAME"); define( 'WFS_CONTACT_NAME_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Name"); define( 'WFS_CONTACT_ORGANIZATION_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Organization"); define( 'WFS_CONTACT_POSITION_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Position"); define( 'WFS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_TYPE_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Address.Type"); define( 'WFS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_STREET_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Address.Street"); define( 'WFS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_CITY_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Address.City"); define( 'WFS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_STATE_PROV_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Address.StateProv"); define( 'WFS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_POST_CODE_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Address.PostCode"); define( 'WFS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Address.Country"); define( 'WFS_CONTACT_PHONE_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Phone"); define( 'WFS_CONTACT_FAX_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Fax"); define( 'WFS_CONTACT_EMAIL_ITEM', "Service.Contact.Email"); $wfsServiceMetadataItems = array( WFS_NAME_ITEM, WFS_TITLE_ITEM, WFS_FEES_ITEM, WFS_ABSTRACT_ITEM, WFS_ACCESS_CONSTRAINTS_ITEM, WFS_KEYWORDS_ITEM, WFS_SERVER_NAME_ITEM, WFS_SCRIPT_NAME_ITEM, WFS_CONTACT_NAME_ITEM, WFS_CONTACT_ORGANIZATION_ITEM, WFS_CONTACT_POSITION_ITEM, WFS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_TYPE_ITEM, WFS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_STREET_ITEM, WFS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_CITY_ITEM, WFS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_STATE_PROV_ITEM, WFS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_POST_CODE_ITEM, WFS_CONTACT_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_ITEM, WFS_CONTACT_PHONE_ITEM, WFS_CONTACT_FAX_ITEM, WFS_CONTACT_EMAIL_ITEM); class WFSPropsRecord { var $serviceMetadata; var $keywords; function __construct() { global $wfsServiceMetadataItems; $this->serviceMetadata = array(); $this->keywords = array(); foreach ( $wfsServiceMetadataItems as $item ) $this->serviceMetadata[ $item ] = ""; } function GetProps() { global $site; global $userInfo; global $errInvalidWFSFile; // Get WFS reader $serverAdmin = new MgServerAdmin(); $serverAdmin->Open( $userInfo ); $wfsReader = $serverAdmin->GetDocument( 'Wfs:OgcWfsService.config' ); $serverAdmin->Close(); // Get WFS metadata $wfsData = ""; $chunk = ""; do { $chunkSize = $wfsReader->Read( $chunk, 4096 ); $wfsData = $wfsData.$chunk; } while ( $chunkSize != 0 ); foreach ( $this->serviceMetadata as $serviceItem => $serviceVal ) { $this->serviceMetadata[ $serviceItem ] = ""; $itemPos = strpos( $wfsData, $serviceItem ); if ( $itemPos === false ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidWFSFile ); $valStartPos = strpos( $wfsData, '>', $itemPos ); $valEndPos = strpos( $wfsData, '', $itemPos ); if ( $valStartPos === false || $valEndPos === false || $valStartPos >= $valEndPos ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidWFSFile ); $this->serviceMetadata[ $serviceItem ] = substr( $wfsData, $valStartPos + 1, $valEndPos - $valStartPos - 1 ); } $this->keywords = array(); if ( !empty( $this->serviceMetadata[ WFS_KEYWORDS_ITEM ] ) ) { $keywordsStr = $this->serviceMetadata[ WFS_KEYWORDS_ITEM ]; $keywordStart = strpos( $keywordsStr, '' ); $keywordEnd = strpos( $keywordsStr, '' ); while ( $keywordStart !== false && $keywordEnd !