OpenLayers.Layer.Markers The base class for all vector drawing, The OpenLayers.Layer.Markers layer is the primary way to get annotations into your map. * Constructor OpenLayers.Layer.Markers(name, options) -- Name and options for layer. * Methods addMarker({OpenLayers.Marker|Marker}) -- none -- Adds a marker to the layer, sets the map object on the marker, and calls drawMarker on the marker. removeMarker({OpenLayers.Marker|Marker}) -- none -- Remove the marker from the layer and map. clearMarkers() -- none -- Remove all markers from the layer with removeMarker. redraw() -- none -- Redraw all markers. Used so that markers can change their position when a base layer changes. drawMarker -- none -- Call marker.draw(px), which passes the Pixel of the latitude/longitude in the map viewport to the marker. adds the marker to the div, and marks the marker as drawn.