MapServer Revision History ========================== This is a human-readable revision history which will attempt to document required changes for users to migrate from one version of MapServer to the next. Developers are strongly encouraged to document their changes and their impacts on the users here. (Please add the most recent changes to the top of the list.) For a complete change history, please see the CVS log comments. A copy of the CVS logs is updated daily at the following URL: Version 4.4.0-beta2 (2004-11-03) -------------------------------- - free mapServObj properly in mapserv.c in OWS dispatch case to fix minor memory leaks. - modified msCloseConnections() to also close raster layers so that held raster query results will be freed. - modified raster queries to properly set the classindex in the resultcache. - modified msDrawQueryCache() to be very careful to not try and lookup information on out-of-range classindex values. This seems to occur when default shapes come back witha classindex of 0 even if there are no classes. (ie. raster query results). - the loadmapcontext function has changed it behaviour : before the 4.4 relase when loading layers from a map context, the layer name was built using a unique prefix + the name found in the context (eg for the 2nd layer in map context named park, the layer name generated would possibly be l:2:park). Now the loadmapcontext takes a 2nd optional argument to force the creation of the unique names. The default behaviour is now to have the layer name equals to the name found in the context file. (Bug 1023) - Fixed problem with WMS GetCapabilities aborting when wms_layer_group is used for some layers but not for all. (bug 1024) - Changed raster queries to return the list of all pixel values as an attribute named "value_list" rather than "values" to avoid conflict with special [values] substitution rule in maptemplate.c. - Fixed raster queries to reproject results back to map projection, and to do point queries distance checking against the correct projection. (bug 1021) - Get rid of WMS 1.0.8 support. It's not an officially supported verison of the spec anyway: it's synonymous for 1.1.0 (bug 1022) - Allow use of '=' inside HTML template tag parser. (Bug 978) - Use metadata ows_schema_location for WMS/WFS/WCS/SLD (Bug 999, 1013, 938) (The default value if metadata is not found is - Generate a RULE tag when generating an SLD. (Bug 1010) - WMS GetLegendGraphic uses now the RULE value to return an icon for a class that has the same name as the RULE value (Bug 843) - Add msOWSPrintURLType: This funciton is a generic URL printing fuction for OGC specification metadata (WMS, WFS, WCS, WMC, etc.) (Bug 944). - Support MetadataURL, DataURL and LegendURL tags in WMS capabilities document and MetadataURL in WFS capabilities. - SWIG mapscript: clone methods for layerObj, classObj, styleObj (bug 1012). - Implemented an intarray helper class for SWIG mapscript which allows for multi-language manipulation of layer drawing order (bugs 853, 1005). - Fixed WMS GetLegendGraphic which was returning an exception (GD error) when requested layer was out of scale (bug 1006). - Fixed maplexer.l to work with flex 2.5.31 (bug 975). - WMS GetMap requests now have MS_NONSQUARE enabled by default. This means that if the width/height ratio doesn't match the extent's x/y ratio then the map is stretched as stated in the WMS specification (bug 862) - In WMS, layers with no explicit projection defined will receive a copy of the map's projectionObj if a new SRS is specified in the GetMap request or if MS_NONSQUARE is enabled. This will prevent the problem with layers that don't show up in WMS request when the server administrator forgets to explicitly set projections on all the layers in a WMS mapfile. (bug 947) - Implemented FastCGI cleanup support for win32 and unix in mapserv.c. - Solved configure/compile issues with libiconv (bugs 909, 1017) Version 4.4.0-beta1 (2004-10-21) -------------------------------- - "shared" compilation target now supports some kind of versioning, should at least prevent version collisions when upgrading MapServer on a server (bug 982). - When no RULE parameter has been specified in the WMS request a legend should be returned with all classes for the specified LAYER. Changes has been made in mapwms.c (bug 653). Also if the SCALE parameter is provided in the WMS request is will be used to determine whether the legend of