.. _imagemaps: ***************************************************************************** HTML Imagemaps ***************************************************************************** :Author: David Fawcett :Contact: david.fawcett at gmail.com :Revision: $Revision$ :Date: $Date$ :Last Updated: 2008/10/08 .. contents:: :depth: 2 :backlinks: top Introduction ============ The shpxy method of creating imagemaps uses MapServer query functionality to build a html imagemap. Just like a regular MapServer query, you send a query request and MapServer uses the templates to build a block of html that it sends back to the browser. The first example shows you how to build an imagemap based on a point layer. An example template for a polygon layer is also included. **Components** - MapServer mapfile - query template file - query header template - query footer template Mapfile Layer Definition =========================== Here is a simple mapfile for our example :: MAP NAME "myMapFile STATUS ON SIZE 200 200 EXTENT 178784 4804000 772653 5483346 UNITS METERS STATUS ON SHAPEPATH "/web/maps/data" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 WEB IMAGEPATH "/web/maps/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/maps/tmp/" END QUERYMAP STATUS ON STYLE NORMAL END LAYER NAME "sites" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE point DATA 'aqiAreas' TEMPLATE "bodytemplate.html" HEADER "imapheader.html" FOOTER "imapfooter.html" END END You can see that we have a mapfile with one point layer, and that it contains references to three query templates. Templates ============================== In MapServer, the query header and footers get processed only once. The main query template, 'bodytemplate.html' in this example, gets processed once for each record in the record set returned by the query. Point Layers ------------- Here is the query header, 'imapheader.html'. It creates the opening tag for your html imagemap. :: Here is the query template, 'bodytemplate.html'. It creates the body of the html imagemap. :: [NAME] This template is used to create circular imagemap elements for a point layer. NAME is a fieldname in the data source, the value for NAME for each individual record gets substituted as the template is processed. The href specifies the URL link if the element is clicked. Title and alt will display the value when an element is moused over. The resulting html element looks like :: The key part here is :: coords="[shpxy precision=0 proj=image xf="," yf=",7"]" This is where MapServer will substitute the image coordinates for that query record. With Precision=0, the coordinates will be integers. You also see shpxy template formatting options 'xf' and 'yf'. 'xf="," tells MapServer to place a comma after the x coordinate. 'yf=",7" after the y coordinate. This is done to specify a radius of 7 pixels for the circle. More options can be found in the :ref:`Template Reference