/* ** Parser for the mapserver */ %{ /* C declarations */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "mapserver.h" /* for TRUE/FALSE and REGEX includes */ #include "maptime.h" /* for time comparison routines */ #include "mapprimitive.h" /* for shapeObj */ #include "mapparser.h" /* for YYSTYPE in the function prototype for yylex() */ int yylex(YYSTYPE *, parseObj *); /* prototype functions, defined after the grammar */ int yyerror(parseObj *, const char *); %} /* Bison/Yacc declarations */ /* %define api.pure */ %pure_parser %parse-param {parseObj *p} %lex-param {parseObj *p} %union { double dblval; int intval; char *strval; struct tm tmval; shapeObj *shpval; } %token NUMBER %token STRING %token TIME %token SHAPE %left OR %left AND %left NOT %left RE EQ NE LT GT LE GE IN IEQ IRE %left INTERSECTS DISJOINT TOUCHES OVERLAPS CROSSES WITHIN CONTAINS BEYOND DWITHIN %left AREA LENGTH COMMIFY ROUND %left TOSTRING %left YYBUFFER %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %left NEG %right '^' %type logical_exp %type math_exp %type string_exp %type time_exp %type shape_exp /* Bison/Yacc grammar */ %% input: /* empty string */ | logical_exp { switch(p->type) { case(MS_PARSE_TYPE_BOOLEAN): p->result.intval = $1; break; case(MS_PARSE_TYPE_STRING): if($1) p->result.strval = strdup("true"); else p->result.strval = strdup("false"); break; } } | math_exp { switch(p->type) { case(MS_PARSE_TYPE_BOOLEAN): if($1 != 0) p->result.intval = MS_TRUE; else p->result.intval = MS_FALSE; break; case(MS_PARSE_TYPE_STRING): p->result.strval = (char *)malloc(64); /* large enough for a double */ snprintf(p->result.strval, 64, "%g", $1); break; } } | string_exp { switch(p->type) { case(MS_PARSE_TYPE_BOOLEAN): if($1) /* string is not NULL */ p->result.intval = MS_TRUE; else p->result.intval = MS_FALSE; break; case(MS_PARSE_TYPE_STRING): p->result.strval = $1; // strdup($1); break; } } | shape_exp { switch(p->type) { case(MS_PARSE_TYPE_SHAPE): p->result.shpval = $1; p->result.shpval->scratch = MS_FALSE; break; } } ; logical_exp: logical_exp OR logical_exp { if($1 == MS_TRUE) $$ = MS_TRUE; else if($3 == MS_TRUE) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | logical_exp AND logical_exp { if($1 == MS_TRUE) { if($3 == MS_TRUE) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | logical_exp OR math_exp { if($1 == MS_TRUE) $$ = MS_TRUE; else if($3 != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | logical_exp AND math_exp { if($1 == MS_TRUE) { if($3 != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp OR logical_exp { if($1 != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else if($3 == MS_TRUE) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp AND logical_exp { if($1 != 0) { if($3 == MS_TRUE) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp OR math_exp { if($1 != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else if($3 != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp AND math_exp { if($1 != 0) { if($3 != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | NOT logical_exp { $$ = !$2; } | NOT math_exp { $$ = !$2; } | string_exp RE string_exp { ms_regex_t re; if(ms_regcomp(&re, $3, MS_REG_EXTENDED|MS_REG_NOSUB) != 0) $$ = MS_FALSE; if(ms_regexec(&re, $1, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; ms_regfree(&re); } | string_exp IRE string_exp { ms_regex_t re; if(ms_regcomp(&re, $3, MS_REG_EXTENDED|MS_REG_NOSUB|MS_REG_ICASE) != 0) $$ = MS_FALSE; if(ms_regexec(&re, $1, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; ms_regfree(&re); } | math_exp EQ math_exp { if($1 == $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp NE math_exp { if($1 != $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp GT math_exp { if($1 > $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp LT math_exp { if($1 < $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp GE math_exp { if($1 >= $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp LE math_exp { if($1 <= $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | '(' logical_exp ')' { $$ = $2; } | string_exp EQ string_exp { if(strcmp($1, $3) == 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; free($1); free($3); } | string_exp NE string_exp { if(strcmp($1, $3) != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; free($1); free($3); } | string_exp GT string_exp { if(strcmp($1, $3) > 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; /* printf("Not freeing: %s >= %s\n",$1, $3); */ free($1); free($3); } | string_exp LT string_exp { if(strcmp($1, $3) < 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; free($1); free($3); } | string_exp GE string_exp { if(strcmp($1, $3) >= 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; free($1); free($3); } | string_exp LE string_exp { if(strcmp($1, $3) <= 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; free($1); free($3); } | time_exp EQ time_exp { if(msTimeCompare(&($1), &($3)) == 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | time_exp NE time_exp { if(msTimeCompare(&($1), &($3)) != