-i"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include" -i..\Include -wlib(0) // turn off diagnostics in VC++ include files -sem(CS_locateGxByDatum2 1p,2p,3p) -sem(TcsNameMapper::InitializeFlavors,initializer) // member function is part of class initialization process -sem(TcsNameMapper::AdjustDefaultIDs,initializer) // member function is part of class initialization process -e15 // redeclared (typically const to non-const) should be fixed by using Const on all references (painful fix) -e18 // redeclared (typically const to non-const) should be fixed by using Const on all references (painful fix) -e158 // Assignment increase capability (const assigned to a const) -e514 // unusual use of boolean expression -e605 // basically, assigning a const pointer value to a non-const pointer !!!!! -e686 // PC-Lint warning about use of -wlib(0) above -e713 // Loss of precision, (i.e. unsigned long to long) -e715 // symbol not referenced -e737 // Loss of sign, i.e. (unsigned long to long) -e765 // could be made static -e801 // use of goto is deprecated -e816 // non-ANSI format specification in swprintf statment -e818 // parameter could be declared const -e834 // suggest use of parenthesis to make precedence obvious -e825 // switch case fall through -e1551 // function (destructors and iterators) may throw and exception. -e1904 // 'C' style comment in C++ code -e1924 // 'C' style cast in C++ module -e1926 // default constructor implicitly called // Suspect that the following are required as PC-Lint gets confused // by 'include'ing a .c source file rather than a traditional .h file. -esym(526,cs_SwpLst) // not defined (PC-Lint bug ?) -esym(526,C_ttj) // not defined (PC-Lint bug ?) -esym(526,C_jtt) // not defined (PC-Lint bug ?) -esym(526,C_tts) // not defined (PC-Lint bug ?) -esym(526,C_stt) // not defined (PC-Lint bug ?) -esym(526,C_ttb) // not defined (PC-Lint bug ?) -esym(526,C_btt) // not defined (PC-Lint bug ?) -esym(526,C_ttj98) // not defined (PC-Lint bug ?) -esym(534,CS_stcpy) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CS_stncp) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CS_stncp) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CS_stncat) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CS_trim) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CS_trimWc) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CS_atof) // ignoring return value -esym(534,setvbuf) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CS_adjll) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CS_bswap) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CS_bswap) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CS_llazdd) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CSerpt) // ignoring return value -esym(534,wcscpy) // ignoring return value -esym(534,wcscat) // ignoring return value -esym(534,wcsncpy) // ignoring return value -esym(534,wcsncat) // ignoring return value -esym(534,swprintf) // ignoring return value -esym(534,mbstowcs) // ignoring return value -esym(534,wcstombs) // ignoring return value -esym(534,csCsvQuoter) // ignoring return value -esym(534,TcsEpsgCode::AsString) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CSdfltpro) // ignoring return value -esym(534,cs_GxXform_::destroy) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CSbswap) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CSAddParamValue) // ignoring return value -esym(534,CSAddParamNm) // ignoring return value -esym(552,cs_Safe) // not accessed -esym(552,cs_Sortbs) // not accessed -esym(552,cs_Doserr) // not accessed -esym(714,cs_LinkMePleaseC) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_LinkMePleaseCpp) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_Mhalf) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_Micron) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_NPSecs) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_OptchrC) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_OptchrWC) // not referenced -esym(714,csNadconBufrSize) // not referenced -esym(714,CS_calc) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_Safe) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_Sortbs) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_Doserr) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_DirsepWC) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_Three_pi) // not referenced -esym(714,CS_usrDtDefPtr) // not referenced -esym(714,CS_usrElDefPtr) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_EnvEndWC) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_EnvStartWC) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_EnvchrWC) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_ExtsepWC) // not referenced -esym(714,CS_gxkey) // not referenced -esym(714,CS_gxwrtchk) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_Wgs84_1esq) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_Wgs84Ptr) // not referenced -esym(714,KcsNmMapNoNumber) // not referenced -esym(714,csElReduce) // not referenced -esym(714,csAcronyms) // not referenced -esym(714,csCsReduce) // not referenced -esym(714,csDtReduce) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_Wgs84_aa) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_Wgs84_ff) // not referenced -esym(714,cs_Wgs84_esq) // not referenced -esym(714,rcWktAxisValueToName) // not referenced --emacro( (835),cs_DTCFRMT_NONE) // Zero constant appears on right side of + operator -esym(1529,TcsEpsgCode::operator=) // no check for &rhs == this // // Additions require by PC-Lint Version 9.00d // -e843 // could be declared as const -e838 // previously assign value unused -e438 // previously assigned value unused // Don't particularly loke disabling the following, but is necessary as // iswspace (and similar fucntions) expect a win_t argument which Microsoft // typdefs as unsigned short, yet wchar_t is defined as a signed integral // (assumed to be short). -e732 // assigning figned to unsigned, losing sign -e839 // static function declaration, but not in definition -e1784 // Method declared extern "c" but not defined extern "C" -e1786 // Implicit conversion to Boolean (e.g. ok &= (expression)