The following tarred, gziped attachment contains makefiles and configuration scripts for compiling libtiff, libgeotiff, and the sample executables with the libraries as DLLs if desired. This can be posted on either (or both) of your web pages. I have no place outside our firewall to post it. This does not contain actual libs or DLLs, only the means to generate them on your machine. This distribution will compile either as archive libs or as DLLs. It supersedes any previous version that I have sent out. I used .tgz since users have to have tar and gzip for the libtiff and libgeotiff distributions anyway. If a PKZIP version is desired, I can deliver that also. BTW: If the attachment causes problems, let me know and I'll ftp it anywhere you want. (The following info should be included with availability of the file) DISCLAIMER: No warranty is expressed or implied. I will be available by email at (ed grissom) for questions, problems or change requests. This should work on Win95 also (not tested). It will probably only work for MS Visual C++. I used version 2.2, but any of the 2.x series should work. 4.x will probably work as well, but I have no way of testing. Other WinNT/95 compilers have their own quirky syntax. I'll be glad to help translate what I am doing if someone wants, say, a Borland makefile, for instance. To use: - gunzip - untar to a clean directory - Read README.TXT and follow instructions...... ....which include, but are not limited to, ... -- run install.bat to copy some files -- edit two files -- run build.bat (possibly with options) -- copy dlls to bin directory or path. -- go! -- ed grissom