Font Set Reference

Purpose: Font sets are simple text files containing information about the TrueType fonts available to the mapserver. The aliases defined are then used throughout a map file to specify which font to use.

Notes: Aliases are case sensitive. Excellent reference information about the TrueType format and online font resources is available from the FreeType project website.

Format: The format is very simple. Each line contains 2 items: an alias and the name/path of the font seperated by white space. The alias is simply the name you refer to the font as in your mapfiles (eg. times-bold). The name is the actual name of the TrueType file. If not fullpath then it is interpreted as relative to the location of the fontset. Here's the fontset I use (the font.list file and all .ttf files are stored in the same sub-directory).

      arial                           arial.ttf
      arial-bold                      arialbd.ttf
      arial-italic                    ariali.ttf
      arial-bold-italic               arialbi.ttf
      arial_black                     ariblk.ttf
      comic_sans                      comic.ttf
      comic_sans-bold                 comicbd.ttf
      courier                         cour.ttf
      courier-bold                    courbd.ttf
      courier-italic                  couri.ttf
      courier-bold-italic             courbi.ttf
      georgia                         georgia.ttf
      georgia-bold                    georgiab.ttf
      georgia-italic                  georgiai.ttf
      georgia-bold-italic             georgiaz.ttf
      impact                          impact.ttf                    monotype.ttf
      recreation_symbols              recreate.ttf
      times                           times.ttf
      times-bold                      timesbd.ttf
      times-italic                    timesi.ttf
      times-bold-italic               timesbi.ttf
      trebuchet_ms                    trebuc.ttf
      trebuchet_ms-bold               trebucbd.ttf
      trebuchet_ms-italic             trebucit.ttf
      trebuchet_ms-bold-italic        trebucbi.ttf
      verdana                         verdana.ttf
      verdana-bold                    verdanab.ttf
      verdana-italic                  verdanai.ttf
      verdana-bold-italic             verdanaz.ttf

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