the specified layer should be drawn in the case that the layer is scale dependant (big 809). - Nested layers in the capabilities are supported by using a new metadata tag WMS_LAYER_GROUP (bug 776). - Added greyscale+alpha render support if mapdrawgdal.c (bug 965). - Added --with-fastcgi support to configure. - support OGC mapcontext through mapserver cgi (bug 946). - support for reading 3d shape file (z) (bug 869). - add php mapscript functions to expose the z element (bug 870). - imageObj::write() method for SWIG mapscript (bug 941). - Protect users from 3 potential sources of threading problems: parsing expression strings outside of msLoadMap, evaluating mapserver logical expressions, and loading symbol set files outside of msLoadMap (bug 339). - Various fixes allowing unit tests to run leak free under valgrind on i686. Memory is now properly freed when exiting from common error states (bug 927). - Restored ability to render transparent (indexed or alpha) pixmap symbols on RGB map images, including annotation layers and embedded scalebars. This feature remains OFF by default for map layers and is enabled by specifying TRANSPARENCY ALPHA (bugs 926, 490). - mapserv_fcgi.c removed. Committed new comprehensive FastCGI support. - New mapserver exceptions for Java mapscript thanks to Umberto Nicoletti (bug 895). - Removed mapindex.c, mapindex.h, shpindex.c components of old unused shapefile indexing method. - Use the symbol size instead of 1 for the default style size value. This is done by setting the default size to -1 and adding msSymbolGetDefaultSize() everywhere to get the default symbolsize (Bug 751). - Correct Bug with GML BBOX output when using a with a GetFeature request (Bug 913). - Encode all metadatas and mapfile parameters outputed in a xml document (Bug 802). - Implement the ENCODING label parameter to support internationalization. Note this require the iconv library (Bug 858). - New and improved Java mapscript build provided by and examples by Y.K. Choo (bug 876). - MapContext: Cleanup code to make future integration more easily and output SRS and DataURL in the order required by the spec. - Fixed issue with polygon outline colors and brush caching (bug 868). - New C# mapscript makefiles and examples provided by Y.K. Choo committed under mapscript/csharp/ (bug 867). - Renamed 'string' member of labelCacheMemberObj to 'text' to avoid conflicts in SWIG mapscript with C# and Java types (bug 852). - Fixed Bug 866 : problem when generating an sld on a pplygon layer - SWIG mapscript: map's output image width and height should be set simultaneously using new mapObj::setSize() method. This performs necessary map geotransform computation. Direct setting of map width and height is deprecated (bug 836). - Fixed bug 832 (validate srs value) : When the SRS parameter in a GetMap request contains a SRS that is valid for some, but not all of the layers being requested, then the server shall throw a Service Exception (code = "InvalidSRS"). Before this fix, mapserver use to reproject the layers to the requested SRS. - Fixed bug 834: SE_ROW_ID in SDE not initialized for unregistered SDE tables - Fixed bug 823 : adding a validation of the SRS parameter when doing a GetMap request on a wms server. Here is the OGC statement : 'When the SRS parameter in a GetMap request contains a SRS that is valid for some, but not all of the layers being requested, then the server shall throw a Service Exception (code = "InvalidSRS").' - Set the background color of polygons or circles when using transparent PIXMAP symbol. - SWIG mapscript class extensions are completely moved from mapscript.i into separate interface files under mapscript/swiginc. - Overhaul of mapscript unit testing framework with a comprehensive test runner mapscript/python/tests/ - Modified the MS_VALID_EXTENT macro to take an extent as its argument instead of the quartet of members. MapServer now checks that extents input through the mapfile are valid in mapfile.c (web, map, reference, and layer). Modified msMapSetExtent in mapobject.c to use the new macro instead of its home-grown version. Modified all cases that used MS_VALID_EXTENT to the new use case. - Layers now accept an EXTENT through the mapfile (bug 786). Nothing is done with it at this point, and getExtent still queries the datasource rather than getting information from the mapfile-specified extent. - Fixed problem with WMS GetFeatureInfo when map was reprojected. Was