.. $Id$ This is the new unified mapscript documentation prepared using reStructured Text. *************************************************************** RULE #1: No tabs in this document! RULE #2: Indent is 4 characters. RULE #3: There is no rule 3. Thank you. *************************************************************** reStructured Text is part of the Python docutils module http://docutils.sourceforge.net/ Documentation on reStructured Text is found at http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html First reST note is about comments: a double period begins a comment block (like a /* in C) and a double period on a line all by itself closes the comment block. .. .. Below is our main heading (becomes H1). Note that we require empty lines between every different reST element such as the empty line between the end of this comment and the begining of the heading. .. ***************************************************************************** Python Appendix ***************************************************************************** :Author: Sean Gillies :Contact: sgillies@frii.com :Revision: $Revision$ :Date: $Date$ .. The next heading encountered becomes our H2 .. .. sectnum:: .. contents:: :depth: 2 :backlinks: top ============================================================================= Introduction ============================================================================= The Python mapscript module contains some class extension methods that have not yet been implemented for other languages. ============================================================================= Classes ============================================================================= References to sections below will be added here as the documentation grows. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- imageObj ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Python Imaging Library, http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/, is an indispensible tool for image manipulation. The extensions to imageObj are all geared towards better integration of PIL in mapscript applications. imageObj Methods ---------------- imageObj( PyObject arg1, PyObject arg2 [, PyObject arg3 ] ) : imageObj_ Create a new instance which is either empty or read from a Python file-like object that refers to a GD format image. The constructor has 2 different modes. In the blank image mode, arg1 and arg2 should be the desired width and height in pixels, and the optional arg3 should be either an instance of outputFormatObj or a GD driver name as a shortcut to a format. In the image file mode, arg1 should be a filename or a Python file or file-like object. If the file-like object does not have a "seek" attribute (such as a urllib resource handle), then a GD driver name *must* be provided as arg2. Here's an example of creating a 320 pixel wide by 240 pixel high JPEG using the constructor's blank image mode:: image = mapscript.imageObj(320, 240, 'GD/JPEG') In image file mode, interesting values of *arg1* to try are instances of *StringIO*:: s = StringIO() pil_image.save(s) # Save an image manipulated with PIL ms_image = imageObj(s) Or the file-like object returned from *urlopen* :: url = urllib.urlopen('http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/bugs/ant.jpg') ms_image = imageObj(url, 'GD/JPEG') write( [ PyObject file ] ) : void Write image data to a Python file-like object. Default is stdout. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pointObj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pointObj Methods ---------------- __str__() : string Return a string formatted like :: { 'x': %f , 'y': %f } with the coordinate values substituted appropriately. Usage example: :: >>> p = mapscript.pointObj(1, 1) >>> str(p) { 'x': 1.000000 , 'y': 1.000000 } Note that the return value can be conveniently eval'd into a Python dictionary: :: >>> p_dict = eval(str(p)) >>> p_dict['x'] 1.000000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rectObj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rectObj Methods --------------- __contains__( pointObj point ) : boolean Returns True if *point* is inside the rectangle, otherwise returns False. :: >>> r = mapscript.rectObj(0, 0, 1, 1) >>> p = mapscript.pointObj(2, 0) # outside >>> p in r False >>> p not in r True __str__() : string Return a string formatted like :: { 'minx': %f , 'miny': %f , 'maxx': %f , 'maxy': %f } with the bounding values substituted appropriately. Usage example: :: >>> r = mapscript.rectObj(0, 0, 1, 1) >>> str(r) { 'minx': 0.000000 , 'miny': 0.000000 , 'maxx': 1.000000 , 'maxy': 1.000000 } Note that the return value can be conveniently eval'd into a Python dictionary: :: >>> r_dict = eval(str(r)) >>> r_dict['minx'] 0.000000