OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition A small control which displays the Longitude and Latitude of the current mouse position, by defualt in the lower right of the map viewport. * Constructor OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition({Object|options}) -- Creates a new MousePosition control. * Parameters element -- if not null, div in which to display the MousePosition prefix -- html to precede the longitude value (default: '') separator -- html to separate the longitude and latitude values (default: '
') suffix -- html to follow the latitude value (default: '') numdigits -- number of digits to the right of the decimal (default: 5) granularity -- a change of how many pixels is considered a mouse move (default: 1) prefix, separator, and suffix are used to format the lon/lat values. With: prefix = 'Lon: ' suffix = '
Lat: ' suffix = '' nudigits = 3 Lon/Lat is displayed as: Lon: 95.123 Lat: 35.456 If the mouse has never been over the map, Lon/Lat will equal 0/0. If the mouse is over the map, Lon/Lat will equal the current mouse position. If the mouse has been moved off the map, Lon/Lat will equal the value displayed at the time the mouse was moved off the map. If the mouse is moving slowly, the Lon/Lat will refresh continuously. If the mouse is moving rapidly, the refresh of Lon/Lat will be suspended until the mouse has slowed down or stopped. (Trying to update the Lon/Lat value while the mouse is in rapid movemement makes the movement of the mouse unacceptably jerky.)