== false && ($keywordStart + 6) < $keywordEnd ) { $keywordStart += 6; // Length of '' $this->keywords[] = substr( $keywordsStr, $keywordStart, $keywordEnd - $keywordStart ); $keywordEnd += 7; // Length of '' $keywordStart = strpos( $keywordsStr, '', $keywordEnd ); $keywordEnd = strpos( $keywordsStr, '', $keywordEnd ); } } } function ValidateProps() { $xmlReservedChars = '"\'&<>\\'; foreach ( $this->serviceMetadata as $item => $val ) if ( strcspn( $val, $xmlReservedChars ) != strlen( $val ) ) throw new Exception ( "Value ".$val." contains invalid character(s) (\"'&<>\\)." ); } function SetProps() { global $site; global $userInfo; global $errInvalidWFSFile; // Get WFS reader $serverAdmin = new MgServerAdmin(); $serverAdmin->Open( $userInfo ); $wfsReader = $serverAdmin->GetDocument( 'Wfs:OgcWfsService.config' ); // Set WFS metadata $wfsData = ""; $chunk = ""; do { $chunkSize = $wfsReader->Read( $chunk, 4096 ); $wfsData = $wfsData.$chunk; } while ( $chunkSize != 0 ); $keywordsStr = ""; foreach( $this->keywords as $keyword ) $keywordsStr = $keywordsStr.''.$keyword.''; $this->serviceMetadata[ WFS_KEYWORDS_ITEM ] = $keywordsStr; foreach ( $this->serviceMetadata as $serviceItem => $serviceVal ) { $itemPos = strpos( $wfsData, $serviceItem ); if ( $itemPos === false ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidWFSFile ); $valStartPos = strpos( $wfsData, '>', $itemPos ); $valEndPos = strpos( $wfsData, '', $itemPos ); if ( $valStartPos === false || $valEndPos === false || $valStartPos >= $valEndPos ) throw new Exception( $errInvalidWFSFile ); $wfsData = substr_replace( $wfsData, $serviceVal, $valStartPos + 1, $valEndPos - $valStartPos - 1 ); } // Save wfs config $wfsByteSource = new MgByteSource( $wfsData, strlen( $wfsData ) ); $wfsByteSource->SetMimeType( $wfsReader->GetMimeType() ); $serverAdmin->SetDocument( 'Wfs:OgcWfsService.config', $wfsByteSource->GetReader() ); $serverAdmin->Close(); } } //represent on setting of Performance report class RecentSetting { public $SettingId; public $MapResourceId; public $CreateTime; public $ModifyTime; public $CenterPoint; public $Scale; } //A class which contains a list of recentSetting //and some methods to manipulate the recent settings class RecentSettings { public $recentSettings; public function GetRecentSettings() { $recentSettingsDoc = new DOMDocument(); $recentSettingsFile = "profilingmapxml/RecentSettings.xml"; if(file_exists($recentSettingsFile)) { $recentSettingsDoc->load($recentSettingsFile); $settingList = $recentSettingsDoc->documentElement->getElementsByTagName("Setting"); //only fetch latest 10 records for($i = 0; $i < $settingList->length && $i < 10; $i++) { $SettingNode = $settingList->item($i); $recentSetting = new RecentSetting(); foreach ($SettingNode->childNodes as $cNode) { if(1 == $cNode->nodeType) { switch ($cNode->nodeName) { case "mapResourceId": $recentSetting->MapResourceId = $cNode->nodeValue; break; case "createTime": $recentSetting->CreateTime = $cNode->nodeValue; break; case "modifyTime": $recentSetting->ModifyTime = $cNode->nodeValue; break; case "centerPoint": $recentSetting->CenterPoint = $cNode->nodeValue; break; case "scale": $recentSetting->Scale = $cNode->nodeValue; break; default :break; } } } $recentSetting->SettingId = $SettingNode->getAttribute("ID"); $this->recentSettings[$i] = $recentSetting; } } } //when a new setting is run, save the setting to the xml file public function SaveRecentSettings($mapResourceId, $centerPoint, $scale) { $mapResourceId = trim($mapResourceId); $centerPoint = trim($centerPoint); $scale = trim($scale); //required parameters are null or empty then ignore this setting