.. _template: ***************************************************************************** Templating ***************************************************************************** :Author: Frank Koormann :Contact: frank.koormann at intevation.de :Author: Jeff McKenna :Contact: jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com :Revision: $Revision: 8278 $ :Date: $Date: 2008-12-23 22:34:31 +0100 (Di, 23. Dez 2008) $ :Last Updated: 2008/07/18 .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 2 :backlinks: top Einführung ============ Templates werden benutzt für: - das Aussehen einer MapServer CGI Anwendung zu bestimmen und - die Ergebnisse der Abfragen darzustellen. Templates liefern die Abfrageergebnisse, entweder eine Suche oder eine Karte, an den Benutzer. Templates sind fast immer HTML Dateien, sie können aber auch als URL definiert werden (z.B. http://www.somewhere.com/[ATTRIBUTE]/info.html). URL Templates können nur mit Ergebnissen von QUERY oder ITEMRESULT benutzt werden, deshalb sind viele der unten aufgeführten Ersetzungen hierfür nicht verfügbar. Einfache Verschiebe-/Zoom-Oberflächen bestehen aus einem einzelnen Template, während komplexere Abfragen oftmals mehrere Templates erfordern. Template benutzen oftmals JavaScript um die Funktionalität zu erweitern. Hinweise -------- - Alle :ref:`CGI parameters ` können im Template benutzt werden. Dies gilt für MapServer spezifische als auch benutzerdefinierte Parameter. Vereinfacht gesagt werden alle Parameter vom MapServer 1:1 weitergereicht. Dadurch wird die Erstellung von MapServer Anwendungen ermöglicht. Die hier aufgeführte Refenrenz listet nur Substitutionen auf, die vom MapServer modifiziert werden um bestimmte Informationen zu erhalten, z.B. ein neuer Maßstab, Abfrageergebnisse, etc. - Template Substitutionen sind abhängig von Groß-/Kleinschreibung. - Attributnamen müssen die gleiche Schreibweise wie in der dbase Datei haben. - ArcView und ArcInfo verwenden bei der Erzeugung von dbase Dateien für Attributnamen Großschreibung. Für URL Templates wird eine Maskierung benutzt (z.B. ' ' wird zu '+'). - Einige Ersetzungen sind auch maskiert verfügbar (z.B. URL Maskiert). Dies wird zum Beispiel benutzt wenn Links in einem Template erzeugt werden sollen. Hier wird die Kartenabgrenzung an den MapServer Aufruf weitergegeben. *[mapext]* wird durch die Koordinaten der linken unteren und rechten oberen Ecke ersetzt, getrennt durch Leerzeichen. Diese wären in einer URL ungültig. Hingegen wird *[mapext_esc]* entsprechend maskiert. Format ====== Templates sind einfache HTML Dateien oder URLs, bestehend aus bestimmten Zeichen die durch :ref:`mapserv` bei jeder Verarbeitung der Template Datei ersetzt werden. Eine einfache Substitution erlaubt das Weitereichen von Informationen wie aktive Layer oder die räumliche Ausdehnung vom Anwender zu :ref:`mapserv` und wieder zurück. Oftmals werden neue Werte in Formularvariablen geschrieben, die weitergereicht werden. Eine Liste der zu verwendenden Zeichen und Formularvariablen wird hier zur Verfügung gestellt. HTML Templates können alles enthalten, einschließlich JavaScript und Java-Aufrufe. In HTML Dateien können die Attributwerte in Anführungszeichen gesetzt werden. Dies erlaubt die Verwendung von Zeichen die sonst nicht benutzt werden könnten (z.B. ],=," und Leerzeichen). Um ein einfaches Anführungszeichen zu schreiben, werden zwei doppelte Anführungszeichen geschrieben. General ------- [version] Die Versionsnummer von MapServer. [id] Eindeutige Session-ID. Die ID kann durch ein Formular übermittelt werden, aber oftmals wird sie durch die Software generiert. In diesem Fall wird an die UNIX Zeit (bzw. NT Zeit) die Prozessnummer angehängt. Solange nicht mehr Prozesse pro Sekunde erzeugt werden, wie Prozessnummer verfügbar sind, sollte die Eindeutigkeit gegeben sein. ;-> [host] Hostname des Webservers. [port] Port an den der Webserver gebunden ist. [post or get variable name], [post or get variable name_esc] Der Inhalt der an MapServer weitergereichten Variablen, egal ob sie benutzt werden oder nicht, kann hiermit ausgegeben werden. Eine mögliche Anwendung ist das interaktive Setzen von Elementen wie z.B. Kartentitel oder Nordpfeil. Die Variablenwerte sind wichtig für die Ausgabe, d.h. wenn ein CGI Parameter mit myvalue=... definiert wird, so kann auf diesen im Template mittels [myvalue] zugegriffen werden. Auch als maskierte Version verfügbar. [web_meta data key],[web_meta data key_esc] Zugriff auf Metadaten des WEB Objektes (z.B. [web_projection]). Auch als maskierte Version verfügbar. [errmsg], [errmsg_esc] Aktuelle Fehlerausgabe. Verschiedene Fehlermeldungen werden durch Semikolon getrennt. Auch als maskierte Version verfügbar. File Reference -------------- [img] Pfad (relativ zum Document-Root) des erzeugten Bildes. Liefert nur den Bildnamen wenn IMAGE_URL in der Mapdatei nicht gesetzt wurde. In einem Interface-Template wird [img] durch den Pfad zum Kartenbild ersetzt. Bei einem Abfragetemplate hingegen wird [img] durch den Pfad zum Bild des Abfrageergebnisses ersetzt. (falls ein :ref:`QUERYMAP` Objekt im :ref:`mapfile` definiert ist). [ref] Pfad (relativ zum Document-Root) des erzeugten Übersichtsbildes. [legend] Pfad (relativ zum Document-Root) des erzeugten Legendenbildes. Wird im :ref:`mapfile` ein HTML Legenden-Template definiert, so wird die dadurch erzeugte Ausgabe für [legend] eingesetzt. Siehe auch :ref:`html_legend`. [scalebar] Pfad (relativ zum Document-Root) der erzeugten Maßstabsleiste. [queryfile] Pfad zur Query-Datei (falls savequery als :ref:`CGI Parameter ` benutzt wird). [map] Pfad zum Mapfile (falls savemap als :ref:`CGI Parameter ` benutzt wird). Bildgeometry -------------- [center] Berechnete Bildmitte in Pixeln. Nützlich zum Setzen der imgxy-Variablen in Formularen, wenn sich die Bildgröße ändert. [center_x], [center_y] Berechnete X / Y Koordinaten der Bildmitte in Pixeln. [mapsize], [mapsize_esc] Current image size in cols and rows (separated by spaces). Also available as escaped version. [mapwidth], [mapheight] Current image width or height. [scaledenom] Current image scale. The exact value is not appropriate for user information but essential for some applications. The value can be rounded e.g. using JavaScript or server side post processing. [scale] - deprecated Since MapServer 5.0 the proper parameter to use is [scaledenom] instead. The deprecated [scale] is the current image scale. The exact value is not appropriate for user information but essential for some applications. The value can be rounded e.g. using JavaScript or server side post processing. [cellsize] Size of an pixel in the current image in map units. Useful for distance measurement tools in user interfaces. Map Geometry ------------ [mapx], [mapy] X and Y coordinate of mouse click. [mapext], [mapext_esc] Full mapextent (separated by spaces). Also available as escaped version. (mapext_esc is deprecated in MapServer 5.2. You should use the "escape=" argument instead) The default template [mapext] returns coordinates in the format of: mixx miny maxx maxy Available arguments: - escape= Escape the coordinates returned. Default is "none". Valid values are: - "url" Use URL escape codes to encode the coordinates returned. - "none" Do not escape. - expand= Expand the bounds of the extents by a specific value. Specified in map coordinates. For example, [mapext] might return: :: 123456 123456 567890 567890 and [mapext expand=1000] would therefore return: :: 122456 122456 568890 568890 - format= Format of the coordinates. Default is "$minx $miny $maxx $maxy". For example, to add commas to the coordinates you would use: :: [mapext format="$minx,$miny,$maxx,$maxy"] - precision= The number of decimal places to output for coordinates (default is 0). [minx], [miny], [maxx], [maxy] Minimum / maximum X or Y coordinate of new map extent. [dx], [dy] The differences of minimum / maximum X or Y coordinate of new map extent. Useful for creating cachable extents (i.e. 0 0 dx dy) with legends and scalebars [rawext], [rawext_esc] Raw mapextent, that is the extent before fitting to a window size (separated by spaces). In cases where input came from imgbox (via Java or whatever) rawext refers to imgbox coordinates transformed to map units. Useful for spatial query building. Also available as escaped version. (rawext_esc is deprecated in MapServer 5.2. You should use the "escape=" argument instead) The default template [rawext] returns coordinates in the format of: mixx miny maxx maxy Available arguments: - escape= Escape the coordinates returned. Default is "none". Valid values are: - "url" Use URL escape codes to encode the coordinates returned. - "none" Do not escape. - expand= Expand the bounds of the extents by a specific value. Specified in map coordinates. For example, [rawext] might return: :: 123456 123456 567890 567890 and [rawext expand=1000] would therefore return: :: 122456 122456 568890 568890 - format= Format of the coordinates. Default is "$minx $miny $maxx $maxy". For example, to add commas to the coordinates you would use: :: [rawext format="$minx,$miny,$maxx,$maxy"] - precision= The number of decimal places to output for coordinates (default is 0). [rawminx], [rawminy], [rawmaxx], [rawmaxy] Minimum / maximum X or Y coordinate of a raw map/search extent. The following substitutions are only available if the MapServer was compiled with PROJ support and a :ref:`PROJECTION` is defined in the :ref:`mapfile`. [maplon], [maplat] Longitude / latitude value