.. _grid: ***************************************************************************** GRID ***************************************************************************** LABELFORMAT [DD|DDMM|DDMMSS|C format string] Format of the label. "DD" for degrees, "DDMM" for degrees minutes, and "DDMMSS" for degrees, minutes, seconds. A C-style formatting string is also allowed, such as "%g°" to show decimal degrees with a degree symbol. The default is decimal display of whatever SRS you're rendering the GRID with. MINARCS [double] The minimum number of arcs to draw. Increase this parameter to get more lines. Optional. MAXARCS [double] The maximum number of arcs to draw. Decrease this parameter to get fewer lines. Optional. MININTERVAL [double] The minimum number of intervals to try to use. The distance between the grid lines, in the units of the grid's coordinate system. Optional. MAXINTERVAL [double] The maximum number of intervals to try to use. The distance between the grid lines, in the units of the grid's coordinate system. Optional. MINSUBDIVIDE [double] The minimum number of segments to use when rendering an arc. If the lines should be very curved, use this to smooth the lines by adding more segments. Optional. MAXSUBDIVIDE [double] The maximum number of segments to use when rendering an arc. If the graticule should be very straight, use this to minimize the number of points for faster rendering. Optional, default 256. The following is an example of a GRID object in use: :: LAYER NAME "grid" METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "Grid" END TYPE LINE STATUS ON CLASS NAME "Graticule" COLOR 0 0 0 LABEL COLOR 255 0 0 FONT "fritqat" TYPE truetype SIZE 8 POSITION AUTO PARTIALS FALSE BUFFER 5 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END GRID LABELFORMAT "DDMM" # LABELFORMAT '%g°' # dec degrees with symbol MAXARCS 10 MAXINTERVAL 10 MAXSUBDIVIDE 2 # LABELFORMAT '%7.0f m' # nice if a projected SRS used # MININTERVAL 20000 # MAXSUBDIVIDE 2 END END # Layer