if( (!isset($mapResourceId,$centerPoint,$scale)) || ("" == trim($mapResourceId)) || ("" == trim($centerPoint)) || ("" == trim($scale)) ) { return; } $recentSettingsDoc = new DOMDocument(); $recentSettingsFile = "profilingmapxml/RecentSettings.xml"; $rootElement; $settingElement; //get the root element //if the file already exists, get the documentElement //if not exists, create new element and append to the DOMDocument if(file_exists($recentSettingsFile)) { $recentSettingsDoc->load($recentSettingsFile); $rootElement = $recentSettingsDoc->documentElement; //search the xml doc to see if the same setting is existed $settingElement = $this->GetExistedSetting($rootElement, $mapResourceId, $centerPoint, $scale); if(!isset ($settingElement)) { //if not existed, create the new one $settingElement = $this->CreateNewSettting($recentSettingsDoc, $mapResourceId, $centerPoint, $scale); } else { //if existed, update the modify time $settingElement->getElementsByTagName("modifyTime")->item(0)->nodeValue = date("F d ,Y h:i:s A"); } } else { $rootElement = $recentSettingsDoc->createElement("RecentSettings"); $recentSettingsDoc->appendChild($rootElement); $settingElement = $this->CreateNewSettting($recentSettingsDoc, $mapResourceId, $centerPoint, $scale); } //add the setting node at the top if($rootElement->hasChildNodes()) { $firstSetting = $rootElement->firstChild; //if the found one is the first one, do noting if($settingElement === $firstSetting) { ; } else { $firstSetting->parentNode->insertBefore($settingElement, $firstSetting); } } else { $rootElement->appendChild($settingElement); } $recentSettingsDoc = $this->DeleteSettings($recentSettingsDoc); //save the setting to the file $recentSettingsDoc->save($recentSettingsFile); } //find the setting that has already existed in the xml file public function GetExistedSetting($rootElement, $mapResourceId, $centerPoint, $scale) { $foundElement = null; $settingList = $rootElement->getElementsByTagName("Setting"); foreach($settingList as $settingNode) { $mapIdValue = trim($settingNode->getElementsByTagName("mapResourceId")->item(0)->nodeValue); $centerPointValue = trim($settingNode->getElementsByTagName("centerPoint")->item(0)->nodeValue); $scaleValue = trim($settingNode->getElementsByTagName("scale")->item(0)->nodeValue); if( ($mapResourceId == $mapIdValue) && ($centerPoint == $centerPointValue) && ($scale == $scaleValue) ) { $foundElement = $settingNode; break; } } return $foundElement; } //create new element for the setting public function CreateNewSettting($recentSettingsDoc, $mapResourceId, $centerPoint, $scale) { $newSettingElement = $recentSettingsDoc->createElement("Setting"); //use settingId to identify the unique setting $settingId = date("YmdHis") . rand(10, 99); $newSettingElement->setAttribute("ID", $settingId); $mapResourceIdElement = $recentSettingsDoc->createElement("mapResourceId", $mapResourceId); $newSettingElement->appendChild($mapResourceIdElement); $centerPointElement = $recentSettingsDoc->createElement("centerPoint", $centerPoint); $newSettingElement->appendChild($centerPointElement); $scaleElement = $recentSettingsDoc->createElement("scale", $scale); $newSettingElement->appendChild($scaleElement); $createDate = date("F d ,Y h:i:s A"); $createTimeElement = $recentSettingsDoc->createElement("modifyTime", $createDate); $newSettingElement->appendChild($createTimeElement); //when create new setting, the create Time and the modify time is the same $modifyTimeElement = $recentSettingsDoc->createElement("createTime", $createDate); $newSettingElement->appendChild($modifyTimeElement); return $newSettingElement; } //To avoid the recent file to be too large, we will remove the old settings //if the total records exceed 1000 public function