Things That Need to be Done --------------------------- - Invalid schemas should not be accepted without warnings: + Columns without a type should be warned + varchar, decimal etc. without a size should be warned. + Too long object names should be warned. + Relations to tables/columns that don't exist should be warned. + key="n" values that repeat should be warned (ie. two or more columns with the same N in the same table) - To test: + Warnings of the above conditions + Keys="n" out of order are still put in correct order - Enumerations - I think this would be really cool: + Ability to put enumeration on a column with option to put a constraint on it. + Enumerations should have value="1" name="Name" desc="Description" default="true" + where name is mandatory, value is assumed name if value missing. Default changes the columns default. - Check constraints - todo - Unique constraint - todo - Triggers - todo - Lint of Schema the ability to check the schema for: + Not following naming conventions (of your choosing) + Column types that repeat more than 3 times without using a dictionary + Non portable data types (like varchar2) + Un-indexed tables - Allow some alias name for columns. Like column and columns for relations - Order the DDLs by dependancies. - Ordering of table columns to match ordering in XML