For using the addin in development mode, copy the addins folder from the sandbox into the OpenLayers directory that also contains the lib, theme, img and other folders. Add a script tag for addins/timedpointtrack/trunk/lib/TimedPointTrack.js to your application's html. For creating a single file build, copy the content of the addins/timedpointtrack/trunk folder to the OpenLayers directory that also contains the lib, theme and other folders. Add TimedPointTrack.js to the include section of your build profile and do the build as usual. You do not need to include an extra script tag in your html, because all required js is already included in the OpenLayers single file build. You may, however, need to change the OpenLayers.TimedPointTrackImgPath property (only if you also need to change OpenLayers.ImgPath, and both locations are the same). In both cases, add addins/timedpointtrack/trunk/theme/default/timedpointtrack.css to as css resource to your html page.