.. index:: single: Template-driven output .. _template_output: ***************************************************************************** Template-Driven Output ***************************************************************************** :Author: Chris Hodgson :Contact: chodgson at refractions.net :Last Updated: 2011-04-13 .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 2 :backlinks: top Introduction ============ RFC 36 added support for defining template-driven OUTPUTFORMATs for use with feature queries, including WMS GetFeatureInfo and WFS GetFeature. This allows for custom text-oriented output such as GeoJSON, KML, or XML. The templates are essentially the same as with the standard MapServer query :ref:`Template`, however there are some additional tags to allow for template definition in a single file instead of the standard header/template/footer. .. note:: There are other, simpler, ways to output some of these formats using MapServer. However, template-driven output provides maximal flexibility and customization of the output, at the cost of additional complexity and configuration. .. index:: pair: Template-driven output; OUTPUTFORMAT OUTPUTFORMAT Declarations ========================= Details of template-driven output formats are controlled by an :ref:`OUTPUTFORMAT` declaration. The declarations define the template file to be used, as well as other standard OUTPUTFORMAT options. Examples: .. code-block:: mapfile OUTPUTFORMAT NAME "kayml" DRIVER "TEMPLATE" MIMETYPE "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml" FORMATOPTION "FILE=myTemplate.kml" FORMATOPTION "ATTACHMENT=queryResults.kml" END OUTPUTFORMAT NAME "geojson" DRIVER "TEMPLATE" FORMATOPTION "FILE=myTemplate.json" END OUTPUTFORMAT NAME "customxml" DRIVER "TEMPLATE" FORMATOPTION "FILE=myTemplate.xml" END The template file to be used is determined by the "FILE=..." FORMATOPTION. The template filename is relative to the mapfile's path. As is standard with MapServer template files, the file must containt the magic string ‘mapserver template’ in the first line of the file, usually within a comment, but this line is not output to the client. Note that both the MIMETYPE and FORMATOPTION "ATTACHMENT=..." parameters are very useful for controlling how a web browser handles the output file. .. index:: pair: Template-driven output; Template substitution tags Template Substitution Tags ========================== These tags only work in query result templates, and their purpose is primarily to simplify the templating to a single file for custom ouput formats. [include src="otherTemplate.txt"] Includes another template file; the path to the template file is relative to the mapfile path. Attributes: * src: The file to be included. [resultset layer=layername]...[/resultset] Defines the location of the results for a given layer. Attributes: * layer: The layer to be used * nodata: (optional) A string to return if no results are returned. [feature]...[/feature] Defines the loop around the features returned for a given layer. Attributes: * limit: (optional) Specifies the maximum number of features to output for this layer. * trimlast: (optional) Specifies a string to be trimmed off of the end of the final feature that is output. This is intended to allow for trailing record delimiters to be removed. See the examples below. [join name=join1]...[/join] defines the loop around the features join from another layer. .. seealso:: :ref:`template` Examples ======== This example shows how to emulate the old 3-file system using the new system, to compare the usage: :: [include src="templates/header.html"] [resultset layer=lakes] ... old layer HEADER stuff goes here, if a layer has no results this block disappears... [feature] ...repeat this block for each feature in the result set... [join name=join1] ...repeat this block for each joined row... [/join] [/feature] ...old layer FOOTER stuff goes here... [/resultset] [resulset layer=streams] ... old layer HEADER stuff goes here, if a layer has no results this block disappears... [feature] ...repeat this block for each feature in the result set... [/feature] ...old layer FOOTER stuff goes here... [/resultset] [include src="templates/footer.html"] A specific GML3 example: :: [resultset layer=mums] This is a GML document which provides locations of all MapServer User Meeting that have taken place MapServer User Meetings -93.093055556,44.944444444 -75.7,45.4166667 [feature] [desc] [name] [x] [y] [year] [venue] [url] [/feature] 2007-08-13T17:17:32Z [resultset] A GeoJSON example: :: // mapserver template [resultset layer=mums] { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ [feature trimlast=","] { "type": "Feature", "id": "[id]", "geometry": { "type": "PointLineString", "coordinates": [ { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [[x], [y]] } ] }, "properties": { "description": "[description]", "venue": "[venue]", "year": "[year]" } }, [/feature] ] } [/resultset] A more complicated KML example. Note the use of [shpxy] to support multipolygons with holes, and also that a point placemark is included with each feature using [shplabel]: :: normal #parks_normal highlight #parks_highlight [resultset layer=parks] Parks [feature trimlast="," limit=1] [NAME] Year Established: [YEAR_ESTABLISHED]


#parks_map [YEAR_ESTABLISHED] [AREA_KILOMETERS_SQUARED] [shplabel proj=epsg:4326 precision=10],0 [shpxy ph="1" pf="" xf="," xh=" " yh=" " yf=",0 " orh="" orf="" irh="" irf="" proj=epsg:4326 precision=10]