of mouse click. Available only when projection enabled. [mapext_latlon], [mapext_latlon_esc] Full mapextent (separated by spaces). Available only when projection enabled. Also available as escaped version. (mapext_latlon_esc is deprecated in MapServer 5.2. You should use the "escape=" argument instead) The default template [mapext_latlon] returns coordinates in the format of: mixx miny maxx maxy Available arguments: - escape= Escape the coordinates returned. Default is "none". Valid values are: - "url" Use URL escape codes to encode the coordinates returned. - "none" Do not escape. - expand= Expand the bounds of the extents by a specific value. Specified in map coordinates. For example, [mapext_latlon] might return: :: 123456 123456 567890 567890 and [mapext_latlon expand=1000] would therefore return: :: 122456 122456 568890 568890 - format= Format of the coordinates. Default is "$minx $miny $maxx $maxy". For example, to add commas to the coordinates you would use: :: [mapext_latlon format="$minx,$miny,$maxx,$maxy"] - precision= The number of decimal places to output for coordinates (default is 0). [minlon], [minlat], [maxlon] [maxlat] Minimum / maximum longitude or latitude value of mapextent. Available only when projection enabled. [refext], [refext_esc] Reference map extent (separated by spaces). This template has been added with version 4.6 on behalf of an enhancement request. See the thread in the `MapServer ticket#1102`_ for potential use cases. Also available as escaped version. (refext_esc is deprecated in MapServer 5.2. You should use the "escape=" argument instead) The default template [refext] returns coordinates in the format of: mixx miny maxx maxy Available arguments: - escape= Escape the coordinates returned. Default is "none". Valid values are: - "url" Use URL escape codes to encode the coordinates returned. - "none" Do not escape. - expand= Expand the bounds of the extents by a specific value. Specified in map coordinates. For example, [refext] might return: :: 123456 123456 567890 567890 and [refext expand=1000] would therefore return: :: 122456 122456 568890 568890 - format= Format of the coordinates. Default is "$minx $miny $maxx $maxy". For example, to add commas to the coordinates you would use: :: [refwext format="$minx,$miny,$maxx,$maxy"] - precision= The number of decimal places to output for coordinates (default is 0). Layer ----- [layers] | [layers_esc] All active layers space delimited. Used for a "POST" request. Also available as escaped version. [toggle_layers] | [toggle_layers_esc] List of all layers that can be toggled, i.e. all layers defined in the :ref:`mapfile` which status is currently not default. Also available as escaped version. [layername_check | select] Used for making layers persistent across a map creation session. String is replaced with the keyword "checked", "selected" or "" if layername is on. Layername is the name of a layer as it appears in the :ref:`mapfile`. Does not work for default layers. [layername_meta data key] Layer meta data access (e.g. [streets_build] the underscore is essential). Zoom ---- [zoom_minzoom to maxzoom_check|select] Used for making the zoom factor persistent. Zoom values can range from -25 to 25 by default. The string is replaced with the HTML keyword "checked", "selected" or "" depending on the current zoom value. E.g. if the zoom is 12, a [zoom_12_select] is replaced with "selected", while a [zoom_13_select] in the same HTML template file is not. [zoomdir\_-1|0|1_check|select] Used for making the zoom direction persistent. Use check with a radio control or select with a selection list. See the demo for an example. The string is replaced with the HTML keyword "checked", "selected" or "" depending on the current value of zoomdir. Query ----- The following substitutions are only available when the template is processed as a result of a query. [shpext], [shpext_esc] Extent of current shape plus a 5 percent buffer. Available only when processing query results. The default template [shpext] returns coordinates in the format of: mixx miny maxx maxy Available arguments: - escape= Escape the coordinates returned. Default is "none". Valid values are: - "url" Use URL escape codes to encode the coordinates returned. - "none" Do not escape. - expand= Expand the bounds of the extents by a specific value. Specified in map coordinates. For example, [shpext] might return: :: 123456 123456 567890 567890 and [shpext expand=1000] would therefore return: :: 122456 122456 568890 568890 - format= Format of the coordinates. Default is "$minx $miny $maxx $maxy". For example, to add commas to the coordinates you would use: :: [shpext format="$minx,$miny,$maxx,$maxy"] - precision= The number of decimal places to output