$Id: BUILD.txt 50 2007-01-08 12:16:50Z mloskot $ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building WCELIBCEX library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** IMPORTANT *** Remember to build WCELIBCEX as a static library, not DLL. Provided project for Visual C++ 2005 is configured to build WCELIBCEX as a static library ***************** Supported and tested platforms: - Windows CE 4.x - Pocket PC 2003 - Smartphone 2003 - Windows CE 5.0 - Windows Mobile 5.0 - other custom operating systems based on Windows CE 5.0 If you've used WCELIBCEX on Windows CE OS not listed here, please drop me a message on mateusz@loskot.net. Supported compilers: - Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Standard or Professional - Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 At the moment, there is no project file available for eVC++ 4.0. The process of creating new project file for WCELIBCEX is pretty easy, so there should be no problem with creating it for eVC++ 4.0. In case of problems, write to wcelibcex-devel@lists.sourceforge.net. Building the library 1. Go to 'msvc80' directory 2. Open 'wcelibcex_lib.sln' project in Visual C++ 2005 IDE 3. From the main toolbar, select prefered 'Solution Configuration' and 'Solution Platform' 4. Run Build -> Build Solution 5. If no errors occured, the library is ready to use