DeleteSettings($recentSettingsDoc) { $newXMLDoc; $settingElements = $recentSettingsDoc->documentElement->getElementsByTagName("Setting"); $settingCount = $settingElements->length; if($settingCount >= 1000) { $newXMLDoc = new DOMDocument(); $rootElement1 = $newXMLDoc->createElement("RecentSettings"); $newXMLDoc->appendChild($rootElement1); for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $tempNode = $this->CopyNode($newXMLDoc,$settingElements->item($i)); $rootElement1->appendChild($tempNode); } } else { $newXMLDoc = $recentSettingsDoc; } return $newXMLDoc; } //copy the existed nodes to the new xml document private function CopyNode($doc, $oldNode) { $nd = $doc->createElement("Setting"); $settingIdValue = trim( $oldNode->getAttribute("ID") ); $mapIdValue = trim( $oldNode->getElementsByTagName("mapResourceId")->item(0)->nodeValue ); $centerPointValue = trim( $oldNode->getElementsByTagName("centerPoint")->item(0)->nodeValue ); $scaleValue = trim( $oldNode->getElementsByTagName("scale")->item(0)->nodeValue ); $createTimeValue = trim( $oldNode->getElementsByTagName("createTime")->item(0)->nodeValue ); $modifyTimeValue = trim( $oldNode->getElementsByTagName("modifyTime")->item(0)->nodeValue ); $nd->setAttribute("ID", $settingIdValue); $mapResourceIdElement = $doc->createElement("mapResourceId", $mapIdValue); $nd->appendChild($mapResourceIdElement); $centerPointElement = $doc->createElement("centerPoint", $centerPointValue); $nd->appendChild($centerPointElement); $scaleElement = $doc->createElement("scale", $scaleValue); $nd->appendChild($scaleElement); $createTimeElement = $doc->createElement("modifyTime", $createTimeValue); $nd->appendChild($createTimeElement); $modifyTimeElement = $doc->createElement("createTime", $modifyTimeValue); $nd->appendChild($modifyTimeElement); return $nd; } } class LayerDefinitionProfileData { public $LayerName; public $LayerResuorceId; public $TotalRenderTime; public $FeatureClass; public $CoordinateSystem; public $LayerType; public $Filters; public $ScaleRange; //if exception happened when profiling layer, the error mesage will be saved here, //if the $ErrorMessage is empty or null, it means no error happened public $ErrorMessage; public function GetRenderTimePercentage($sumofRenderTime) { $percentage = 0.0; if($sumofRenderTime > 0.0) { $percentage = $this->TotalRenderTime/$sumofRenderTime; } return number_format($percentage*100,1); } } class LayerDefinitionProfileResults { // an array of LayerDefinitionProfileData, // which consist the profiling map layers info public $LayerProfileDataCollection; public $HasErrors; //get the sum of each layer render time //note that this sum can be different with the $TotalLayerRenderTime public function GetSumOfLayerRenderTime() { $sum = 0.0; foreach ($this->LayerProfileDataCollection as $layerProfileData) { $sum = $sum + $layerProfileData->TotalRenderTime; } return $sum; } } class MapDefinitionProfileData { public $TotalLayerRenderTime; public $TotalLabelRenderTime; public $TotalWatermarkRenderTime; public $TotalImageRenderTime; public $TotalMapRenderTime; public $MapResourceId; public $BaseLayerCount; public $LayerCount; public $ImageFormat; public $CenterPoint; public $DataExtents; public $CoordinateSystem; public $Scale; public $RenderType; public $LabelsErrorMessage; public $WatermarksErrorMessage; public $MapErrorMessage; public function GetTotalRenderTime() { return $this->TotalLayerRenderTime+$this->TotalLabelRenderTime +$this->TotalImageRenderTime+$this->TotalWatermarkRenderTime; } public function GetLayerRenderPercent() { return number_format($this->TotalLayerRenderTime/$this->TotalMapRenderTime*100,1); } public function GetLabelRenderPercent() { return