## # Start of map file # # $Id: ms_ogc_cite_wms111.map,v 1.1 2008/01/08 18:49:47 nsavard Exp $ # MAP NAME OGC_CITE STATUS ON SIZE 600 400 ## EPSG:4326 extents EXTENT -2 -2 -1 6 #EXTENT -0.0042 -0.0024 0.0042 0.0024 UNITS METERS SHAPEPATH "../data/" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 FONTSET ../etc/fonts.txt SYMBOLSET ../etc/symbols.sym CONFIG MS_NONSQUARE YES CONFIG MS_ERRORFILE "/tmp/ms.log" DEBUG 5 #CONFIG PROJ_LIB "f:\proj\nad" # # Start of web interface definition # WEB # On Windows systems, /tmp and /tmp/ms_tmp/ should be created at the root # of the drive where the .MAP file resides. # IMAGEPATH "/path/to/tmp/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" # LOG "/tmp/mswms_ogc_cite.log" METADATA "WMS_TITLE" "cite:OGC_CITE WMS Server" "WMS_ONLINERESOURCE" "http://something:8500/cgi-bin/mswms130_ogc_cite?" 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