Sample Presentation

This is a subtitle

Scott Kirkwood

Scott's Company


  • mm2s5 creates a simple presentation from a FreeMind mind map
  • Each slide page has line items
    • That can
      • be nested
        • to any
          • depth


  • You can enter any HTMLtags
  • If your FreeMind node starts with a < it will not put it in in a list item
  • If you're have a node with next "__table__" the child elements will be considered row and columns of a table.


Simple tables can be put in relatively easily
Based on concentrations (ppb) adjusted for heat retention characteristics Percent of Total Percent of total - ajusted for water vapor
Water Vapor (H20) --- 95.000%
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 72.369% 3.618%
Methane (CH4) 7.100% 0.360%
Nitrous oxide (N2O) 19.000% 0.950%
CFC + Other gases 1.432% 0.072%
Total 100% 100%
Borrowed from Geocraft site

Ordered List

  1. Put purple 1 icon on the parent node
  2. and
  3. the items
  4. will be
  5. numbered

No list

Put a green check on the slide And the items below won't appears as a list
  • But sub-sub items
  • still will

Stop Light

  • The stoplight icon
  • Will make your
  • Slide build one
  • row at a
  • time

Skip a slide

You can skip a slide like the previous one, which you didn't see.


Advantages of mm2s5
  • Very quick and easy
  • FreeMind has a great GUI and is very intuitive to use
  • FreeMind and S5 are actively supported
  • FreeMinds, S5 and mm2s5 are all cross platform
  • FreeMind is useful for more than just presentations :-)
  • You can create nice presentations templates in CSS


Problems with mm2s5
  • Need to edit/compile/test your presentations
  • You need to remember to save in FreeMind
  • Everytime you refresh your presentation in the browser, you start on page 1
  • No support for notes in the new S5 version
    • Hey, but that's where you can help!


  • If you stick to a simple presentations you can create something very quickly and easily
  • S5 is cross platform and you can show it anywhere
  • For longer presentations, you may find the edit/compile/test process tedious