number_format($this->TotalLabelRenderTime/$this->TotalMapRenderTime*100,1); } public function GetWartermarkRenderPercent() { return number_format($this->TotalWatermarkRenderTime/$this->TotalMapRenderTime*100,1); } public function GetImageRenderPercent() { return number_format($this->TotalImageRenderTime/$this->TotalMapRenderTime*100,1); } public function GetOtherRenderTime() { return $this->TotalMapRenderTime-$this->TotalLayerRenderTime-$this->TotalLabelRenderTime-$this->TotalWatermarkRenderTime-$this->TotalImageRenderTime; } public function GetOthersRenderPercent() { $other= $this->TotalMapRenderTime-$this->TotalLayerRenderTime-$this->TotalLabelRenderTime-$this->TotalWatermarkRenderTime-$this->TotalImageRenderTime; return number_format($other/$this->TotalMapRenderTime*100,1); } } class MapProfileResult { public $MapProfileData; public $LayerProfileData; public function ReadFromXML($resultSource) { $this->MapProfileData = new MapDefinitionProfileData(); $this->MapProfileData->MapErrorMessage = null; $this->MapProfileData->LabelsErrorMessage = null; $this->MapProfileData->WatermarksErrorMessage = null; $mapResultList = $resultSource->documentElement->getElementsByTagName("ProfileRenderMapResult"); $profileRenderMap = $mapResultList->item(0); //if the map has no watermark, then the returned results will not contain the node ProfileRenderWatermarksResult $watermarkNodeList = $profileRenderMap->getElementsByTagName("ProfileRenderWatermarksResult"); if(0 == $watermarkNodeList->length) { $this->MapProfileData->TotalWatermarkRenderTime = 0.00; } if ($profileRenderMap->hasChildNodes()) { foreach ($profileRenderMap->childNodes as $node) { if (1 == $node->nodeType) { switch ($node->nodeName) { case "ResourceId": $this->MapProfileData->MapResourceId = $node->nodeValue; break; case "CoordinateSystem": $this->MapProfileData->CoordinateSystem = $node->nodeValue; break; case "Extents": $minX = $node->getElementsByTagName("MinX")->item(0)->nodeValue; $maxX = $node->getElementsByTagName("MaxX")->item(0)->nodeValue; $minY = $node->getElementsByTagName("MinY")->item(0)->nodeValue; $maxY = $node->getElementsByTagName("MaxY")->item(0)->nodeValue; $this->MapProfileData->DataExtents = $minX.",".$minY.",".$maxX.",".$maxY; break; case "LayerCount": $this->MapProfileData->LayerCount = $node->nodeValue; break; case "Scale": $this->MapProfileData->Scale = $node->nodeValue; break; case "ImageFormat": $this->MapProfileData->ImageFormat = $node->nodeValue; break; case "RendererType": $this->MapProfileData->RenderType = $node->nodeValue; break; case "RenderTime": $this->MapProfileData->TotalMapRenderTime = $node->nodeValue; break; case "CreateImageTime": $this->MapProfileData->TotalImageRenderTime = $node->nodeValue; break; case "ProfileRenderLabelsResult": foreach ($node->childNodes as $labelNode) { if ($labelNode->nodeType == 1 && $labelNode->nodeName == "RenderTime") { $this->MapProfileData->TotalLabelRenderTime = $labelNode->nodeValue; } //if profiling labels has exception, save the error message here if ($labelNode->nodeType == 1 && $labelNode->nodeName == "Error") { $this->MapProfileData->LabelsErrorMessage = $labelNode->nodeValue; } } break; case "ProfileRenderLayersResult": foreach ($node->childNodes as $layerNode) { if (1 == $layerNode->nodeType && "RenderTime" == $layerNode->nodeName) { $this->MapProfileData->TotalLayerRenderTime = $layerNode->nodeValue; } } $this->ParseLayerResult($node); break; case "ProfileRenderWatermarksResult": foreach ($node->childNodes as $watermarkNode) { if (1 == $watermarkNode->nodeType && "RenderTime" == $watermarkNode->nodeName) { $this->MapProfileData->TotalWatermarkRenderTime = $watermarkNode->nodeValue; } if (1 == $watermarkNode->nodeType && "ProfileRenderWatermarkResult" == $watermarkNode->nodeName) { foreach ($watermarkNode->childNodes as $watermarkItemNode) { if (1 == $watermarkItemNode->nodeType && "Error" == $watermarkItemNode->nodeName) { $this->MapProfileData->WatermarksErrorMessage.