MAP # # Tests overlaying an image with a transparent color on an opaque layer. # There should be plenty of free colors in this case. # # NOTE: with resampling, colormapped. # # REQUIRES: SUPPORTS=PROJ # NAME TEST STATUS ON SIZE 400 300 EXTENT 0.5 0.5 399.5 299.5 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 0 PROJECTION "proj=utm" "zone=12" "datum=WGS84" END IMAGETYPE png8_t OUTPUTFORMAT NAME png8_t DRIVER "GD/PNG" IMAGEMODE PC256 TRANSPARENT OFF END LAYER NAME grey TYPE raster STATUS default DATA data/pct22.tif PROJECTION "proj=utm" "zone=12" "ellps=WGS84" "towgs84=1,0,0" END END LAYER NAME grid1 TYPE raster STATUS default DATA data/grid.gif PROJECTION "proj=utm" "zone=12" "ellps=WGS84" "towgs84=1,0,0" END END END # of map file