.. _labelencoding: ***************************************************************************** Display of International Characters in MapServer ***************************************************************************** :Author: Jeff McKenna :Contact: jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com :Last Updated: 2010-08-10 .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 3 :backlinks: top Credit ====== The following functionality was added to MapServer 4.4.0 as a part of a project sponsored by the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA), in Japan. Project members included: Venkatesh Raghavan, Masumoto Shinji, Nonogaki Susumu, Nemoto Tatsuya, Hirai Naoki (Osaka City University, Japan), Mario Basa, Hagiwara Akira, Niwa Makoto, Mori Toru (Orkney Inc., Japan), and Hattori Norihiro (E-Solution Service, Inc., Japan). Related Links ============= - MapServer `ticket:858 `__ Requirements ============ - MapServer >= 4.4.0 - MapServer compiled with the libiconv library How to Enable in Your Mapfile ============================= The mapfile :ref:`LABEL