a problem with msProjectRect and zero-size search rectangles (bug 794) - MapServer version now output to mapscriptvars and read by Perl Makefile.PL and Python (bug 795). - Map.web, layer, and class metadata are exposed in SWIG mapscript as first-class objects (bug 737). - Add support for spatial filters in the SLD (Bug 782) - A few fixes to allow php_mapscript to work with both PHP4 and PHP5. PHP5 support should still be considered experimental. (bug 718) - Fixed SDE only recognizing SE_ROW_ID as the unique column (bug 536). The code now autosenses the unique row id column. - Enhanced SDE support to include support for queries against user-specified versions. The version name can be specified as the last parameter of the CONNECTION string. - Fixed automated generation of onlineresource in OWS GetCapabilities when the xxx_onlineresource metadata is not specified: the map= parameter used to be omitted and is now included in the default onlineresource if it was explicitly set in QUERY_STRING (bug 643) - Fixed possible crash when producing WMS errors INIMAGE (bug 644) - Fixed automated generation of onlineresource in OWS GetCapabilities when the xxx_onlineresource metadata is not specified: the map= parameter used to be omitted and is now included in the default onlineresource if it was explicitly set in QUERY_STRING (bug 643) - Fixed an issue with annotation label overlap. There was an issue with the way msRectToPolygon was computing it's bounding box. (bug 618) - Removed "xbasewohoo" debug output when using JOINs and fixed a few error messages related to MySQL joins (bug 652) - Fixed "raster cracking" problem (bug 493) - Improvements to, and nmake.opt so that a mapscriptvars file can be produced on windows. - Updated so Python MapScript builds on win32. - Added preliminary raster query support. - No more Python-stopping but otherwise benign errors raised from msDrawWMSLayer() (bug 650). - Finished prototyping all MapServer functions used by SWIG-Mapscript and added 'void' to prototypes of no-arg functions, eliminating all but two SWIG-Mapscript build warnings (bug 658). - Mapscript: resolved issue with pens and dynamic drawing of points (bug 663). - Mapscript: fixes to tests of shape copying and new image symbols. - Mapscript: new OWSRequest class based on cgiRequestObj structure in cgiutil.h is a first step to allow programming with MapServer's OWS dispatching (bug 670). - Mapscript: styles member of classObj structure is no longer exposed to SWIG (bug 611). - Implementation geotransform/rotation support in cgi core, and mapscript.i. - Testing: fixed syntax error, 'EPSG' -> 'epsg' in (bug 687). Added an embedded scalebar which demonstrates that bug 519 is fixed. The test data package is also made more complete by including two fonts from Bitstream's open Vera fonts (bug 694). - Mapscript (SWIG): remove promote and demote methods from layerObj. Use of container's moveLayerUp/moveLayerDown is better, and this brings the module nearer to PHP-Mapscript (bug 692). - mapogr.cpp: Now echos CPLGetLastErrorMsg() results if OGR open fails. - mapraster.c: fixed tile index corruption problem (bug 698) - Mladen Turk's map copying macros in mapcopy.h clean up map cloning and allow for copying of fontset and symbolset. Added cloning tests in python/tests/ and refactored testing suite (bugs 640 & 701). - Mapscript: removing obsolete python/ file. - CONFIG MS_NONSQUARE YES now enables non-square pixel mode (mostly for WMS). Changes in mapdraw.c (msDrawMap()) to use the geotransform "hack" to allow non-square pixels. - When using the text/html mime type in a GetFeature request, if the layer's template is not set to a valid file, errors occur. Correction is : the text/html is not advertized by default and will only be advertized if the user has defined "WMS_FEATURE_INFO_MIME_TYPE" "text/html" (bug 736) - Make PHP MapScript's layer->open() produce a PHP Warning instead of a Fatal error (bug 742) - MapServer hash tables are now a structure containing a items pointer to hashObj. See maphash.h for new prototypes of hash table functions. In SWIG mapscript, Map, Layer, and Class metadata are now instances of the new hashTableObj class. fontset.fonts and Map.configoptions are also instances of hashTableObj. The older getMetaData/setMetaData and metadata iterator methods can be deprecated (bug 737). - Mapscript-SWIG: made the arguments of mapObj and layerObj constructors optional. A layerObj