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | time_exp GT time_exp { if(msTimeCompare(&($1), &($3)) > 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | time_exp LT time_exp { if(msTimeCompare(&($1), &($3)) < 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | time_exp GE time_exp { if(msTimeCompare(&($1), &($3)) >= 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | time_exp LE time_exp { if(msTimeCompare(&($1), &($3)) <= 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | string_exp IN string_exp { char *delim,*bufferp; $$ = MS_FALSE; bufferp=$3; while((delim=strchr(bufferp,',')) != NULL) { *delim='\0'; if(strcmp($1,bufferp) == 0) { $$ = MS_TRUE; break; } *delim=','; bufferp=delim+1; } if(strcmp($1,bufferp) == 0) // is this test necessary? $$ = MS_TRUE; free($1); free($3); } | math_exp IN string_exp { char *delim,*bufferp; $$ = MS_FALSE; bufferp=$3; while((delim=strchr(bufferp,',')) != NULL) { *delim='\0'; if($1 == atof(bufferp)) { $$ = MS_TRUE; break; } *delim=','; bufferp=delim+1; } if($1 == atof(bufferp)) // is this test necessary? $$ = MS_TRUE; free($3); } | math_exp IEQ math_exp { if($1 == $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | string_exp IEQ string_exp { if(strcasecmp($1, $3) == 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; free($1); free($3); } | time_exp IEQ time_exp { if(msTimeCompare(&($1), &($3)) == 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | shape_exp EQ shape_exp { int rval; rval = msGEOSEquals($1, $3); if($1->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($1); if($3->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($3); if(rval == -1) { yyerror(p, "Equals (EQ or ==) operator failed."); return(-1); } else $$ = rval; } | shape_exp INTERSECTS shape_exp { int rval; rval = msGEOSIntersects($1, $3); if($1->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($1); if($3->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($3); if(rval == -1) { yyerror(p, "Intersects operator failed."); return(-1); } else $$ = rval; } | shape_exp DISJOINT shape_exp { int rval; rval = msGEOSDisjoint($1, $3); if($1->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($1); if($3->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($3); if(rval == -1) { yyerror(p, "Disjoint operator failed."); return(-1); } else $$ = rval; } | shape_exp TOUCHES shape_exp { int rval; rval = msGEOSTouches($1, $3); if($1->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($1); if($3->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($3); if(rval == -1) { yyerror(p, "Touches operator failed."); return(-1); } else $$ = rval; } | shape_exp OVERLAPS shape_exp { int rval; rval = msGEOSOverlaps($1, $3); if($1->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($1); if($3->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($3); if(rval == -1) { yyerror(p, "Overlaps operator failed."); return(-1); } else $$ = rval; } | shape_exp CROSSES shape_exp { int rval; rval = msGEOSCrosses($1, $3); if($1->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($1); if($3->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($3); if(rval == -1) { yyerror(p, "Crosses operator failed."); return(-1); } else $$ = rval; } | shape_exp WITHIN shape_exp { int rval; rval = msGEOSWithin($1, $3); if($1->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($1); if($3->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($3); if(rval == -1) { yyerror(p, "Within operator failed."); return(-1); } else $$ = rval; } | shape_exp CONTAINS shape_exp { int rval; rval = msGEOSWithin($1, $3); if($1->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($1); if($3->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($3); if(rval == -1) { yyerror(p, "Within operator failed."); return(-1); } else $$ = rval; } | shape_exp DWITHIN shape_exp { double d; d = msGEOSDistance($1, $3); if($1->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($1); if($3->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($3); if(d == 0.0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | shape_exp BEYOND shape_exp { double d; d = msGEOSDistance($1, $3); if($1->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($1); if($3->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($3); if(d > 0.0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } ; math_exp: NUMBER | '(' math_exp ')' { $$ = $2; } | math_exp '+' math_exp { $$ = $1 + $3; } | math_exp '-' math_exp { $$ = $1 - $3; } | math_exp '*' math_exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } | math_exp '%' math_exp { $$ = (int)$1 % (int)$3; } | math_exp '/' math_exp { if($3 == 0.0) { yyerror(p, "Division by zero."); return(-1); } else $$ = $1 / $3; } | '-' math_exp %prec NEG { $$ = $2; } | math_exp '^' math_exp { $$ = pow($1, $3); } | LENGTH '(' string_exp ')' { $$ = strlen($3); } | AREA '(' shape_exp ')' { if($3->type != MS_SHAPE_POLYGON) { yyerror(p, "Area can only be computed for polygon shapes."); return(-1); } $$ = msGetPolygonArea($3); if($3->scratch == MS_TRUE) msFreeShape($3); } | ROUND '(' math_exp ',' math_exp ')' { $$ = (MS_NINT($3/$5))*$5; } ; shape_exp: SHAPE | '(' shape_exp ')' { $$ = $2; } | YYBUFFER '(' shape_exp ',' math_exp ')' { shapeObj *s; s = msGEOSBuffer($3, $5); if(!s) { yyerror(p, "Executing buffer failed."); return(-1); } s->scratch = MS_TRUE; $$ = s; } ; string_exp: STRING | '(' string_exp ')' { $$ = $2; } | string_exp '+' string_exp { $$ = (char *)malloc(strlen($1) + strlen($3) + 1); sprintf($$, "%s%s", $1, $3); free($1); free($3); } | TOSTRING '(' math_exp ',' string_exp ')' { $$ = (char *) malloc(strlen($5) + 64); /* Plenty big? Should use snprintf below... */ sprintf($$, $5, $3); } | COMMIFY '(' string_exp ')' { $3 = msCommifyString($3); $$ = $3; } ; time_exp: TIME | '(' time_exp ')' { $$ = $2; } ; %% /* ** Any extra C functions */ int yylex(YYSTYPE *lvalp, parseObj *p) { int token; if(p->expr->curtoken == NULL) return(0); /* done */ // fprintf(stderr, "in yylex() - curtoken=%d...\n", p->expr->curtoken->token); token = p->expr->curtoken->token; /* may override */ switch(p->expr->curtoken->token) { case MS_TOKEN_LITERAL_NUMBER: token = NUMBER; (*lvalp).dblval = p->expr->curtoken->tokenval.dblval; break; case MS_TOKEN_LITERAL_SHAPE: token = SHAPE; // fprintf(stderr, "token value = %s\n", msShapeToWKT(p->expr->curtoken->tokenval.shpval)); (*lvalp).shpval = p->expr->curtoken->tokenval.shpval; break; case MS_TOKEN_LITERAL_STRING: // printf("token value = %s\n", p->expr->curtoken->tokenval.strval); token = STRING; (*lvalp).strval = strdup(p->expr->curtoken->tokenval.strval); break; case MS_TOKEN_LITERAL_TIME: token = TIME; (*lvalp).tmval = p->expr->curtoken->tokenval.tmval; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_EQ: token = EQ; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_IEQ: token = IEQ; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_NE: token = NE; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_LT: token = LT; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_GT: token = GT; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_LE: token = LE; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_GE: token = GE; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_RE: token = RE; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_IRE: token = IRE; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_INTERSECTS: token = INTERSECTS; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_DISJOINT: token = DISJOINT; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_TOUCHES: token = TOUCHES; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_OVERLAPS: token = OVERLAPS; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_CROSSES: token = CROSSES; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_WITHIN: token = WITHIN; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_CONTAINS: token = CONTAINS; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_BEYOND: token = BEYOND; break; case MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_DWITHIN: token = DWITHIN; break; case MS_TOKEN_LOGICAL_AND: token = AND; break; case MS_TOKEN_LOGICAL_OR: token = OR; break; case MS_TOKEN_LOGICAL_NOT: token = NOT; break; case MS_TOKEN_BINDING_DOUBLE: case MS_TOKEN_BINDING_INTEGER: token = NUMBER; (*lvalp).dblval = atof(p->shape->values[p->expr->curtoken->tokenval.bindval.index]); break; case MS_TOKEN_BINDING_STRING: token = STRING; (*lvalp).strval = strdup(p->shape->values[p->expr->curtoken->tokenval.bindval.index]); break; case MS_TOKEN_BINDING_SHAPE: token = SHAPE; // fprintf(stderr, "token value = %s\n", msShapeToWKT(p->shape)); (*lvalp).shpval = p->shape; break; case MS_TOKEN_BINDING_TIME: token = TIME; msTimeInit(&((*lvalp).tmval)); if(msParseTime(p->shape->values[p->expr->curtoken->tokenval.bindval.index], &((*lvalp).tmval)) != MS_TRUE) { yyerror(p, "Parsing time value failed."); return(-1); } break; case MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_AREA: token = AREA; break; case MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_LENGTH: token = LENGTH; break; case MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_TOSTRING: token = TOSTRING; break; case MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_COMMIFY: token = COMMIFY; break; case MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_ROUND: token = ROUND; break; case MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_BUFFER: token = YYBUFFER; break; default: break; } p->expr->curtoken = p->expr->curtoken->next; /* re-position */ return(token); } int yyerror(parseObj *p, const char *s) { msSetError(MS_PARSEERR, s, "yyparse()"); return(0); }