MapServer Revision History ========================== This is a human-readable revision history which will attempt to document required changes for users to migrate from one version of MapServer to the next. Developers are strongly encouraged to document their changes and their impacts on the users here. (Please add the most recent changes to the top of the list.) For a complete change history, please see the CVS log comments. A copy of the CVS logs is updated daily at the following URL: Version 3.7-dev (CVS) --------------------- - Added imagemap outputformat, which makes possible use of client-side imagemaps in browsers - Added MySQL support for non-spatial OpenGIS Simple Features SQL stored data - msQueryByShape and msQueryByFeature honor layer tolerances. In effect you can to buffered queries now. At the momoment only polygon select features are supported, but there's nothing inherent in the underlying computations that says lines won't work as well. - Simple one-to-one joins are working again. Reworked the join code so that table connections are persistant within a join (across joins is a todo). Joins, like layers are wrapped with a connection neutral front end, that sets us up to do MySQL or whatever in addition to XBase. - Removed shapepath argument to all layer access functions (affects MapScript). It's still used but we leverage the layer pointer back to the parent mapObj so the API is cleaner. - Changed default presentation of feature attributes to escape a few problematic characters for HTML display (eg. > becomes >). Added [itemname_raw] substitution to allow access to unaltered data. - Added initial version of Jan Hartman's connection pooling code. - Replaced libwww with libcurl for WMS/WFS client HTTP requests. (libcurl 7.10 required, see - Added CONNECTION to the list of mapfile parameters that can accept %variable% substitutions when processed by the cgi version. This is useful for passing in username and/or passwords to database data sources. - Added support for DATA and TEMPLATE (header/footer/etc...) filtering using an regex declared in the mapfile (DATAPATTERN and TEMPLATEPATTERN). Certain parameters in a mapfile cannot be changed via a URL without first being filtered. - Added support for enviroment variable MS_MAPFILE_PATTERN. This allows you to override the default regex in favor of one more restrictive (I would hope) of your own. - Disabled CGI SAVEMAP option. - Removed CGI TEMPLATE option since you can use the map_web_template syntax. Simplifies security maintenance by only having to deal with this option in a single place. - Added offset support (styleObj) for raster based output (GD for sure, not quite sure how OGR output is created although I believe is uses GD anyway). This allows for feature drop shadows and support for cool linear symbols like used to be supported in pre-3.4 versions. These offsets are not scalable at the moment. - Null shapes (attributes but no vertices) are skipped for shapefiles using the msLayerNextShape interface. Otherwise applications should check the shapeObj type member for MS_SHAPE_NULL. - Changed where label cache is allocated and cleared. Now it isn't allocated until drawing takes place. Any old cache is cleared before a new one is allocated. The cache is still intact following rendering for post-processing using MapScript. - Fixed screw up in pre-processing of logical expressions for item lists. Under certain circumstances that list could get corrupted and expressions would fail. - Added NOT operator to expression parser. - Added layer and map level DEBUG options to map file. - Major changes to support vector output (PDF, SWF, GML, ...): - imageObj is used by all rendering functions instead of gdImagePtr - New msSaveImage() prototype *** Full details still have to be documented here... - Support for GD-2.0, including 24 bits output *** Full details still have to be documented here... - Support for output to any GDAL-supported format. *** Full details still have to be documented here... - New styleObj *** Full details still have to be documented here... - PostGIS: Added Sean Gillies 's patch for "using unique ". Added "using SRID=#" to specify a spatial reference for an arbitrary sql query. Version 3.6.0-beta1 (2002-04-30) -------------------------------- - MapScript: qitem and qstring params added to layer->queryByAttribute(). Instead of being driven by the layer's FILTER/FILTERITEM, the query by attribute is now driven by the values passed via qitem,qstring, and the layer's FILTER/FILTERITEM are ignored. - Symbol and MapFile changes: ANTIALIAS and FILLED keywords now take a boolean (TRUE/FALSE) argument i.e. ANTIALIAS becomes ANTIALIAS TRUE and FILLED becomes FILLED TRUE - Reference Map: Added options to show a different marker when the reference box becomes too small. See the mapfile reference docs for more details on the new reference object parameters (MARKER, MARKERSIZE, MAXBOXSIZE, MINBOXSIZE) - Added MINSCALE/MAXSCALE at the CLASS level. - Support for tiled OGR datasets. - PHP 4.1.2 and 4.2.0 support for PHP MapScript. - Added LAYER TRANSPARENCY, value between 1-100 - Fixes to the SWIG interface for clean Java build. - New HTML legend templates for CGI and MapScript. See HTML-Legend-HOWTO. - WMS server now supports query results using HTML query templates instead of just plain/text. - Added support functions for thread safety (--with-thread). Still not 100% thread-safe. Version 3.5.0 (2002-12-18) -------------------------- - No Revision history before version 3.5 --------- $Id$