.. _documentation: *************************************************** MapServer |release| Documentation *************************************************** .. note:: The entire documentation is also available as a single `PDF document <./MapServer.pdf>`__ |image| and `ePub document <./MapServer.epub>`__ If you plan on upgrading to the MapServer 6.0 release, be sure to review the :ref:`MapServer Migration Guide `. .. include:: ./include/docnav.inc .. |image| image:: ./../_static/pdf.png :height: 15 :width: 15 :alt: PDF icon :target: /MapServer.pdf .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 about introduction tutorial/index installation/index mapfile/index mapscript/index mapcache/index input/index output/index ogc/index tinyows/index optimization/index utilities/index cgi/index community/index development/index download environment_variables glossary errors faq copyright