2.2. Digitizing Roads:

Please copy the data set for the lab to your working directory (from the link above) if you have not already done so:

1. Extract the data archive to your working directory
2. Add the following vector layers to the project - rd5k8.shp, lus8.shp and TOWNS_POLY.shp.
3. Add the raster layer 2_117902.tif to the project.

Figure 1

4. Zoom in to the orthophoto of the University of Massachusetts campus.

You will notice that part of the orthophoto is within the boundaries of the Town of Amherst (lus8.shp), while the other part of the orthophoto covers the Town of Hadley. We want to create a new roads layer for the roads in the Town of Hadley.

5. Create a new vector layer (line) and add attributes for the road ID (integer), Name (string) and Condition (string). Save the layer as hadleyroads.

6. Start editing the hadleyroads layer and click the Capture Line button. When you finish drawing a road, right click to end the line.

Figure 2

7. Create at least 5 road segments and fill in the appropriate attribute data. (The attribute data you enter does not need to be accurate, we just want you to be comfortable with attribute tables.)