2. Online Digitizing and Adding Attribute Data using QGIS

2.1. Preamble

You work with the Town of Hadley, where some new and intensive residential development is expected. There are some concerns that new development could affect wetlands. Your goal is to examine some natural resource sensitive areas to be sure that proposed development will not harm the environment. Your objective is to outline at risk areas, and specify locations for a detailed on site inspection.

You have the following data:

  • two vector wetlands layers from the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) (1:24,000) and one from the Department of Environmental protection (1:12,000). Later you will see that these data are a little bit different (the N.B. DEP dataset is the most precise one, derived from stereo color orthophotos. For this demo we assume that both sets are partially accurate).

  • Landuse data for the study area

  • An Orthophoto