can now exist outside of a map and can be added to a mapObj using the insertLayer method. mapObj.removeLayer now returns a copy of the removed Layer rather than an integer (bug 759). - Fixed $map->processTemplate() which was always returning NULL. Bug introduced in version 4.0 in all flavours of MapScript (bug 410) Version 4.2-beta1 (2004-04-17) ------------------------------ - Added support for WMS 1.1.1 in the WMS interface. - Added support for WMS-SLD in client and server mode. - Added support for attribute filters in the WFS interface. - WMS Interface: several fixes to address issues found in running tests against the OGC testsuite. One of the side-effects is that incomplete GetMap requests that used to work in previous versions will produce errors now (see bug 622). - Modified configure scripts to be able to configure/build PHP MapScript using an installed PHP instead of requiring the full source tree. - Added ability to combine multiple WMS connections to the same server into a single request when the layers are adjacent and compatible. (bug 116) - Support POSTed requests without Content-Length set. - Added support for proper classification of non-8bit rasters. - Added support for BYTE rawmode output type. - Added support for multiple bands of output in rawmode. - MySQL joins available - Fixed problems with detection of OGRRegisterAll() with GDAL 1.1.9 in configure due to GDAL's library name change. Fixed a few other minor issues with GDAL/OGR in configure. - Modified configure to disable native TIFF/PNG/JPEG/GIF support by default if GDAL is enabled. You can still enable them explicitly if you like. - Replace wms_style_%s_legendurl, wms_logourl, wms_descriptionurl, wms_dataurl and wms_metadataurl metadata by four new metadata by metadata replaced. The new metadata are called legendurl_width, legendurl_height, legendurl_format, legendurl_href, logourl_width, etc... Old dependancy to the metadata with four value in it , space separated, are not kept. - Implement DataURL, MetadataURL and DescriptionURL metadata in mapcontext.c (bug 523) - PHP MapScript's pasteImage() now takes a hex color value (e.g. 0xrrggbb) for the transparent color instead of a color index. (bug 463) - OGR data sources with relative paths are now checked relative to SHAPEPATH first, and if not found then we try again relative to the mapfile location. (bug 295) - There is a new mapObj parameter called MAXSIZE to control maximum image size to serve via the CGI and WMS interfaces. The default is 2048 as before but it can be changed in the map file now. (bug 435) - Added simple dataset for unit and regression tests (bug 453) - PostGIS: added postresql_NOTICE_HANDLER() sending output via msDebug() and only when layer->debug is set (bug 418) - Added Apache version detection in configure and added non-blocking flag on stderr in msDebug() to work around Apache 2.x bug (bug 458) - MapScript rectObj: added optional bounding value args to constructor and extended rectObj class with a toPolygon method (bug 508). - MapScript pointObj: added optional x/y args to constructor (bug 508). - MapScript colorObj: added optional RGB color value args to colorObj constructor, and extended colorObj class with setRGB, setHex, and toHex methods. The hex methods use hex color strings like '#ffffff' rather than '0xffffff' for compatibility with HTML (bug 509). - MapScript outputFormatObj: extended with a getOption method (bug 510). - MapScript imageObj: added optional mapObj argument to the save method resolving bug 549 without breaking current API. Also added optional driver and filename arguments to constructor which allows imageObj instances to be created with a specified driver or from files on disk (bug 530). Added new code to Python MapScript which extends the filename option to Python file-like objects (bug 550). This means StringIO and urllib's network objects! - MapScript classObj and styleObj: added a new styleObj shadow class and extended classObj with getStyle, insertStyle, and removeStyle methods. MapScript now supports multiple styles for dynamically created classes (bug 548). - MapScript layerObj: added getExtent, getNumFeatures extension methods, allowing getShape to access inline features (bug 562). - Added fixes for AMD64/Linux in configure (bug 565) - Removed OGR_STATIC stuff in configure script that used to allow us to build with OGR statically by pointing to the OGR source tree. That means you can