# Run ./configure in the main MapServer directory to turn this Makefile.in # into a proper Makefile # # mpatrol runtime memory debugger # MPATROL= @MPATROL_ENABLED@ MPATROL_INC= @MPATROL_INC@ MPATROL_LIB= @MPATROL_LIB@ # # If you want to ignore missing datafile errors uncomment the following # line. This is especially useful with large tiled datasets that may not # have complete data for each tile. # #IGNORE_MISSING_DATA=-DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA IGNORE_MISSING_DATA = @IGNORE_MISSING_DATA@ # # Apparently these aren't as commonplace as I'd hoped. Edit the # following line to reflect the missing functions on your platform. # # STRINGS=-DNEED_STRCASECMP -DNEED_STRNCASECMP -DNEED_STRDUP STRINGS= @STRINGS@ # Freetype distribution (TrueType font support). Available at http://www.freetype.org/. (RECOMMENDED) TTF_LIB= @TTF_LIB@ TTF_INC= @TTF_INC@ TTF= @TTF_ENABLED@ MAKE_GDFT= @MAKE_GDFT@ MAKE_GDFT_CLEAN= @MAKE_GDFT_CLEAN@ # Proj.4 distribution (cartographic projection routines). Not required for normal use. (EXPERIMENTAL) PROJ_INC= @PROJ_INC@ PROJ_LIB= @PROJ_LIB@ PROJ= @PROJ_ENABLED@ # GD distribution (graphics library GIF and/or PNG support). (REQUIRED) # # - Version 1.2 is included and writes LZW GIF (-DUSE_GD_1_2). # - Versions 1.3 to 1.5 write non-LZW GIF (-DUSE_GD_1_3). # - Versions 1.6 and greater write PNG (-DUSE_GD_1_6). Add -lpng -lz to GD_LIB line. # # If you're not using the 1.2 version included in the MapServer distribution # then comment out the MAKE_GD and MAKE_GD_CLEAN entries. # GDFONT_OBJ=gd-1.2/gdfontt.o gd-1.2/gdfonts.o gd-1.2/gdfontmb.o gd-1.2/gdfontl.o gd-1.2/gdfontg.o GD_INC= @GD_INC@ GD_LIB= @GD_LIB@ GD= @GD_DEF@ MAKE_GD= @MAKE_GD@ MAKE_GD_CLEAN = @MAKE_GD_CLEAN@ # TIFF distribution (raster support for TIFF and GEOTIFF imagery). (RECOMMENDED) TIFF_INC= @TIFF_INC@ TIFF_LIB= @TIFF_LIB@ TIFF= @TIFF_ENABLED@ # JPEG distribution (raster support for grayscale JPEG images, INPUT ONLY). JPEG_INC= @JPEG_INC@ JPEG_LIB= @JPEG_LIB@ JPEG= @JPEG_ENABLED@ # EPPL7 Support (this activates ERDAS as well) Included in the distribution. Probably the best raster alternative if # you've got EPPL7 laying around. See http://www.lmic.state.mn.us/ for more information. (RECOMMENDED) EPPL= @EPPL_ENABLED@ EPPL_OBJ= @EPPL_OBJ@ # ESRI SDE Support. You MUST have the SDE Client libraries and include files # on your system someplace. The actual SDE server you wish to connect to can # be elsewhere. SDE= @SDE_ENABLED@ SDE_LIB= @SDE_LIB@ SDE_INC= @SDE_INC@ # Optional OGR Support. OGC Simple Feature inspired interface for vector # formats. See http://gdal.velocet.ca/projects/opengis/ OGR= @OGR_ENABLED@ OGR_LIB= @OGR_LIB@ OGR_INC= @OGR_INC@ # # UofMN GIS/Image Processing Extension (very experimental) # #EGIS=-DUSE_EGIS #EGIS_INC=-I./egis/errLog -I./egis/imgSrc -I./egis #EGIS_LIB=-L./egis/errLog -lerrLog -L./egis/imgSrc -limgGEN -L./egis -legis #MAKE_EGIS=egis #MAKE_EGIS_CLEAN=egis_clean # # IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT REGEX FOR PHP_MAPSCRIPT USERS: # # In order to compile the PHP_MAPSCRIPT module, we have to make MapServer # uses the same version of the REGEX library that PHP was compiled with: # REGEX_OBJ= @PHP_REGEX_OBJ@ REGEX_INC= @PHP_REGEX_INC@ # # Pick a compiler, etc. Flex and bison are only required if you need to modify the mapserver lexer (maplexer.l) or expression parser (mapparser.y). # CXX= @CXX@ CC= @CC@ AR= ar rc RANLIB= @RANLIB@ LEX= @LEX@ YACC= @YACC@ XTRALIBS= @XTRALIBS@ RUNPATHS= @RPATHS@ CFLAGS= @CFLAGS@ $(IGNORE_MISSING_DATA) $(STRINGS) $(EPPL) $(PROJ) $(TTF) \ $(TIFF) $(JPEG) $(GD) $(SDE) $(OGR) $(MPATROL) $(GD_INC) $(PROJ_INC) $(TTF_INC) \ $(TIFF_INC) $(JPEG_INC) $(EGIS_INC) $(SDE_INC) $(REGEX_INC) $(MPATROL_INC) LDFLAGS= $(RUNPATHS) -L. -lmap $(GD_LIB) $(TTF_LIB) $(TIFF_LIB) $(PROJ_LIB) \ $(JPEG_LIB) $(EGIS_LIB) $(SDE_LIB) $(OGR_LIB) $(MPATROL_LIB) $(XTRALIBS) RM= /bin/rm -f OBJS= mapbits.o maphash.o mapshape.o mapxbase.o mapparser.o maplexer.o maptree.o mapsearch.o mapstring.o mapsymbol.o mapfile.o maplegend.o maputil.o mapscale.o mapquery.o maplabel.o maperror.o mapprimitive.o mapproject.o mapraster.o mapsde.o mapogr.o maplayer.o $(EPPL_OBJ) $(REGEX_OBJ) # # --- You shouldn't have to edit anything else. --- # .c.o: $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ all: $(MAKE_GD) $(MAKE_EGIS) $(MAKE_GDFT) libmap.a shp2img legend \ mapserv shptree shptreevis shptreetst scalebar sortshp perlvars @MAKE_PHPMS@ gd:: cd gd-1.2; make; cd .. gdft:: cd gdft; make; cd .. egis:: cd egis/errLog; make; cd .. cd egis/imgSrc; make; cd .. cd egis; make; cd .. php3_mapscript:: cd mapscript/php3; make; cd ../.. maplexer.o: maplexer.c map.h mapfile.h maplexer.c: maplexer.l $(LEX) -Pmsyy -i -omaplexer.c maplexer.l mapparser.o: mapparser.c map.h mapparser.c: mapparser.y $(YACC) -p msyy -d -omapparser.c mapparser.y mapogr.o: mapogr.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CFLAGS) $(OGR_INC) mapogr.cpp -o mapogr.o lib: libmap.a libmap: libmap.a libmap.a: map.h $(OBJS) map.h $(AR) libmap.a $(OBJS) $(RANLIB) libmap.a shp2img: libmap.a shp2img.o map.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) shp2img.o $(LDFLAGS) -o shp2img sym2img: libmap.a sym2img.o map.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) sym2img.o $(LDFLAGS) -o sym2img legend: libmap.a legend.o map.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) legend.o $(LDFLAGS) -o legend scalebar: libmap.a scalebar.o map.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) scalebar.o $(LDFLAGS) -o scalebar mapserv: mapserv.h libmap.a mapserv.o cgiutil.o map.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) mapserv.o cgiutil.o $(LDFLAGS) -o mapserv shpindex: libmap.a shpindex.o map.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) shpindex.o $(LDFLAGS) -o shpindex shptree: libmap.a shptree.o map.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) shptree.o $(LDFLAGS) -o shptree shptreevis: libmap.a shptreevis.o map.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) shptreevis.o $(LDFLAGS) -o shptreevis shptreetst: libmap.a shptreetst.o map.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) shptreetst.o $(LDFLAGS) -o shptreetst sortshp: sortshp.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) sortshp.o $(LDFLAGS) -o sortshp perlvars: touch perlvars pwd > perlvars echo $(IGNORE_MISSING_DATA) $(STRINGS) $(EPPL) $(PROJ) $(TTF) $(TIFF) $(JPEG) $(GD) $(SDE) $(OGR) >> perlvars echo -I. $(PROJ_INC) $(GD_INC) $(TTF_INC) $(TIFF_INC) $(JPEG_INC) $(SDE_INC) $(OGR_INC) >> perlvars echo $(LDFLAGS) >> perlvars gd_clean: cd gd-1.2; make clean; cd .. gdft_clean: cd gdft; make clean; cd .. egis_clean: cd egis/errLog; make clean; cd .. cd egis/imgSrc; make clean; cd .. cd egis; make clean; cd .. php3_mapscript_clean:: cd mapscript/php3; make clean; cd ../.. clean: $(MAKE_GD_CLEAN) $(MAKE_GDFT_CLEAN) $(MAKE_EGIS_CLEAN) @MAKE_PHPMS_CLEAN@ rm -f libmap.a *.o shp2img mapserv legend shptree shptreevis shptreetst scalebar sortshp perlvars sorta-clean: rm -f *.o