.. _sdts: ***************************************************************************** SDTS ***************************************************************************** This is a United States Geological Survey (USGS) format. SDTS has a raster and a vector format. The raster format is not supported in MapServer. Only the vector formats are supported, including VTP and DLG files. File listing ------------------ * SDTS files are often organized into state-sized pieces. For example, all of the state of Maryland (MD), U.S.A. * Files are also available for multiple types of features including hydrography, transportation and administrative boundaries. This example uses transportation data, which consists of 35 separate files, each with the suffix DDF: :: MDTRAHDR.DDF MDTRARRF.DDF MDTRCATS.DDF MDTRDQCG.DDF MDTRFF01.DDF MDTRLE02.DDF MDTRNA03.DDF MDTRNO03.DDF MDTRSPDM.DDF MDTRAMTF.DDF MDTRBFPS.DDF MDTRCATX.DDF MDTRDQHL.DDF MDTRIDEN.DDF MDTRLE03.DDF MDTRNE03.DDF MDTRPC01.DDF MDTRSTAT.DDF MDTRARDF.DDF MDTRBMTA.DDF MDTRDDSH.DDF MDTRDQLC.DDF MDTRIREF.DDF MDTRNA01.DDF MDTRNO01.DDF MDTRPC02.DDF MDTRXREF.DDF MDTRARDM.DDF MDTRCATD.DDF MDTRDQAA.DDF MDTRDQPA.DDF MDTRLE01.DDF MDTRNA02.DDF MDTRNO02.DDF MDTRPC03.DDF Data Access / Connection Method -------------------------------- * SDTS access is available in MapServer through OGR. * The CONNECTIONTYPE OGR parameter must be used. * The path (which can be relative) to the catalog file (????CATD.DDF) is required, including file extension. * There are multiple layers in the SDTS catalog, some of which are only attributes and have no geometries. * The layer name is specified with the DATA parameter OGRINFO Examples ------------------- Using ogrinfo on a catalog file (note that the first 7 layers do not have geometries): :: > ogrinfo /data/sdts/MD/MDTRCATD.DDF Had to open data source read-only. INFO: Open of `MDTRCATD.DDF' using driver `SDTS' successful. 1: ARDF (None) 2: ARRF (None) 3: AMTF (None) 4: ARDM (None) 5: BFPS (None) 6: BMTA (None) 7: AHDR (None) 8: NE03 (Point) 9: NA01 (Point) 10: NA02 (Point) 11: NA03 (Point) 12: NO01 (Point) 13: NO02 (Point) 14: NO03 (Point) 15: LE01 (Line String) 16: LE02 (Line String) 17: LE03 (Line String) 18: PC01 (Polygon) 19: PC02 (Polygon) 20: PC03 (Polygon) Using ogrinfo to examine the structure of the file/layer: :: > ogrinfo /data/sdts/MD/MDTRCATD.DDF LE01 -summary Had to open data source read-only. INFO: Open of `MDTRCATD.DDF' using driver `SDTS' successful. Layer name: LE01 Geometry: Line String Feature Count: 780 Extent: (-80.000289, 36.999774) - (-74.999711, 40.000225) Layer SRS WKT: GEOGCS["NAD27", DATUM["North_American_Datum_1927", SPHEROID["Clarke 1866",6378206.4,294.978698213901]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]] RCID: Integer (0.0) SNID: Integer (0.0) ENID: Integer (0.0) ENTITY_LABEL: String (7.0) ARBITRARY_EXT: String (1.0) RELATION_TO_GROUND: String (1.0) VERTICAL_RELATION: String (1.0) OPERATIONAL_STATUS: String (1.0) ACCESS_RESTRICTION: String (1.0) OLD_RAILROAD_GRADE: String (1.0) WITH_RAILROAD: String (1.0) COVERED: String (1.0) HISTORICAL: String (1.0) LIMITED_ACCESS: String (1.0) PHOTOREVISED: String (1.0) LANES: Integer (2.0) ROAD_WIDTH: Integer (3.0) BEST_ESTIMATE: String (1.0) ROUTE_NUMBER: String (7.0) ROUTE_TYPE: String (9.0) Map File Example: :: LAYER NAME sdts_maryland TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "data/sdts/MD/MDTRCATD.DDF" DATA "LE01" STATUS DEFAULT CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 END END END