only build with OGR when *installed* as part of GDAL, but that's what everyone is doing these days anyway. - Mapscript outputFormatObj: extended constructor to allow format names, and mapObj methods to append and remove output formats from the outputformatlist (bug 511). - New SWIG mapscript development documentation in the spirit of the PHP-Mapscript readme file, but using reST (bug 576). - Paving way for future changes to SWIG mapscript API with new features enabled by NEXT_GENERATION_API symbol (bug 586). - Added ability to set string member variables to NULL in PHP MapScript (bug 591) - New key iterators for map, layer, and class metadata hash tables (bug 434) and fontset fonts hash table (bug 439). - Fixed potential crash when using nquery with a querymap enabled and some layers have a template set at the layer level instead of inside classes (bug 569). - New CONFIG keyword in the MAP object in a .map file to be used to set external configuration parameters such as PROJ_LIB and control of some GDAL and OGR driver behaviours (bug 619) Version 4.0 (2003-08-01) ------------------------ - Fixed problem with truncated expressions (bugs 242 and 340) - Attempt at fixing GD vs libiconv dependency problems (bug 348) - Fixed problem with invalid BoundingBox tag in WMS capabilities (bug 34) - Fixed problems with SIZEUNITS not working properly (bug 373) - Fixed MacOSX configure problems for linking php_mapscript (bug 208) - Fixed problem with reference map marker symbol not showing up (bug 378) - Use in WMS 1.0.0 capabilities instead of (bug 129) - One-to-one and one-to-many joins now work for Xbase files and are available to query templates. Low level one-to-one Xbase joins are available via OGR. Version 4.0-beta2 (2003-07-11) ------------------------------ - Added prototype of FastCGI support in mapserv_fcgi.c (not built by default). - Report full error stack in the mapserv CGI and PHP MapScript (bug 346) - Old index (.qix) format is deprecated (bug 273) - Fixed problem with embedded legend and scalebar that would result in layers being added to the HTML legends (bug 171) - Changed joins (XBase only at this point) over to the open-prepare-next... next-close way of doing things. Compiles fine, but needs more testing. One-to-many support should work now but it needs to be hooked into the template code yet. Last thing before a candidate 4.0 release. - Added ability to generate images in MapScript processQueryTemplate (bug 341) - Added saving of output formats in msSaveMap() - Fixed problem in PHP MapScript with variables that were not dereferenced before their values were changed by the MapScript wrappers (bug 323) - Added support for Web Map Context 1.0.0 - Treat zero-length template values as NULL so that it's possible to set("template", "") from MapScript to make layer non-queryable (bug 338) - Ditched the shapepath argument to the shapefileObj constructor - CARTOLINE join style default changed to MS_CJC_NONE - Tweaked code in legend builder to handle polygon layers slightly different. Now if a polygon layer contains only outlines and no fills (i.e. a polyline) then it is drawn using the zigzag legend shape rather than the box. I'll add legend outlines back in shortly. - Restored legend key outlines (triggered by setting OUTLINECOLOR). If an outline is requested then line symbols are clipped to the outline, otherwise lines are allowed to bleed a pixel or two beyond those boundaries- for most cases this looks fine but for fat lines it is gonna look goofy regardless. In those cases use the KEYIMAGE. - Fixed a bug in the scanline writer so that x coordinates can be in any order when passed in to the function. (bug 336) - Updated loadExpressionString in mapfile.c to be a bit more tolerant of input. Now if a string does not match the logical or regex pattern it is automatically cast as a string expression. Removes the need for silly quotes. Version 4.0-beta1 (2003-06-06) ------------------------------ - Added imagemap outputformat, which makes possible use of client-side imagemaps in browsers. - Added MySQL support for non-spatial OpenGIS Simple Features SQL stored data - msQueryByShape and msQueryByFeature honor layer tolerances. In effect you can to buffered queries now. At the momoment only polygon select features are supported, but there's nothing inherent in the underlying computations that says lines won't work as well. - Simple one-to-one joins are working again. Reworked