You have to create a database named 'cite-wfs110' by following the commands: createdb cite-wfs110 createlang plpgsql cite-wfs110 psql -f /path/to/lwpostgis.sql cite-wfs110 psql -f /path/to/pgsql/share/spatial_ref_sys.sql cite-wfs110 psql cite-wfs110 -f dataset-sf0_postgis_modified.sql Note: The modified version of dataset-sf0_postgis.sql is used because of a problem when the table names are in camel case, and also because MapServer does not support multi geometry types on a layer. The map file has to be edited to change the 'wfs_onlineresource' and 'wfs_service_onlineresource' to point out to the correct location of your WFS service. The username and password to connect to your database has to set. The wrapper file in the bin directory has to be edited to change the map file and mapserver location.