.. _section1: Section 1: Static Maps and the MapFile ====================================== - Take a shapefile. Any shapefile. We can use MapServer to display that shapefile on a web browser. Look... - :ref:`Example 1.1 - A map with a single layer ` - We can display the same shapefile repeatedly. We can display the polygon attributes on one LAYER and and the line attributes on another... - :ref:`Example 1.2 - A map with two layers ` - And we can select which parts of the shapefile to display. We do this using the CLASS object... - :ref:`Example 1.3 - Using classes to make a "useful" map ` - We can also label our maps... - :ref:`Example 1.4 - Labeling layers and label layers ` - Or add raster data such as satellite images, aerial photographs, or shaded reliefs... - :ref:`Example 1.5 - Adding a raster layer ` - We can reproject our data from just about any projection to just about any... Yeah, check it out! - :ref:`Example 1.6 - Projection/Reprojection ` - MapServer can output to various formats such as PDF and GeoTIFF. - :ref:`Example 1.8 - A different output format ` - MapServer not only generates static maps, it can also create interactive maps... - :ref:`Example 1.9 - The difference between map and browse mode ` ---- :ref:`Back to Tutorial home ` | :ref:`Proceed to Section 2 ` ----