for coordinates (default is 0). [shpminx], [shpminy], [shpmaxx], [shpmaxy] Minimum / maximum X or Y coordinate of shape extent. Available only when processing query results. [shpmid] Middle of the extent of current shape. Available only when processing query results. [shpmidx], [shpmidy] X or Y coordinate of middle of the extent of the current shape. Available only when processing query results. [shpidx] Index value of the current shape. Available only when processing query results. [shpclass] Classindex value of the current shape. Available only when processing query results. [shpxy formatting options] The list of shape coordinates, with list formatting options, especially useful for SVG. The default template [shpxy] returns a comma separated list of space delimited of coordinates (i.e. x1 y1, x2 y2, x3 y3). Available only when processing query results. Available attributes (h = header, f=footer, s=separator): - cs= Coordinate separator, default is comma (","). - xh=, xf= Characters to put before and after the x coordinates (defaults are xh="" and xf=" "). - yh= yf= Characters to put before and after the y coordinates (defaults are no characters). - ph=, pf=, ps= Characters to put before and after and separators between feature parts (e.g. holes, defaults are no characters). - sh=, sf= Characters to put before and after a feature (defaults are no characters) - precision= The number of decimal places to output for coordinates (default is 0). - proj= The output projection definition for the coordinates (default is none), a special value of "image" will convert to image coordinates. As a simple example: :: [shpxy xh="(" yf=")"] will result in: (x1 y1),(x2 y2),(x3 y3) [tileindex] Index value of the current tile. If no tiles used for the current shape this is replaced by \"-1\". Available only when processing query results. [DBASE item name],[DBASE item name_esc],[DBASE item name_raw] Item name from the attribute table of a queried layer. Only attributes for the active query layers are accessible. Case must be the same as what is stored in the DBASE file. ArcView, for example, uses all caps for shapefile field names. Available only when processing query results. By default the attributes are encoded especially for HTML representation. In addition the escaped version (for use in URLs) as well as the raw data is available. [Join name_DBASE item name],[Join name_DBASE item name_esc], [Join name_DBASE item name_raw] One-to-one joins: First the join name (as specified in the :ref:`mapfile` has to be given, second the tables fields can be accessed similar to the layers attribute data. Available only when processing query results. By default the attributes are encoded especially for HTML representation. In addition the escaped version (for use in URLs) as well as the raw data is available. [join_Join name] One-to-many joins: The more complex variant. If the join type is multiple (one-to-many) the template is replaced by the set of header, template file and footer specified in the :ref:`mapfile`. [metadata_meta data key], [metadata_meta data key_esc] Queried layer meta data access (e.g [metadata_projection] Also available as escaped version. For query modes that allow for multiple result sets, the following string substitutions are available. For FEATURESELECT and FEATURENSELECT modes the totals a re adjusted so as not to include the selection layer. The selection layer results ARE available for display to the user. [nr] Total number of results. Useful in web header and footers. Available only when processing query results. [nl] Number of layers returning results. Useful in web header and footers. Available only when processing query results. [nlr] Total number of results within the current layer. Useful in web header and footers. Available only when processing query results. [rn] Result number within all layers. Starts at 1. Useful in web header and footers. Available only when processing query results. [lrn] Result number within the current layer. Starts at 1. Useful in query templates. Available only when processing query results. [cl] Current layer name. Useful in layer headers and footers. Available only when processing query results. Example Template ================ A small example to give an idea how to work with templates. Note that it covers MapServer specific templates (e.g. the [map], [mapext]) and user defined templates (e.g. [htmlroot] or [program]) used to store application settings. .. code-block:: guess :linenos: MapServer Template Sample MapServer Template Sample

Scale Bar
Map Controls
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.. #### rST Link Section #### .. _`MapServer ticket#1102`: http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/1102