%typemap(ctype) gdBuffer %{void%} %typemap(imtype) gdBuffer %{void%} %typemap(cstype) gdBuffer %{byte[]%} %typemap(out, null="") gdBuffer %{ SWIG_csharp_bytearray_callback($1.data, $1.size); gdFree($1.data); %} // SWIGEXCODE is a macro used by many other csout typemaps #ifdef SWIGEXCODE %typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) gdBuffer { $imcall;$excode return $modulePINVOKE.GetBytes(); } #else %typemap(csout) gdBuffer { $imcall; return $modulePINVOKE.GetBytes(); } #endif %insert(runtime) %{ /* Callback for returning byte arrays to C#, the resulting array is not marshaled back, so the caller should call GetBytes to get back the results */ typedef void (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_CSharpByteArrayHelperCallback)(const unsigned char *, const int); static SWIG_CSharpByteArrayHelperCallback SWIG_csharp_bytearray_callback = NULL; %} %pragma(csharp) imclasscode=%{ class SWIGByteArrayHelper { public delegate void SWIGByteArrayDelegate(IntPtr data, int size); static SWIGByteArrayDelegate bytearrayDelegate = new SWIGByteArrayDelegate(CreateByteArray); [DllImport("$dllimport", EntryPoint="SWIGRegisterByteArrayCallback_$module")] public static extern void SWIGRegisterByteArrayCallback_mapscript(SWIGByteArrayDelegate bytearrayDelegate); static void CreateByteArray(IntPtr data, int size) { arraybuffer = new byte[size]; Marshal.Copy(data, arraybuffer, 0, size); } static SWIGByteArrayHelper() { SWIGRegisterByteArrayCallback_$module(bytearrayDelegate); } } static SWIGByteArrayHelper bytearrayHelper = new SWIGByteArrayHelper(); static byte[] arraybuffer; internal static byte[] GetBytes() { return arraybuffer; } %} %insert(runtime) %{ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" #endif #ifdef SWIGEXPORT SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL SWIGRegisterByteArrayCallback_$module(SWIG_CSharpByteArrayHelperCallback callback) { SWIG_csharp_bytearray_callback = callback; } #else DllExport void SWIGSTDCALL SWIGRegisterByteArrayCallback_$module(SWIG_CSharpByteArrayHelperCallback callback) { SWIG_csharp_bytearray_callback = callback; } #endif %}