the join code so that table connections are persistant within a join (across joins is a todo). Joins, like layers are wrapped with a connection neutral front end, that sets us up to do MySQL or whatever in addition to XBase. - Removed shapepath argument to all layer access functions (affects MapScript). It's still used but we leverage the layer pointer back to the parent mapObj so the API is cleaner. - Changed default presentation of feature attributes to escape a few problematic characters for HTML display (eg. > becomes >). Added [itemname_raw] substitution to allow access to unaltered data. - Added initial version of Jan Hartman's connection pooling code. - Replaced libwww with libcurl for WMS/WFS client HTTP requests. (libcurl 7.10 required, see - Added CONNECTION to the list of mapfile parameters that can accept %variable% substitutions when processed by the cgi version. This is useful for passing in username and/or passwords to database data sources. - Added support for DATA and TEMPLATE (header/footer/etc...) filtering using an regex declared in the mapfile (DATAPATTERN and TEMPLATEPATTERN). Certain parameters in a mapfile cannot be changed via a URL without first being filtered. - Added support for enviroment variable MS_MAPFILE_PATTERN. This allows you to override the default regex in favor of one more restrictive (I would hope) of your own. - Disabled CGI SAVEMAP option. - Removed CGI TEMPLATE option since you can use the map_web_template syntax. Simplifies security maintenance by only having to deal with this option in a single place. - Added offset support (styleObj) for raster based output (GD for sure, not quite sure how OGR output is created although I believe is uses GD anyway). This allows for feature drop shadows and support for cool linear symbols like used to be supported in pre-3.4 versions. These offsets are not scalable at the moment. - Null shapes (attributes but no vertices) are skipped for shapefiles using the msLayerNextShape interface. Otherwise applications should check the shapeObj type member for MS_SHAPE_NULL. - Changed where label cache is allocated and cleared. Now it isn't allocated until drawing takes place. Any old cache is cleared before a new one is allocated. The cache is still intact following rendering for post-processing using MapScript. - Fixed screw up in pre-processing of logical expressions for item lists. Under certain circumstances that list could get corrupted and expressions would fail. - Added NOT operator to expression parser. - Added layer and map level DEBUG options to map file. - Major changes to support vector output (PDF, SWF, GML, ...): imageObj is used by all rendering functions instead of gdImagePtr, New msSaveImage() prototype - Support for GD-2.0, including 24 bits output. Dropped support for GD 1.x - Support for output to any GDAL-supported format via the new OUTPUTFORMAT object. - New styleObj to replace the OVERLAY* parameter in classes. - PostGIS: Added Sean Gillies 's patch for "using unique ". Added "using SRID=#" to specify a spatial reference for an arbitrary sql query. - ... and numerous fixes not listed here... Version 3.6.0-beta1 (2002-04-30) -------------------------------- - MapScript: qitem and qstring params added to layer->queryByAttribute(). Instead of being driven by the layer's FILTER/FILTERITEM, the query by attribute is now driven by the values passed via qitem,qstring, and the layer's FILTER/FILTERITEM are ignored. - Symbol and MapFile changes: ANTIALIAS and FILLED keywords now take a boolean (TRUE/FALSE) argument i.e. ANTIALIAS becomes ANTIALIAS TRUE and FILLED becomes FILLED TRUE - Reference Map: Added options to show a different marker when the reference box becomes too small. See the mapfile reference docs for more details on the new reference object parameters (MARKER, MARKERSIZE, MAXBOXSIZE, MINBOXSIZE) - Added MINSCALE/MAXSCALE at the CLASS level. - Support for tiled OGR datasets. - PHP 4.1.2 and 4.2.0 support for PHP MapScript. - Added LAYER TRANSPARENCY, value between 1-100 - Fixes to the SWIG interface for clean Java build. - New HTML legend templates for CGI and MapScript. See HTML-Legend-HOWTO. - WMS server now supports query results using HTML query templates instead of just plain/text. - Added support functions for thread safety (--with-thread). Still not 100% thread-safe. Version 3.5.0 (2002-12-18) -------------------------- - No Revision history before version 3.5