<%-- -Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by Autodesk, Inc. -This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser -General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. -This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -Lesser General Public License for more details. -You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA --%> <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %> <%@ page import="org.osgeo.mapguide.*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="java.io.*" %> <%@ page import="java.text.*" %> <%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.*" %> <%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.*" %> <%@ include file="common.jsp" %> <%@ page isThreadSafe="false" %> <%! String mapDefinition; String locale; int infoWidth; int showLegend; int showProperties; int showSlider; String sessionId; String hlTgt; String hlTgtName; String selectionColor; String mapImgFormat; String selImgFormat; int pointBufferSize; %> <% response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); infoWidth = showLegend = showProperties = 0; hlTgt = hlTgtName = locale = mapDefinition = sessionId = ""; MgLocalizer.SetLocalizedFilesPath(getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "localized/"); GetRequestParameters(request); InitializeWebTier(); // create the map instance and store it with the session // MgUserInformation userInfo = new MgUserInformation(); userInfo.setMgSessionId(sessionId); userInfo.setClientIp(GetClientIp(request)); userInfo.setClientAgent(GetClientAgent()); MgSiteConnection site = new MgSiteConnection(); site.open(userInfo); MgResourceService resourceSrvc = (MgResourceService)site.createService(MgServiceType.ResourceService); MgMap map = new MgMap(site); MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(mapDefinition); String mapName = resId.getName(); map.create(resId, mapName); MgResourceIdentifier tileSetId = map.getTileSetDefinition(); MgTileService tileSrvc = (MgTileService)site.createService(MgServiceType.TileService); int tileSizeX = tileSrvc.getDefaultTileSizeX(); int tileSizeY = tileSrvc.getDefaultTileSizeY(); if (null != tileSetId) { //Can't load map if it points to a non-default tile set provider String tsProvider = map.getTileSetProvider(); if (!tsProvider.equals("Default")) { throw new RuntimeException(MessageFormat.format(MgLocalizer.GetString("ERR_UNSUPPORTED_TILESET", locale), new Object[] { tsProvider })); } //Overwrite the map definition with tile set id (this is for GETTILE requests) and //use size settings from that tile set mapDefinition = tileSetId.toString(); tileSizeX = tileSrvc.getDefaultTileSizeX(tileSetId); tileSizeY = tileSrvc.getDefaultTileSizeY(tileSetId); } //create an empty selection object and store it in the session repository MgSelection sel = new MgSelection(map); sel.save(resourceSrvc, mapName); //get the map extent and calculate the scale factor // MgEnvelope mapExtent = map.getMapExtent(); String srs = map.getMapSRS(); double metersPerUnit; String unitsType; if(srs != null && srs.length() > 0) { MgCoordinateSystemFactory csFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory(); MgCoordinateSystem cs = csFactory.create(srs); metersPerUnit = cs.convertCoordinateSystemUnitsToMeters(1.0); unitsType = cs.getUnits(); } else { metersPerUnit = 1.0; unitsType = MgLocalizer.GetString("DISTANCEMETERS", locale); } MgCoordinate llExtent = mapExtent.getLowerLeftCoordinate(); MgCoordinate urExtent = mapExtent.getUpperRightCoordinate(); String bgColor = map.getBackgroundColor(); if(bgColor.length() == 8) { bgColor = "#" + bgColor.substring(2); } else { bgColor = "white"; } String scaleCreationCode = ""; // Create a sorted set of display scales TreeSet scales = new TreeSet(); for(int i = 0; i < map.getFiniteDisplayScaleCount(); i++) { scales.add(new Double(map.getFiniteDisplayScaleAt(i))); } Iterator iter = scales.iterator(); int i = 0; while(iter.hasNext()) { scaleCreationCode = scaleCreationCode + "scales[" + i + "]=" + iter.next().toString().replace(',','.') + "; "; i++; } MgResourceIdentifier mapStateId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:" + sessionId + "//" + mapName + "." + MgResourceType.Map); map.save(resourceSrvc, mapStateId); //load html template code and format it // String templ = MgLocalizer.Localize(LoadTemplate("/viewerfiles/ajaxmappane.templ"), locale, GetClientOS(request)); String vpath = GetSurroundVirtualPath(request); String vals[] = { String.valueOf(tileSizeX), String.valueOf(tileSizeY), GetRootVirtualFolder(request) + "/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi", mapName, mapDefinition, String.valueOf(infoWidth), showLegend != 0 ? "true": "false", showProperties != 0 ? "true": "false", sessionId, String.valueOf(llExtent.getX()), String.valueOf(llExtent.getY()), String.valueOf(urExtent.getX()), String.valueOf(urExtent.getY()), String.valueOf(metersPerUnit), unitsType, bgColor, hlTgt, hlTgtName, showSlider != 0? "true": "false", locale, scaleCreationCode, selectionColor, mapImgFormat, selImgFormat, String.valueOf(pointBufferSize), vpath + "ajaxviewerabout.jsp", vpath + "legendctrl.jsp", URLEncoder.encode(mapName, "UTF-8"), sessionId, locale, vpath + "propertyctrl.jsp", locale }; response.getWriter().write(Substitute(templ, vals)); %> <%! void GetRequestParameters(HttpServletRequest request) { sessionId = ValidateSessionId(GetParameter(request, "SESSION")); locale = ValidateLocaleString(GetParameter(request, "LOCALE")); mapDefinition = ValidateResourceId(GetParameter(request, "MAPDEFINITION")); hlTgt = ValidateHyperlinkTargetValue(GetParameter(request, "HLTGT")); hlTgtName = ValidateFrameName(GetParameter(request, "HLTGTNAME")); infoWidth = GetIntParameter(request, "INFOWIDTH"); showLegend = GetIntParameter(request, "SHOWLEGEND"); showProperties = GetIntParameter(request, "SHOWPROP"); showSlider = GetIntParameter(request, "SHOWSLIDER"); selectionColor = ValidateColorString(GetParameter(request, "SELCOLOR"), 8); mapImgFormat = GetParameter(request, "MAPIMGFORMAT"); selImgFormat = GetParameter(request, "SELIMGFORMAT"); pointBufferSize = GetIntParameter(request, "POINTBUFFERSIZE"); } %>