# # Start of map file # NAME DEMO STATUS ON SIZE 600 600 EXTENT 388107.634400379 5203120.88405952 500896.339019834 5310243.30613897 UNITS METERS SHAPEPATH "data" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 # you may need to change this to match your MapServer build #IMAGETYPE PNG # # Projection definition, consult the PROJ.4 documentation for parameter discussion # #PROJECTION # "proj=utm" # "ellps=GRS80" # "zone=15" # "north" # "no_defs" # # OR: # # "init=epsg:26915" #END # # Start of web interface definition (including WMS enabling metadata) # WEB HEADER demo_header.html TEMPLATE demo.html FOOTER demo_footer.html MINSCALE 1000 MAXSCALE 1550000 IMAGEPATH "set in demo_init.html" IMAGEURL "set in demo_init.html" METADATA WMS_TITLE "UMN MapServer Itasca Demo" WMS_ABSTRACT "This is the UMN MapServer demonstration application for Itasca County located in north central Minnesota." WMS_ACCESSCONSTRAINTS none # change this value to match your setup WMS_ONLINERESOURCE "http://localhost.localdomain/mapserver_demos/itasca/demo_init.html" WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END END QUERYMAP SIZE 200 200 STATUS ON STYLE HILITE COLOR 255 0 0 END # # Start of reference map # REFERENCE IMAGE graphics/reference.png EXTENT 393234.393701263 5205405.16440722 495769.579718949 5307959.02579127 SIZE 120 120 STATUS ON COLOR -1 -1 -1 OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0 END # # Start of legend # LEGEND KEYSIZE 18 12 LABEL TYPE BITMAP SIZE MEDIUM COLOR 0 0 89 END STATUS ON END # # Start of scalebar # SCALEBAR IMAGECOLOR 102 102 102 LABEL COLOR 255 255 255 SHADOWCOLOR 64 64 64 SIZE tiny END STYLE 0 SIZE 120 4 COLOR 255 255 255 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 128 128 128 OUTLINECOLOR 64 64 64 UNITS MILES INTERVALS 3 TRANSPARENT TRUE STATUS TRUE END # # Start of symbol definitions (we're only using a few) # SYMBOL NAME 'circle' TYPE ELLIPSE POINTS 1 1 END FILLED TRUE END SYMBOL NAME 'crosshatch' TYPE VECTOR POINTS 0 0 1 1 END END # # Start of layer definitions # LAYER NAME drgs TYPE RASTER STATUS OFF OFFSITE 31 # OFFSITE 252 252 252 METADATA WMS_TITLE "USGS 1:250,000 Digital Raster Graphic" WMS_ABSTRACT "Hibbing and Bemidji quadrangles. See http://deli.dnr.state.mn.us/metadata/full/drgncim1.html for more information." WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END TILEINDEX drgidx END LAYER NAME ctybdpy2 TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT DATA ctybdpy2 # no need for a background IF the USGS quads are being drawn REQUIRES "![drgs]" CLASSITEM 'cty_name' CLASS EXPRESSION 'Itasca' OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128 COLOR 225 225 185 SYMBOL 'crosshatch' SIZE 2 END CLASS # every other county in the state EXPRESSION /./ OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128 COLOR 255 255 255 END METADATA WMS_TITLE "County Boundary" WMS_ABSTRACT "Itasca County boundary shapefile. See http://deli.dnr.state.mn.us/metadata/full/ctybdne2.html for more information." WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END END LAYER NAME mcd90py2 GROUP cities TYPE POLYGON DATA mcd90py2 STATUS OFF CLASSITEM city_name CLASS NAME "Cities & Towns" EXPRESSION /./ COLOR 255 225 90 TEMPLATE "mcd90py2.html" END HEADER "mcd90py2_header.html" FOOTER "mcd90py2_footer.html" DUMP TRUE # allow GML export METADATA WMS_TITLE "Minor Civil Divisions" WMS_ABSTRACT "Minor civil divisions for Itasca County. (boundaries only)" WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END END LAYER NAME twprgpy3 TYPE POLYGON DATA twprgpy3 STATUS OFF CLASS SYMBOL 'circle' SIZE 2 NAME 'Townships' OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0 END METADATA WMS_TITLE "Township Boundaries" WMS_ABSTRACT "Pulic Land Survey (PLS) township boundaries for Itasca County. See http://deli.dnr.state.mn.us/metadata/full/twprgne2.html for more information." WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END END LAYER NAME lakespy2 TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF DATA lakespy2 CLASS NAME 'Lakes & Rivers' TEMPLATE "lakespy2.html" COLOR 49 117 185 END HEADER "lakespy2_header.html" FOOTER "lakespy2_footer.html" TOLERANCE 3 DUMP TRUE # allow GML export METADATA WMS_TITLE "Lakes and Rivers" WMS_ABSTRACT "DLG lake and river polygons for Itasca County. See http://deli.dnr.state.mn.us/metadata/full/dlglkpy2.html for more information." WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END END # lakes LAYER NAME dlgstln2 TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA dlgstln2 CLASS NAME "Streams" TEMPLATE "dlgstln2.html" COLOR 49 117 185 END HEADER "dlgstln2_header.html" FOOTER "dlgstln2_footer.html" TOLERANCE 5 DUMP TRUE # allow GML export METADATA WMS_TITLE "Streams" WMS_ABSTRACT "DLG streams for Itasca County. See http://deli.dnr.state.mn.us/metadata/full/dlgstln2.html for more information." WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END END # streams LAYER NAME ctyrdln3 GROUP roads MAXSCALE 300000 STATUS OFF DATA ctyrdln3 TYPE LINE CLASS COLOR 0 0 0 END METADATA WMS_TITLE "County Roads" WMS_ABSTRACT "County roads. (lines only) Derived from MNDOT roads layer, see http://deli.dnr.state.mn.us/metadata/full/dotrdln2.html for more information." WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END END # county roads LAYER NAME ctyrdln3_anno GROUP roads MAXSCALE 300000 STATUS OFF DATA ctyrdln3 TYPE ANNOTATION LABELITEM "road_name" CLASS COLOR 255 255 255 SYMBOL 'symbols/ctyhwy.png' LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 40 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 0 0 0 END END METADATA WMS_TITLE "County Roads" WMS_ABSTRACT "County roads. (shields only) Derived from MNDOT roads layer, see http://deli.dnr.state.mn.us/metadata/full/dotrdln2.html for more information." WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END END # county road annotation LAYER NAME majrdln3 GROUP roads MAXSCALE 600000 STATUS OFF DATA majrdln3 TYPE LINE CLASS NAME "Roads" COLOR 0 0 0 END METADATA WMS_TITLE "Highways" WMS_ABSTRACT "Highways- state, US and interstate. (lines only) Derived from MNDOT roads layer, see http://deli.dnr.state.mn.us/metadata/full/dotrdln2.html for more information." WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END END # highways LAYER NAME majrdln3_anno GROUP roads MAXSCALE 600000 STATUS OFF DATA majrdln3 TYPE ANNOTATION LABELITEM "road_num" CLASSITEM "road_class" CLASS EXPRESSION "3" COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL 'symbols/sthwy.png' LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 50 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 0 0 0 END END CLASS EXPRESSION "2" COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL 'symbols/ushwy.png' LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 50 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 0 0 0 END END CLASS EXPRESSION "1" COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color SYMBOL 'symbols/interstate.png' LABEL MINFEATURESIZE 50 MINDISTANCE 150 POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 255 255 255 END END METADATA WMS_TITLE "Highways" WMS_ABSTRACT "Highways- state, US and interstate. (shields only) Derived from MNDOT roads layer, see http://deli.dnr.state.mn.us/metadata/full/dotrdln2.html for more information." WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END END # highway annotation LAYER NAME airports TYPE POINT DATA airports STATUS OFF CLASS NAME 'Airports' COLOR 128 255 164 SYMBOL 'circle' SIZE 7 TEMPLATE "airports.html" END HEADER "airports_header.html" FOOTER "airports_footer.html" TOLERANCE 5 METADATA WMS_TITLE "Airports" WMS_ABSTRACT "Airport runways for Itasca County." WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END END LAYER NAME mcd90py2_anno NAME cities TYPE ANNOTATION DATA mcd90py2 STATUS OFF LABELITEM "city_name" CLASSITEM "city_name" LABELMAXSCALE 500000 CLASS EXPRESSION /./ COLOR -1 -1 -1 LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218 SHADOWSIZE 2 2 TYPE BITMAP SIZE MEDIUM POSITION CC PARTIALS FALSE BUFFER 2 END END METADATA WMS_TITLE "Minor Civil Divisions" WMS_ABSTRACT "Minor civil divisions for Itasca County. (annotation only)" WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915" END END END # Map File