# # Test OWS Services enabling/disabling. # # REQUIRES: SUPPORTS=WMS SUPPORTS=WFS # # The following tests exists primarily to test the ability of enabling/disabling # WMS/WFS service using the * and !* characters (see RFC 67). # # wms # RUN_PARMS: ows_all_wms_capabilities.xml [MAPSERV] QUERY_STRING="map=[MAPFILE]&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities" > [RESULT_DEVERSION] # RUN_PARMS: ows_all_wms_getfeatureinfo.xml [MAPSERV] QUERY_STRING="map=[MAPFILE]&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&CRS=EPSG%3A4326&BBOX=35.18749999863387,-141.0000000021858,90.81250000136613,-51.99999999781419&WIDTH=560&HEIGHT=350&LAYERS=road&STYLES=&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&BGCOLOR=0xFFFFFF&TRANSPARENT=FALSE&QUERY_LAYERS=road&INFO_FORMAT=application%2Fvnd.ogc.gml&I=483&J=291&FEATURE_COUNT=5" > [RESULT_DEVERSION] # wfs # RUN_PARMS: ows_all_wfs_capabilities.xml [MAPSERV] QUERY_STRING="map=[MAPFILE]&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities" > [RESULT_DEVERSION] # RUN_PARMS: ows_all_wfs_getfeature.xml [MAPSERV] QUERY_STRING="map=[MAPFILE]&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=province" > [RESULT_DEVERSION] # Results expected # WMS getcapabilities: enabled at layer level # WMS getfeatureinfo: enabled at layer level # WFS getcapabilities: disabled at layer level # WFS getfeature: disabled at layer level MAP NAME WMS_WFS_TEST SHAPEPATH ./data WEB METADATA "wms_onlineresource" "http://localhost/path/to/ows?" "ows_updatesequence" "123" "wfs_title" "Test simple wfs" "wfs_onlineresource" "http://localhost/path/to/wfs_simple?" "wfs_srs" "EPSG:4326 EPSG:4269" "ows_abstract" "Test WFS Abstract" "ows_keywordlist" "ogc,wfs,gml,om" "ows_service_onlineresource" "http://localhost" "ows_fees" "none" "ows_accessconstraints" "none" "ows_addresstype" "postal" "ows_address" "123 SomeRoad Road" "ows_city" "Toronto" "ows_stateorprovince" "Ontario" "ows_postcode" "xxx-xxx" "ows_country" "Canada" "ows_contactelectronicmailaddress" "tomkralidis@xxxxxxx.xxx" "ows_contactvoicetelephone" "+xx-xxx-xxx-xxxx" "ows_contactfacsimiletelephone" "+xx-xxx-xxx-xxxx" "ows_contactperson" "Tom Kralidis" "ows_contactorganization" "MapServer" "ows_contactposition" "self" "ows_hoursofservice" "0800h - 1600h EST" "ows_contactinstructions" "during hours of service" "ows_role" "staff" "ows_enable_request" "*" # not read at all, all layers contains their setting. END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END LAYER NAME road DATA road TEMPLATE "ttt" METADATA "wms_title" "road" "wms_description" "Roads of I.P.E." "wms_srs" "EPSG:43204" "gml_include_items" "all" "ows_enable_request" "!*" # not read, wms_enable_request "wms_enable_request" "*" END TYPE LINE STATUS ON PROJECTION "init=./data/epsg2:42304" END DUMP TRUE CLASSITEM "Name_e" CLASS NAME "Roads" SYMBOL 0 COLOR 220 0 0 END END # Layer LAYER NAME province DATA province METADATA "wfs_title" "province" "wfs_description" "province" "wfs_result_fields" "NAME_E YEAR_EST AREA_KMSQ" "wfs_featureid" "NAME_E" "ows_enable_request" "*" # not read, wfs_enable_request "wfs_enable_request" "!*" # all disabled END TYPE POINT STATUS ON PROJECTION "init=./data/epsg2:42304" # "init=epsg:42304" END DUMP TRUE CLASSITEM "Name_e" CLASS NAME "Province" COLOR 200 255 0 OUTLINECOLOR 120 120 120 END END # Layer END # Map File