= $watermarkItemNode->nodeValue . "\n"; } } } } break; case "Error": $this->MapProfileData->MapErrorMessage = $node->nodeValue; break; default: break; } } } } } private function ParseLayerResult($LayerNodeList) { $this->LayerProfileData = new LayerDefinitionProfileResults(); $this->LayerProfileData->LayerProfileDataCollection = array(); $this->LayerProfileData->HasErrors = 0; foreach ($LayerNodeList->childNodes as $layerNode) { if (1 == $layerNode->nodeType && "ProfileRenderLayerResult" == $layerNode->nodeName) { $tempLayerProfileData = new LayerDefinitionProfileData(); $tempLayerProfileData->ErrorMessage = null; foreach ($layerNode->childNodes as $node) { if (1 == $node->nodeType) { switch ($node->nodeName) { case "LayerName": $tempLayerProfileData->LayerName = $node->nodeValue; break; case "ResourceId": $tempLayerProfileData->LayerResuorceId = $node->nodeValue; break; case "LayerType": $tempLayerProfileData->LayerType = $node->nodeValue; break; case "FeatureClassName": $tempLayerProfileData->FeatureClass = $node->nodeValue; break; case "CoordinateSystem": $tempLayerProfileData->CoordinateSystem = $node->nodeValue; break; case "RenderTime": $tempLayerProfileData->TotalRenderTime = $node->nodeValue; break; case "ScaleRange": $minScale = $node->getElementsByTagName("MinScale")->item(0)->nodeValue; $maxScale = $node->getElementsByTagName("MaxScale")->item(0)->nodeValue; if($maxScale === "1000000000000") { $maxScale = "Infinity"; } $tempLayerProfileData->ScaleRange= $minScale." - ".$maxScale; break; case "Filter": $tempLayerProfileData->Filters= $node->nodeValue; break; case "Error": $this->LayerProfileData->HasErrors++; $tempLayerProfileData->ErrorMessage = $node->nodeValue; break; default:break; } } } $this->LayerProfileData->LayerProfileDataCollection[$tempLayerProfileData->LayerName] = $tempLayerProfileData; } } } //Get the base map layer count of the specified map resource //The base map layer count is not provided by the profiling report //but we need it on UI public function GetBaseLayerCount() { try { //site and userInfo are saved in the session global $site; global $userInfo; $mapResourceContent = ""; $resourceID = $this->MapProfileData->MapResourceId; //connect to the site and get a resource service instance $siteConn = new MgSiteConnection(); $siteConn->Open($userInfo); $resourceService = $siteConn->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService); //get the map resource content from the server $mgResourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier($resourceID); $byteReader = $resourceService->GetResourceContent($mgResourceID); //read the content into a string $chunk = ""; do { $chunkSize = $byteReader->Read($chunk, 4096); $mapResourceContent = $mapResourceContent . $chunk; } while ($chunkSize != 0); //parse the xml data use DOMDocument $resourceContent = new DOMDocument(); $resourceContent->loadXML($mapResourceContent); //get all the elements with the element name "BaseMapLayer" $baseLayers = $resourceContent->documentElement->getElementsByTagName("BaseMapLayer"); //set the base map layer count $this->MapProfileData->BaseLayerCount= $baseLayers->length; } catch (Exception $exc) { //Exceptions: //MgInvalidRepositoryTypeException //MgInvalidRepositoryNameException //MgInvalidResourcePathException //MgInvalidResourceNameException //MgInvalidResourceTypeException $errorMsg = $exc->getMessage(); } } } ?>