2.5. Create a point layer with the "Add X/Y data" Plugin

In QGIS, go to the menu "Plugins" > "Plugin manager" and check "Add Delimited Text Layer":

Figure 7: Activating plugin

Click in the little icon that just showed up.

Note: In some versions of QGIS the icon will not show up, if this is the case, you can access the function through the plugins menu.

(Plugins > Delimited Text > Add Delimited Text Layer)


Then, fill in the fields of the plugin wizard (some of them may fill in automatically):

1. Browse to the text file with the coordinates: "Geocatching.txt"

2. Name the new layer "geocaching" or "cache_lab" or whatever you prefer.

3. Define the delimiter you used, in this case comma: , (dont use "")

4. Parse the file

5. Choose the field name that corresponds to Easting and Northing ("x" and "y" in this case)

Add the layer and Close.

Figure 8: Add XY data wizard