.. _s57: ***************************************************************************** S57 ***************************************************************************** Also known as S57. The IHO S-57 format is a vector interchange format used for maritime charts. It was developed by the International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO). For more information about the IHO see: http://www.iho.shom.fr/ File listing ------------- Individual S57 data files have an extension of \*.000. For example: :: US1BS02M.000 Data Access / Connection Method ----------------------------------- * S57 access in MapServer occurs through OGR, CONNECTIONTYPE OGR must be used. * Specify a full path or a relative path from the SHAPEPATH to the .000 file for the CONNECTION * Use the DATA parameter to specify the s57 layer name Special Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The underlying OGR code requires two files from your GDAL/OGR installation when reading S57 data in MapServer : s57objectclasses.csv and s57attributes.csv. These files can be found in the /GDAL/data/ folder (unix: /usr/local/share/gdal windows: /ms4w/gdaldata). If you receive an error in MapServer such as: :: msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 's57'. msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. xxx failed for OGR connection you may have to point MapServer to these files using the CONFIG parameter in the main section of your map file: :: CONFIG GDAL_DATA "C:\ms4w\gdaldata" OGRINFO Examples ------------------- Using ogrinfo on an S57 file to get the layer name: :: > ogrinfo us1bs02m.000 ERROR 4: S57 Driver doesn't support update. Had to open data source read-only. INFO: Open of `us1bs02m.000' using driver `IHO S-57 (ENC)' successful. 1: ADMARE (Polygon) 2: CBLSUB (Line String) 3: CTNARE 4: COALNE (Line String) 5: DEPARE 6: DEPCNT (Line String) 7: LNDARE 8: LNDELV 9: LNDRGN 10: LNDMRK 11: LIGHTS (Point) 12: OBSTRN 13: RDOSTA (Point) 14: SEAARE 15: SBDARE 16: SLCONS 17: SOUNDG (Multi Point) 18: UWTROC (Point) 19: WATTUR 20: WRECKS 21: M_COVR (Polygon) 22: M_NPUB (Polygon) 23: M_NSYS (Polygon) 24: M_QUAL (Polygon) 25: C_ASSO (None) Using ogrinfo to examine the structure of an S57 layer: :: > ogrinfo us1bs02m.000 DEPARE -summary ERROR 4: S57 Driver doesn't support update. Had to open data source read-only. INFO: Open of `us1bs02m.000' using driver `IHO S-57 (ENC)' successful. Layer name: DEPARE Geometry: Unknown (any) Feature Count: 297 Extent: (165.666667, 48.500000) - (180.000000, 60.750000) Layer SRS WKT: GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]] GRUP: Integer (3.0) OBJL: Integer (5.0) RVER: Integer (3.0) AGEN: Integer (2.0) FIDN: Integer (10.0) FIDS: Integer (5.0) LNAM: String (16.0) LNAM_REFS: StringList (16.0) DRVAL1: Real (0.0) DRVAL2: Real (0.0) QUASOU: String (0.0) SOUACC: Real (0.0) VERDAT: Integer (0.0) INFORM: String (0.0) NINFOM: String (0.0) NTXTDS: String (0.0) SCAMAX: Integer (0.0) SCAMIN: Integer (0.0) TXTDSC: String (0.0) RECDAT: String (0.0) RECIND: String (0.0) ... Map File Example: :: LAYER NAME s57 TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "./s57/us1bs02m.000" DATA "DEPARE" CLASS STYLE COLOR 247 237 219 OUTLINECOLOR 120 120 120 END END END # Layer