.. index:: single: CLUSTER .. _cluster: ***************************************************************************** CLUSTER ***************************************************************************** .. index:: Cluster .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 2 :backlinks: top Description =========== Since version 6.0, MapServer has the ability to combine multiple features from a point layer into single (aggregated) features based on their relative positions. Only *POINT* layers are supported. This feature was added through :ref:`rfc69`. Supported Layer Types ===================== POINT Mapfile Parameters ================== .. index:: pair: CLUSTER; MAXDISTANCE MAXDISTANCE [double] Specifies the distance of the search region (rectangle or ellipse) in pixel positions. .. index:: pair: CLUSTER; REGION REGION [string] Defines the search region around a feature in which the neighbouring features are negotiated. Can be 'rectangle' or 'ellipse'. .. index:: pair: CLUSTER; BUFFER BUFFER [double] Defines a buffer region around the map extent in pixels. Default is 0. Using a buffer allows that the neighbouring shapes around the map are also considered during the cluster creation. .. index:: pair: CLUSTER; GROUP :ref:`GROUP ` [string] This expression evaluates to a string and only the features that have the same group value are negotiated. This parameter can be omitted. The evaluated group value is available in the 'Cluster:Group' feature attribute. .. index:: pair: CLUSTER; FILTER :ref:`FILTER ` [string] We can define the FILTER expression filter some of the features from the final output. This expression evaluates to a boolean value and if this value is false the corresponding shape is filtered out. This expression is evaluated after the the feature negotiation is completed, therefore the 'Cluster:FeatureCount' parameter can also be used, which provides the option to filter the shapes having too many or to few neighbors within the search region. Mapfile Snippet =============== .. code-block:: mapfile LAYER NAME "my-cluster" TYPE POINT ... CLUSTER MAXDISTANCE 20 # in pixels REGION ellipse # can be rectangle or ellipse GROUP (expression) # an expression to create separate groups for each value FILTER (expression) # a logical expression to specify the grouping condition END LABELITEM "Cluster:FeatureCount" CLASS ... LABEL ... END END ... END .. index:: pair: Cluster; Feature attributes Feature attributes ================== The clustered layer itself provides the following aggregated attributes: .. index:: pair: Cluster; FeatureCount .. index:: pair: Cluster; Group 1. Cluster:FeatureCount - count of the features in the clustered shape 2. Cluster:Group - The group value of the cluster (to which the group expression is evaluated) These attributes (in addition to the attributes provided by the original data source) can be used to configure the labels of the features and can also be used in expressions. The ITEMS processing option can be used to specify a subset of the attributes from the original layer in the query operations according to the user's preference. .. index:: pair: Cluster; Aggregate functions We can use simple aggregate functions (Min, Max, Sum, Count) to specify how the clustered attribute should be calculated from the original attributes. The aggregate function should be specified as a prefix separated by ':' in the attibute definition, like: [Max:itemname]. If we don't specify aggregate functions for the source layer attributes, then the actual value of the cluster attribute will be non-deterministic if the cluster contains multiple shapes with different values. The Count aggregate function in fact provides the same value as Cluster:FeatureCount. PHP MapScript Usage =================== The :ref:`CLUSTER object ` is exposed through PHP MapScript. An example follows: .. code-block:: php $map = ms_newMapobj("/var/www/vhosts/mysite/httpdocs/test.map"); $layer1=$map->getLayerByName("test1"); $layer1->cluster; Example: Clustering Railway Stations ==================================== The following example uses a point datasource, in this case in KML format, to display clusters of railway stations. Two classes are used: one to style and label the cluster, and one to style and label the single railway station. .. note:: Since we can't declare 2 labelitems, for the single railway class we use the *TEXT* parameter to label the station. Mapfile Layer ------------- .. code-block:: mapfile #################### # Lightrail Stations #################### SYMBOL NAME "lightrail" TYPE PIXMAP IMAGE "../etc/lightrail.png" END LAYER NAME "lightrail" GROUP "default" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "lightrail-stations.kml" DATA "lightrail-stations" LABELITEM "Cluster:FeatureCount" CLASSITEM "Cluster:FeatureCount" ########################### # Define the cluster object ########################### CLUSTER MAXDISTANCE 50 REGION "ellipse" END ################################ # Class1: For the cluster symbol ################################ CLASS NAME "Clustered Lightrail Stations" EXPRESSION ("[Cluster:FeatureCount]" != "1") STYLE SIZE 30 SYMBOL "citycircle" COLOR 255 0 0 END LABEL FONT scb TYPE TRUETYPE SIZE 8 COLOR 255 255 255 ALIGN CENTER PRIORITY 10 BUFFER 1 PARTIALS TRUE POSITION cc END END ################################ # Class2: For the single station ################################ CLASS NAME "Lightrail Stations" EXPRESSION "1" STYLE SIZE 30 SYMBOL "lightrail" END TEXT "[Name]" LABEL FONT scb TYPE TRUETYPE SIZE 8 COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 ALIGN CENTER PRIORITY 9 BUFFER 1 PARTIALS FALSE POSITION ur END END # the following is used for a query TOLERANCE 50 UNITS PIXELS HEADER "../htdocs/templates/cluster_header.html" FOOTER "../htdocs/templates/cluster_footer.html" TEMPLATE "../htdocs/templates/cluster_query.html" END Map Image --------- .. image:: ../images/cluster.png